Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 394 Little Versailles

Chapter 394 Little Versailles

After a long absence, the film emperor Chu rushed to a burst of pressure!
He knew more than half of the names on the cast list!

Most of them are actors from the military art troupe and drama troupe, who have more than ten or even decades of drama stage experience!

Anyone who has rehearsed a play knows that on the stage of a play, there is no room for mistakes.

Drama can also be regarded as the earliest live broadcast!It was performed in front of the audience, and now most of the people who watch the drama are old audiences.

You acted wrong and they really bombarded you!
Even if the audience is qualified, you can't stand just being teased!

Therefore, those who can act in dramas for more than ten years, their skills are absolutely unmatched by ordinary people.

But there is another problem, that is, among these actors, Chu Qing has the biggest wrists!It is also the hottest!

Chu Qing instantly understood why the other party planned to ask him to play Cao Cao in the first place, and that was to let him fight the box office!
This is also a tragedy for actors.

Although these veteran actors are all powerful, the audience hardly knows them.

Even if I saw it, I would only feel that this person looked familiar, as if I had seen it in that TV series.

Audience members with better memories can remember their names in the play, but not the names of the actors themselves.

And such a group of talents sent to shoot movies, there is no gimmick and point of attracting the audience into the cinema!

Adding Chu Qing is different, after all, Chu Qing's heat is so scary now!

To put it bluntly, he was counting on him to recruit people to the cinema.

This somewhat embarrassed Chu Qing.

Time passed quickly, and Chu Qing seldom came to the company.

She spends most of her time at home with Yin Tao, and now Yin Tao is pregnant, and the doctor gave her an expected date of delivery in October.

This is also one of the reasons why Chu Qing pushed the filming of "The Shawshank Redemption" to next year. He doesn't want to miss the important moment when his son or daughter is born!

People say that women get fat when they are pregnant. Chu Qing didn't understand why at first, but later she did!
That guy is not allowed to exercise every day, and he keeps eating those supplements. If he is not fat, he will be a ghost!
Let's just talk about Chu Qing, who even gained several pounds.

Yin Tao couldn't eat it, and felt that it was a waste to throw it away, so he ate it all!

After eating for several days, Chu Qing had a nosebleed when she was sleeping!
This scares him enough, he doesn't care, but don't eat Yin Tao up!
So he hurriedly asked his nanny, but the nanny said no problem, because Yin Tao is like a funnel at the moment, and most of the nutrition will be given to the child.

This process has to continue until the end of breastfeeding.

After staying at home for less than two months, it was May Day.

He could only reluctantly follow the crew and head to the crew to make a movie.

The shooting location of this movie is in the Three Kingdoms City, which was built when the official TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was filmed, and it is magnificent!
Most of the movies and TV series that shoot the scenes of the Three Kingdoms will choose to shoot here.

After the group arrived at the shooting location, the director organized a dinner, and everyone got acquainted with each other.

Although Chu Qing is the most popular among these people, he is very humble, without any arrogance in his words and deeds.

This quickly won the favor of the old seniors, and when the meal was over, everyone's relationship became warmer.

Wait until the next day, after the crew members worship God, the official start of the machine will start!
At the beginning of filming, they were all small scenes, and almost all crews filmed in this way, in order to let the actors get along with each other.

Chu Qing has also stayed in many production groups, but this production group is definitely the fastest that Chu Qing has ever seen!

They didn't even get used to it, watching them filming was like rehearsing countless times!
I have to admit that Chu Qing really learned a lot from filming with these old actors.

At least in terms of his lines skills, he felt that he had improved a lot!
On this day, it finally came to Zhuge Liang's more important role.

"Are the departments ready? Report any problems in time!"


"no problem"


"Okay, come! All departments are ready! Three, two, one, God Ike!"

As the record was played, Chu Qing walked into the hall slowly, wearing a white scribe robe.

The surroundings were already full of Jiangdong ministers, and the one sitting on the main seat was the Jiangdong Lord, Sun Quan!

"Sir, Cao Cao personally led the army to Jiangdong, but he didn't know the reality?"

The actor who plays Sun Quan is over 40 years old this year, but he usually takes care of himself very well, and there are not many wrinkles on his face.

Usually, when rehearsing dramas, he plays more emperors and generals, so he naturally carries the aura of a high-ranking person!

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "Then Cao Cao has millions of soldiers! It's unstoppable!"

Chu Qing's voice was a little understated, as if he didn't take the million army seriously.

Seeing this, Sun Quan asked again: "I don't know if the master has a good strategy? Do you think I will fight or surrender in Jiangdong?"

Chu Qing laughed out loud after hearing this: "I talked with the princes in Jiangdong before, and they all intended to surrender Cao. Why didn't the general go up to the sky and follow the people's wishes, and asked for peace?"

Sun Quan stood up angrily when he heard the words, his tiger eyes glared and said, "If that's the case, why did your master Liu Bei resist Cao?"

Chu Qing still smiled calmly, stood up and said, "My lord is outnumbered, it's God's will! But my lord would rather be jade pieces than tiles! An Neng bows his head and sticks to his ears, serving the country's traitors?"

This plan was almost pointing at the nose and cursing the street. After Sun Quan heard this, his color changed and he walked away!

"Stuck! Passed! Teachers have worked hard! Props and make-up inspection, if there is no problem, we will shoot the second one!"

The actors didn't move at the same place, the makeup artist and prop artist quickly ran over to check, and left after confirming that there was no problem.

This is also the normal state of shooting movies now. There are almost no long shots, and most of them are stitching of short shots.

There is only one paragraph for a few lines, so that even if the actor makes a mistake, he doesn't have to follow the whole paragraph.

"Come on! All departments are ready, three two one! Start!"

Chang Ji slapped the board again and left, but Sun Quan, who had just left in a huff, came back with a smile on his face.

Taking the initiative to pick up the wine glass, he humbly asked Chu Qing for advice.

"Please sir, teach me how to defeat the enemy!"

Chu Qing lightly shook his feather fan: "Although Cao Cao's army is large in number, it has come from a long distance, and it is very exhausted! It is almost at the end of its strength! Moreover, the northern soldiers are not good at water warfare."

In a blink of an eye, it was June, and Chu Qing and others had been filming in the crew for more than a month.

After more than a month of familiarization, everyone has become acquainted thoroughly, and they relax a lot when chatting.

"Hey, Xiao Chu, I heard from people in the circle that you made another big move? How big is it?"

The old artist who played Cao Cao asked gossipingly.

(End of this chapter)

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