Chapter 399 May
Chu Qing relaxed, and everyone around her was almost dead nervous!

Just now Han Jie almost shouted, the main reason is that Hadley played too well, as if he really planned to push Chu Qing down!
Although there is protection below, who knows if there will be any accidents?

Fortunately, because everyone persisted, they took such a real shot!

"If you want to get the full amount of money, give it to your wife! The upper limit of one-time gifts to your spouse is $[-]"

"Nonsense! Is it tax-free?"

"Of course, it is tax-free, and the G tax bureau can't take a dime away"

"Are you the banker who murdered his wife? Why should I trust a murderer? I'll kill you right here!"

Hadley was like a fierce tiger, staring at Chu Qing firmly, vividly interpreting his contempt for human life.

And Chu Qing's performance can be regarded as a textbook. At this moment, he is trying his best to pretend to be calm, but he still can't hide his fear of death.

He knew that he had to succeed, if he failed, the only end would be death!
He took a deep breath and adjusted his tone before speaking.

"Because it's legal, you can ask the G tax office and they will give you the same answer, I know you can find it even if I don't tell you"

"I don't need you to teach me how to do it!"

"Of course, but you need someone to help you evade taxes, you need a lawyer"

"Those Washington bastards?"

"I think I can help you, and you'll save a lot of money. I'll help you fill out the paperwork. It's almost free. I only ask for three cold beers for each colleague!"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, the guards with guns beside him couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, colleague?"

"A man who works outdoors would feel more like a man if he had a beer, that's my opinion, sir"

Chu Qing, who said this, had a very serious expression.

The air became quiet, whether it was prisoners or prison guards, they were all waiting for Hadley's choice.

Andy's life or death is in Hadley's hands!
Hadley turned his head, looked at the other prisoners and roared, "What are you looking at? Hurry up!"

The prisoners immediately bowed their heads and continued to work, no one dared to offend Hadley's dignity.

Only then did Hadley turn his head to look at Chu Qing, and pulled him back with one hand. At this moment, Chu Qing knew that he had won!
"Ca! The light is good, come on everyone, change positions, and prepare to shoot the next scene!"

Director Han Jie called the card, looked at the sky, and hurriedly asked the actors to change positions to prepare for the next scene.

The second scene is much simpler, everyone just needs to sit on the roof and drink beer.

The rest is the voice of the black Rhett, which can also be said to be memories.

"In this way, on the second day before the completion, in the spring of 49, a group of criminals who waterproofed the factory sat on the ground at ten o'clock in the morning, enjoying cool beer and the strictest protection of Shawshank!"

"This has never happened at Shawshank."

"Hadley walked around pretending to be generous, and we sat on the roof drinking beer, with the sun shining on our shoulders, like free people."

"It felt like we were fixing the roof of our own home, we were like creators."

"And Andy looked a little different too, with a weird smile on his face, watching us drink his beer."

Originally, Han Jie thought that the filming of this scene would be easy, but unexpectedly, Chu Qing forced them to film it five times!

This was not Chu Qing finding fault, but that everyone's expressions were wrong at the beginning. What he wanted was a sense of freedom and relaxation.

Instead of doing nothing, just drinking.

The shooting of the film is in full swing. Song Dawei has also reached a deal with those people in Lijian Country. Now we have to wait for the film to be sent for selection to know what the final result will be like!
And their companies in Southeast Asia have also been fully established.

Many rich second-generation fathers heard that their son was planning to start an investment company, and they all gave them some resources to give them a go.

Not long after they opened, they found several good companies, and with money and resources, they easily reached cooperation with each other.

In just over a month, I have already seen initial returns!

This can't help but make everyone feel grateful to Chu Qing again!
What's this?This is called vision!

He has such a good idea, but he didn't get rid of himself. This is really treating himself as a friend!

At the moment, several people have a feeling of striving for strength.

In fact, it is not easy to be a rich second generation. No matter what achievements you have made, as long as you do not surpass your father, you will be looked down upon.

The phrase 'without your father, you are nothing' ignores all their efforts.

But is it so easy to surpass one's parents?
Especially these rich second generations, their fathers and fathers all occupy the right time, place and people, and they are the ones who stand on the cusp of the wind!
But now, where are there so many outlets?
This even made many people give up on themselves a little bit, but Qi Lin brought them out and told them that although there are fewer domestic outlets.

But abroad, there are many outlets where no one is standing!
In the blink of an eye, the time has come to May, most of the movie has been filmed, and the atmosphere of the whole crew is much more relaxed.

Those foreign artists stayed in Huaxia for two months, only to be surprised to find that Huaxia is really different from their impressions.

It's only been so many years, and it's already prosperous like this!
In the impression of many of them, Chinese people still have braids of the Qing Dynasty!

Even in the eyes of these filmmakers, Chinese people are still stuck in Xiangjiang in the 80s!
But take a look now, my God, it's many times more prosperous than they imagined!
The box office of the movie broke one billion at every turn, which made them feel like they were dreaming!

Now they know why Hollywood filmmakers reject Huaxia so much, it is because they are already scared now, and they know that Huaxia will overtake them in a short time!

The world's No. [-] film market, this title is not for nothing, they can already feel it!

There are some people who already have some ideas in their hearts.

Do you want to stay in China!
Now that the Huaxia film market is developing so fast, staying in Huaxia will definitely get a sip of the soup!After all, many Chinese movies and TV series need some foreign faces!

And they are foreign faces!

If it can be mixed into a Lijian country professional household, a Gaul country professional household, etc., then there will be everything?

After having this idea, many people directly began to work hard to learn Mandarin!
If you start early, you can get wealth early!

(End of this chapter)

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