Chapter 396 Spring Festival
The box office of "Burning Chibi" is hot, with a premiere box office of 7000 million!
Two days after it was released, it has already paid back the cost. This result makes the official very satisfied, and it can be regarded as breaking a record.

So after learning that Chu Qing's family had given birth to a son, the leader came over to visit the child and even gave him a longevity lock.

Chu Qing followed Chu Jianye's ass every day, hoping that he could hold enough children, take a rest, and let herself hug for a while.

But I have to say, Chu Qing underestimated the old man's stamina!

"Chu Fan, look at grandpa, look at grandpa~"

"Xiao Fanfan, come on, grandma is here, come on, come on~"

In November, the old couple was teasing their grandson non-stop, and Xiao Chufan also gave face, giggling non-stop.

Seeing this, the old couple laughed more happily than the children.

During this time, Chu Qing gradually became busy again, all about trivial matters about "The Shawshank Redemption".

Next year, the president of the Lijian country will change!It is also the year he is most likely to hit the Oscars. If he makes a mistake this time, the next time he wants to hit the Oscars may have to wait four or even eight years.

Chu Qing sat on the sofa, looked at the script and the sub-shots he had written, frowned and thought about how to make it more perfect.

But a pair of small hands slowly pressed on his head, helping him relax his nerves.

"Don't keep frowning, you look old like this, don't you know?"

Chu Qing put down the script with a smile, and held Yin Tao's hand instead.

"Understood, why don't you rest for a while?"

"Still resting, I'm going to be in bed for a month"

Yin Tao's voice was a little naive, Chu Qing smiled, got up and stretched.

"I don't know if this movie can be made! If it does, then our family's [Bright Entertainment] will be completely established! From now on in China, we will be a living monument!"

Yin Tao took the script and looked at it for a few moments, then put it down and said, "I don't understand, can movies about prison break be released in China?"

"I don't know, but if I win the Oscar for Best Actor, it will definitely be released!"

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Day, and Song Dawei went to Lijian country to set a date for filming. On March [-]st, the filming officially started!
All the investors came to visit Chu Qing's house one after another. They were also a little excited that the plan was about to be implemented.

Chu Qing met them one by one and gave them some confidence.

However, there is a high probability that this will be the last time everyone cooperates.

After all, no matter whether he wins the Oscar winner or not, the next one will have to wait four or eight years.

As for domestic films, Bright Entertainment is fully capable of shooting independently.

But the arrival of Wang Cong gave Chu Qing some other ideas.

In China, connections are equal to money!The relationship network that has been pulled together with great difficulty will become rusty if it is not used for a long time.

Domestic films share too little profit, so why don't they invest in a foreign film company?

During this period of time, Jiang Shaoan's generation in Southeast Asia can be said to have been prosperous.

Speaking of the state there, it is similar to Huaxia 30 years ago, a complete vacuum, a treasure land of geomantic omen, and all walks of life are in their infancy!
Moreover, labor is ridiculously cheap. Although the government does not subsidize it, it does not require food and card. Even if you provide a certain employment position, they will be responsible for building factories and roads for you, etc.

No wonder those two Internet giants chose to invest here!
Chu Qing felt that it was entirely possible to set up an investment company there!

Among other things, these investors are involved in all walks of life, and they also have some understanding and energy for all walks of life, so they can form an investment company to start!
Chu Qing shared his thoughts with Wang Cong, and Wang Cong naturally had no opinion.

He has succeeded in investing with Chu Qing several times over the years, and has made a lot of money. Now when he heard that Chu Qing had a new plan, he shouted to join without even thinking about it!

Chu Qing simply held another investor meeting and had a face-to-face discussion with everyone.

These people also did not refuse, making Chu Qing feel that this is not an investor meeting, but a meeting of shareholders!
In the end, no one invested 13 million yuan. Including Chu Qing, a total of 13 people spent [-] billion to set up their own investment company in Southeast Asia!
These few people have changed from rich second generations to real bosses with their own businesses!
It's the Spring Festival again, and a lot of relatives and friends are here!

Of course, everyone mainly came to see the young master of the Chu family.

But at the moment, the eldest young master is not very face-saving, he is sleeping soundly, almost snoring.

Just Chu Jianye showing off to Chu Qing's uncles: "Did you hear that? This snoring? It's sure to be a big deal when you grow up!"

Uncle is an old fritters, so he said it naturally, while Uncle Two is more realistic, rubbing his eyes and getting ready to go to the computer.

Today, the group book is refreshed, and we have to mix it up.

After everyone had dinner, Chu Qing gave the two nannies a red envelope of 10 yuan!
These two nannies are live-in nannies. Originally, Chu Qing wanted them to go home for a reunion during the Spring Festival, but they refused to say anything.

Seeing this, Chu Qing didn't persuade them anymore, but gave each of them a big red envelope.

It has to be said that Chu Qing was really relieved to have such two people by her side to take care of Yin Tao.

Otherwise, with Chu Qing's poor common sense, Yin Tao would just let her drink more hot water when she was vomiting during pregnancy.

When the baby is crying, it will only be filled with milk!
I have to say that taking care of children is also a skill.

Because the child is too young to speak at all, he will only cry when he urinates and is hungry.

At this time, the guidance of experienced people is needed.

On the first day of the new year, Chu Qing took Yin Tao to visit Zhang's house.

Yin Tao is Zhang Sanli's goddaughter, and also Chu Qing's father-in-law's family, so a visit is of course essential.

It turned out that when he went to the door, he found that Zhang Mo was being scolded.

"Can you be serious every day? Look at Xiao Chu, she has a son."

"You don't even have a date yet, do you want to find me after I'm buried? Tell me!"

"If you say yes, your father and I will be buried in the ground right now!"

Zhang Mo was speechless, and he didn't dare to resist. He just lowered his head to be scolded. After seeing Chu Qing, he seemed to see a savior.

"Oh! Brother-in-law is here? Come, come, come, I just picked up a good book two days ago, come and help me read it!"

After speaking, he pulled Chu Qing up and walked towards the second floor.

Seeing Chu Qingyin Tao, Zhang Sanli was too embarrassed to scold Zhang Mo again, but just muttered.

"Hmph! Before, Huahua was annoying all day long, but now she has something to do! I read and read scripts all day, so why can't you give me a grandson and then read scripts?"

"Huh, brother-in-law, you came too timely. Hey, I've been talking all morning, and I don't know where I got so many words. Did you do the same back then?"

Chu Qing sighed, and said quietly: "It's more than that."

(End of this chapter)

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