Chapter 395
After hearing this, Chu Qing scratched her head and said, "It's not too big. A few partners and I have invested 20 billion and plan to shoot a movie to hit the Oscars!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around became quiet, especially those old actors who looked at Chu Qing with strange eyes.

What the hell, what about you and our Versailles?

That's an understatement, invest 20 billion and hit the Oscars!
They have never seen either of these!

Whenever another person came to say this sentence, they would laugh their teeth out, but this sentence was said by Chu Qing, and they somehow felt that it should be true.

Cao Cao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Two billion? Oh my god, why don't you just shoot whatever you want? Our "Burning the Red Cliff" is only a little over 20 million! My dear, ten times the investment?"

Chu Qing nodded lightly and said: "There's no way, those actors' salaries are really expensive! But I think it's nothing, if I really make it, I'll still make some money!"

Everyone was in an uproar again, the cost of 20 billion, that is to say, the global box office must be at least more than 60 billion to protect the capital!
But now that Chu Qing actually said that he could make a small profit, is he so confident in himself?Don't you think this movie can reach tens of billions of box office?

But when they thought of Chu Qing's other words, hitting Oscar, they felt at ease.

Everyone is hitting the Oscars, what happened to the box office exceeding [-] billion?
Now these domestic audiences praise him so much, maybe the country can exceed tens of billions!

Cao Cao continued to laugh and ask, "Are you still planning to compete for the best foreign language film this time?"

Chu Qing smiled and said nothing. If she told these people that she planned to win the Oscar, they would definitely think that she was crazy!

And if they can't get it at that time, Niu B will blow it out, how can he face them in the future?So, it's better to play dumb.

Everyone was an adult, and seeing Chu Qing's apparent lack of intention to continue, they stopped asking questions and changed the subject naturally.

In this way, the time has come to August, and the movie "Burning the Red Cliff" has finally finished filming!
Now on many websites, you can see the promotion of this movie, and the main promotion point is Chu Qing's Zhuge Liang!
Even on the posters, the image of Chu Qing's feather fan and scarf was used.

After Chu Qing returned to Yanjing, she first rested at home for a few days, accompanied her wife and parents, and then went to see the props made by the commissioned prop factory.

After the inspection, Chu Qing was quite satisfied with most of the props. Although most of these props were fake, they could be reproduced one by one, which was enough for shooting!
The props are fine, the actors are fine, and the rest is the construction of the prison in Hengdian!

For this reason, Wang Cong went to Hengdian to have a look. When he came back, he told Chu Qing that there should be no problem. The progress of their project is very fast, and the scale is also very large. There is absolutely no problem for shooting.

It was also at this time that Chu Qing knew that they not only built Shawshank Prison, but also built many prisons of the Republic of China, Qing Dynasty, etc., all in one area!
After confirming that everything was fine, Chu Qing felt relieved and stayed at home with Yin Tao all day, preparing for the birth of a new life.

Chu Qing never thought that one day she would be so sensitive to the point of appalling nerves!

Even when she was around Yin Tao, she was afraid, for fear that her voice would scare her.

On the contrary, since Yin Tao became pregnant, she has been very carefree, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and she has no consciousness of being a pregnant woman at all!

In September, Chu Qing's family came to the maternity hospital.

There was no time to give birth, Chu Qing was afraid of any accident, so she went to the hospital first.

Yin Tao, on the other hand, has no awareness of being a pregnant woman at all, and even becomes a lot more cheerful. In the hospital, she can often be seen holding fruit and chatting with other pregnant women.

Chu Qing, who was on the side, was accompanied by a mask, sunglasses and a peaked cap, and was often misunderstood as stealing children.

Later, even the hospital security got to know him well, knowing that it was inconvenient for Chu Qing to reveal his identity.

And "Burning Chibi" has also reached the broadcast standard after editing during this period, and it is officially scheduled for October [-]st!

During the period, they also wanted to ask Chu Qing to accompany them to promote, but Chu Qing refused.

During this period of time, Chu Qing didn't want to pay attention to anything, he just wanted to be with his family and prepare for the birth of a new life!

In mid-September, when the expected date of delivery was approaching, Yin Tao stopped wandering around.

It is inconvenient to move because of the big belly, and on the other hand, it is also because of the colic of pregnancy.

Yin Tao still wanted to bear it by herself, and secretly wiped away tears for Chu Qing to see, secretly swearing that this was the only time it happened, he really couldn't bear to let his wife suffer like this again.

Time has come slowly to October [-]st, and "Burning the Red Cliff" has become the National Day file, the movie that audiences are most looking forward to!
Big production, veteran actors, and Chu Qing all joined in!The quality of such a movie must not be too bad, right?
The audience poured into the cinema one after another, while at this moment Chu Qing was standing outside the delivery room, sweating profusely.

Chu Jianye was not there, so he ran outside the hospital to smoke. At this moment, the heart of this future grandfather is not at all calmer than Chu Qing.

The mother was sitting on a chair beside her, with her hands clasped together. This mother, who had never believed in gods and Buddhas, did not know who she was praying to now.

Zhang Sanli, his wife and Zhang Mo also came, and the three of them couldn't sit still at the moment.

Finally, the nurse in the delivery room came out holding the baby.

"Congratulations, congratulations, a son was born"

The mother stood up suddenly, and hurriedly asked: "Doctor, how is my daughter-in-law?"

"The parturient usually exercises very well, and nothing happens at all"

The mother breathed a sigh of relief, and Chu Qing had already walked into the delivery room.

Yin Tao on the hospital bed was a little weak, but her spirit was not bad.

Chu Qing grabbed her hand and said nothing for a long time.

Yin Tao nodded his forehead and said, "Where is your son?"

"Mom is holding it, the doctor should be holding it back soon"

Yin Tao hummed, and said with a motherly radiance on her face, "What's your name?"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, thinking about it a long time ago.

The news of Chu Qing's family having a baby was not spread, and Chu Qing didn't want anyone to disturb her son's growth.

But from this day on, Zhang Sanli came to Chu's house at least four times a week on average!

Chu Jianye hugged his grandson all day long, making milk powder and changing diapers, enjoying it all day long.

As for Chu Qing's mentality, when that little life held her finger, it had quietly changed.

In two lives, he was married for the first time and had his own children for the first time.

Only at this moment did he realize that money, fame and fortune, which he valued in the past, don't seem to be that important now.

At this moment, he just wants to cultivate this little guy into a talent, and watch him get married and have children

(End of this chapter)

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