Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 397 Power on in March!

Chapter 397 Power on in March!
"Want to get married when you're not married"

"Having a baby after marriage"

"It's all right now, I have a baby, and I don't toot anymore"

Zhang Mo gritted his teeth after hearing this: "Then I have to hurry up, if I'm being harassed by him like this every day, I'm going to go crazy! You don't know, I dare not go back to my house for the past two years!"

Chu Qing smiled, looked around the study room and said, "Where's the book? Bring it and let me show you."

Zhang Mo turned around and took out the script from a file folder, Chu Qing took it over to read "Love in That Era".

Seeing this, Chu Qing raised her eyebrows and said, "A love movie?"

Zhang Mo hummed, rubbed his face and said: "My agent said that I played too many villains and too many rich second generations. Let me change my image. This time I play a poor boy. Read the book , I feel it's ok"

Chu Qing flipped through two pages of the script. Indeed, the character design was not bad, and it belonged to the kind that the audience would not hate after reading it.

Chu Qing conceived it in his mind, and brought Zhang Mo into it. Not to mention, not only did it not conflict, but it was quite suitable for this image.

"Well, it's really good. It's good to try changing the image, which company's movie?"

"A small company, just established, called [Shenlu Media]"

Chu Qing hummed, moved her shoulders and said: "Not bad, at least the script is not bad, although it is a bit old-fashioned, but there are no vulgar plots, it's good to try it."

"Success, then I promise to come down!"

After Zhang Mo finished speaking, he sat on the sofa beside him and asked, "Your new movie will start shooting soon, how are you getting ready?"

"No problem, I think the filming will be finished within three months, and in a few days, the actors will also come to China."

Zhang Mo laughed and said, "Tell me, when will we replace Hollywood?"

Zhang Mo's tone seemed to be joking, but Chu Qing thought seriously after hearing this, and then said calmly.

"I think if our country supports it, it won't take 30 years!"

Zhang Mo was startled, he didn't understand how Chu Qing came to such a conclusion, catching up with the world's largest country in 30 years?This is too scary!

Seeing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "It took China 30 years to close the 30-year gap! [-] years to catch up with Hollywood, what's the matter?"

Zhang Mo thought about Chu Qing's words carefully, and found that they really made sense.

Chu Qing continued: "What we lack is just a direction! And I'm trying now to get out of my comfort zone and step into a bigger world!"

"As long as I succeed, I will be able to play a leading role for our countless filmmakers in China. At that time, countless filmmakers will continue to follow in my footsteps!"

These words made Zhang Mo feel a little passionate, what is this called?Dare to be the first in the world!

Chu Qing took a breath and said, "Just watch this movie, as long as it works! Believe me, our domestic movie industry will undergo earth-shaking changes in less than five years! Ten years, a new generation of movies People will grow up! In 20 years, new filmmakers will mature!"

"So I said, 30 years, that's not a joke, but the goal I'm fighting for!"

Zhang Mo swallowed, wondering why the topic suddenly became serious?
Before, he just wanted to find a topic to talk about. It felt like two friends were chatting, and one of them asked you what do you think of the situation in Syria?
The other said sternly, that's what we manipulated!

Are you in a panic right now?

Brother, I just want to find a topic to chat with!
But what followed was the excitement of feeling like you were taking part in history!
At this moment, Zhang Mo had to admit that he was glad that he was one of them.

After the New Year's greetings at the Zhang family, after having lunch, the two said goodbye and left, sending Yin Tao home first, before Chu Qing went to visit other people's homes.

During this period of time, he also met many people in Yanjing. These people are indispensable for gifts during festivals, birthdays and the like.

After all, a word from someone can save Bright Entertainment from many detours.

It was not until the fifth day of the first month that those who should pay New Year's greetings finished their New Year's greetings.

Afterwards, it was the artists' turn to come to Chu Qing's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Duan Peng needless to say, that is his brother.

The rest Xia Zhen, Song Wei and others all came to Chu Qing's house to celebrate the new year with expensive gifts.

Especially Xia Zhen, after his uncle Fatty Xia saw his changes, he came to thank Chu Qing more than once, thanking Chu Qing for helping the next generation of his family.

They stayed at home until after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month before they came to Hengdian.

When Chu Qing saw the built 'Shawshank's Prison' with her own eyes, she couldn't help feeling a shock!
This is even more majestic than the prison I saw in my previous life!

Knowing that Chu Qing intends to shoot world scenes, the original story takes place in Lijian Country.

The owner of Hengdian also specially planted some native trees of Lijian country, even the grass!
This made Chu Qing have a new understanding of this boss. He is helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the West!Let you find nothing wrong with it!
Chu Qing said that it is impossible not to be moved, and has already informed the company that when shooting movies in the future, Hengdian Film and Television City should be considered more.

Then he went to the big hotel in Hengdian, where he reserved a lot of rooms to entertain artists from abroad.

But at this moment, foreign artists have not yet arrived, so he just came to check the environment first.

The work of the big hotel is very good, the room and a series of services Chu Qing thinks are very good, worthy of the money she spent.

I have to say that a big investment is good. Although this hotel is not cheap for one night, it is a drop in the bucket in front of Chu Qing.

Just like the owner of Hengdian, he spent a lot of money, and he still needs a little money?

Next, is to wait for the actors to enter.

On August 28, all actors will enter the venue!All international big names!

This time, just to invite these people to film, they spent nearly one billion Huaxia coins!
In order not to cause unnecessary panic, Chu Qing did a very good job of keeping the arrival of these artists secret. Except for the hotel staff and crew members, almost no one found out.

After giving these people a clean slate, Chu Qing tested some of their lines, and it was okay, these people were worthy of their salary, and they had already memorized their lines.

Of course, this was also because when Chu Qing was selecting actors, he was looking for well-known and dedicated actors in the industry.

Time passed like this, and on March [-]st, all the investors were present to witness the start of the film!
The strongest lineup, the best team, only for a common goal, Oscar!

The moment Han Jie called out to start the machine, all investors felt their hearts warm up.

(End of this chapter)

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