Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 400 Participating in the Movie Chapter

Chapter 400 Participating in the Film Festival

At the end of May, the filming is gradually coming to an end, and many of the filmed artists have returned to their respective countries.

Of course, there are also some people who choose to travel in China because their visas have not yet expired.

Chu Qing was very busy and thoughtless, the closer it was to finishing, the busier he would be!

Finally, before the arrival of June, the crew of "The Shawshank Redemption" is completely wrapped up!
Chu Qing was released from the crew, and Han Jie left the rest to Han Jie, who rushed back to Yanjing!
I haven't seen my son for three months, I really miss him so much!
But the ideal is plump, the reality is the backbone!

Not long after returning home, Han Jie called and said that he hoped to edit with Chu Qing!
After all, only Chu Qing knows what effect she wants!
So Chu Qing returned to the company again and started editing along with her.

When it was time to edit, he realized that he had taken a lot of shots, and he was reluctant to cut every segment!
This can't be done.

The duration of a movie is best controlled between one and a half hours to two hours. If it is longer, it will make the audience feel tired.

This is also the reason why most movies will control the duration to about [-] minutes!

But now Chu Qing is reluctant to cut every minute, thinking that these shots are very good!

But if you want to be successful, subtraction is what everyone has to go through.

Chu Qing could only be ruthless, and selectively deleted some clips.

Only then did he understand why Han Jie insisted on calling him over, it was because Han Jie was reluctant to delete every scene!

In the end, under the drastic editing of the two, it took more than a week, and the preliminary editing was finally completed.

Then there is the post-production work, subtitles, soundtrack and so on.

It was only then that Chu Qing was finally relieved, and Han Jie went to contact the dubbing teacher.

Because this film was shot in English, if it is broadcast in China, it must be translated into Chinese.

After all, some older audiences find it difficult to read subtitles.

The later work was also carried out very slowly and meticulously. By the time everything was processed, it was already approaching the end of June.

After the finished film came out, Chu Qing held a shareholder meeting again, and everyone watched the finished film together.

These shareholders didn't talk nonsense, and even those in Southeast Asia rushed back to watch a movie with an investment of [-] million each!
At the beginning, everyone watched happily and chatted from time to time, but after watching, these people fell silent. In the end, there were only the sound of their breathing and smoke in the auditorium.

Everyone remained silent, silently watching Chu Qing in the camera.

When they saw that Chu Qing could clear up the suspicion immediately, but the warden was afraid that he would expose himself after he was released from prison and killed the witness, they felt their hearts almost stopped beating!
But no one expected that Chu Qing finally escaped from the prison where he had lived for more than ten years on a rainy night!
Finally, when the two old friends met on the coast, these investors also smiled like Andy in the movie, and then applauded!

"This movie is amazing!"

"Such a good movie, there must be no problem being shortlisted!"

"We have already greeted Li Jianguo, and I think it will be fine."

Everyone started chatting and discussing, and everyone had an excited expression on their faces.

All of them believed that this movie would definitely sweep the world and become a classic!
Chu Qing also thought so, he smiled and pressed down his hand to stop everyone from continuing to discuss.

"Everyone, now that the movie has been filmed, we'll see what we do next!"

"If we succeed this time, we will gain a firm foothold in the Chinese film industry. It can be said that we also have the hope of becoming a big player in the industry. This movie will become our best qualification!"

"Now, everyone has seen the take-off of the Huaxia film market. When we become big players in the industry and can formulate rules, everyone, think about what the situation will be like?"

What Chu Qing is best at is actually not making movies, but painting big cakes!
In the previous life, Chu Qing was able to become the top seller because of her good pancake painting.

He never sells products, he sells dreams!

He won't tell you how much you will spend on this product and how long you will pay back the loan.

He will only tell you what changes will happen to your life after buying him!

Only a well-painted pancake can fill you up!
As Chu Qing described the beauty of the future step by step, these investors gradually became enthusiastic.

They are not stupid, and they also know that Chu Qing is using their power to accomplish his goals.

But they are willing, and the reason is simple and profitable!

The next day, everyone in the company took the finished film to all the film festivals that are currently being held in the world.

And the energy of investors is also shown at this time, no matter what film festival in any country, they can always get in touch with someone who has a relationship, and then let "The Shawshank Redemption" participate!
They gave this movie a chance and this movie gave them back a miracle!
In just a few days, this movie has gained a certain reputation in the world movie circle.

When those filmmakers who are participating in the film festival pass the film back to their respective countries, there are even countless directors who are attracted by the filmmakers to watch this film!
"OMG this is such a great movie"

"It's an honor to be selected with such a film"

"Is this a movie made by Chinese people? They really know the culture of Lijian country too well"

"There is an old saying in Huaxia, that is to know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. This is not a good thing for us."

"Anyway, this movie is really wonderful. If I need to vote, I will definitely vote for it without hesitation"

You know, it's not just foreign filmmakers who come to the film festival, there are also many people from China!

At the beginning, they didn't pay much attention to it, because whether it was the actors or the title of the movie, they were all typical western movies, unlike the last "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which had a strong Chinese style.

It wasn't until they heard the words Chu Qing, Huaxia, etc. frequently that they realized that this was actually the big investment movie of [Bright Entertainment]!

No matter what happens to the Chinese at home, they are relatively united abroad.

Everyone came to the screening hall to watch, and some Huaxia reporters also came together.

After everyone has watched it, there is only one thought in their minds, is this really taken by a young man in his 30s?
No one left!

Everyone chose to sit in the movie theater and watch it again. There are too many details in the movie, and they need to watch it twice to fully understand it!
(End of this chapter)

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