Chapter 398 April
This time, what Chu Qing filmed was no longer a Chinese film, but a direct English soundtrack.

This is mainly to take care of these foreign actors, after all Mandarin is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to learn.

On the first day, in order to adjust the actors to each other, they filmed some simple scenes, and there were only two NGs before and after, almost all of which were standard.

But everyone attaches great importance to this movie, almost every scene that has passed, Han Jie will still call for another shot!The actors are also very cooperative.

After several days of continuous filming like this, the number of scenes gradually increased.

And those who played against Chu Qing finally saw the acting skills of this Chinese actor!

All the previous contempt was taken back, no wonder he was able to pull so many throws at such a young age!
No wonder someone can start such a large family business at the age of 30!This is all because of strength!

Time came to April in a blink of an eye, and the film has been filmed for a month.

After this period of time, the actors have become familiar with each other and have a tacit understanding with each other. It is because of Chu Qing that they fell in love with this country.

Chu Qing didn't treat these foreign artists badly, she would often order them some snacks that fit their tastes, and they said they didn't want to leave Huaxia after eating them.

At the same time, Chu Qing directly began to let people get the word out abroad, directly claiming to be the largest production in China, investing 20 billion to shoot a movie, inviting many Hollywood superstars to join, aiming at the Oscars!

As soon as the news came out, it really caused a sensation in Li Jian country.

But more than 70.00% of the comments are talking about their arrogance!

The total investment is 20 billion Huaxia coins, which is just over [-] million U.S. dollars. With this amount of investment, do you dare to point your finger at Oscar?When Hollywood crews are all dead?

But Chu Qing doesn't care if they scold or not, he only cares about whether the popularity is high or not, and looking at it now, the popularity is quite good!

On the other side, the Huaxia merchants also started to act.

Those politicians who want to vote, need help most at this time!
And we have helped you, but we only need a small reward, isn't it too much?
After the news spread back to China, domestic netizens were very excited.

If someone else said this, they would definitely spit it out, what a shame to throw it abroad, how arrogant the words are, and so on.

But Chu Qing said this, so there is a chance for it to come true!
After all, Chu Qing is the first Chinese to win an Oscar!This name alone is enough to shut up those trolls!

And everyone is also very supportive of this matter. After all, when it comes to international affairs, it is not only a matter of Chu Qing alone, but also a matter of national honor!

Some netizens have even shouted that after the movie is released, he will book the movie and so on!

This slogan quickly set off a storm, coupled with the fueling of people with good intentions, and the enthusiasm of a bunch of Internet celebrities and Internet celebrities, it gradually became a topic!
This is also a surprise.

At this moment, the crew is filming on the rooftop, one of the classic scenes in the play.

"Lawyer told me he died rich with oil wells worth over a million"

"Over a million?"

"Some asshole luck, sometimes it's good!"

"Do you have your share?"

"Thirty-five thousand yuan, that's what he left for me"



"That's great, it's like winning the lottery!"

On the balcony, the prison guards were chatting. He was about to inherit an inheritance from his relatives, but he was not happy to see his expression.

This man is Captain Hadley, the most notorious prison guard in the prison!There were several prisoners who died at his hands alone, and no prisoner dared to offend him.

And the actor who played the captain of the prison guard was also carefully selected by Chu Qing. In Hollywood, this actor has a nickname called the villain!

Because since his debut, he has played countless bad cops. As long as the audience sees his face, they will subconsciously think that this person is a bad guy!

Hearing his subordinates say that he inherited the inheritance, it was like winning a lottery, but he couldn't be happy, but rather annoyed.

"Idiot, use your brain, what do you think the superiors will do to me? They will take more than half of it as taxes!"

At the other end, several prisoners were working with their heads down, earnestly waterproofing the prison roof.

But don't underestimate such a job, the black Reid has paid a lot to get this opportunity to 'let the air go'.

Andy, played by Chu Qing, is in a daze, or in other words, he is eavesdropping on the prison guard's conversation.

"Although you have to pay taxes, you will still have some left over."

A small prison guard couldn't understand why he would be unhappy if he dropped a sum of money tomorrow for nothing?

Hadley was already complaining.

"Yeah, that money might buy a new car, but then what? You have to pay the goddamn taxes, repairs and maintenance on the new car!"

"The children will ask you to take them for a ride, and if you miscalculate the tax at the end of the year, you will have to pay out of your own pocket! Tell you, that damned uncle is just hypocritical!"

Hearing the prison guard's complaints, Chu Qing walked towards him slowly. This scene scared the surrounding prisoners enough!
Even when Hadley was in a good mood, they didn't dare to step forward, let alone now!

Chu Qing's silent approach quickly aroused the prison guard's reaction, and two guns were aimed at his head.

"Hey! Stop! What are you trying to do?"

Chu Qing, who was pointed at by the gun, was not nervous, but looked at the prison guard seriously and said.

"Mr. Hadley, do you trust your wife?"

Chu Qing's words were unremarkable, but Hadley took them as a challenge to him.

He casually pulled out the baton from his waist and looked directly into Chu Qing's eyes.

"Do you think this is funny? I think it would be more fun if I beat you up!"

Facing Hadley's threats, Chu Qing forced himself to remain calm, and met his eyes.

"I mean, do you think she's been unfaithful to you?"

This sentence completely angered Hadley, he directly grabbed Chu Qing's arm, and pulled him to the rooftop.

"Get out of the way, Mitt, let him have an accident!"

The surrounding prisoners were terrified, but no one dared to stop them. They could only watch as Hadley carried Chu Qing to the edge of the roof.

A prisoner even whispered: "Damn, they want to push Andy down!"

At this moment, Chu Qing couldn't pretend to be calm anymore, so she hurriedly said.

"If you can trust her, you can get thirty-five thousand dollars!"

Just before Chu Qing was pushed off the roof with one foot, he finally moved Hadley!
Hadley suddenly pulled him over, staring firmly at Chu Qing's eyes.

"What did you say?"

"Thirty-five thousand dollars! Not a penny!"

"You better explain yourself, or you're screwed!"

When hearing Hadley's words, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he had convinced the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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