Chapter 401 July
Once, twice, three times and four times!
No one left, and these Chinese reporters and filmmakers walked out of the screening hall after they had thoroughly understood all the details.

Immediately, many reporters chose to go back to China directly, and they had already found the biggest news.

As for who will win the film festival?Hehe, if this movie can't even win an award, it only shows that the waters of this film festival are too deep and the shady scenes are too big!

When these reporters were on the plane, they had already written the manuscript, and published it online as soon as they returned home!

Netizens are a little confused?

what's the situation?Ready?Are you up for awards?
Fuck, you really treat us like outsiders!Why don't you promote it domestically?We have all the movie ticket money ready, and you actually secretly went abroad to judge awards?

And looking at the manuscripts sent by those big Vs and the media, it just makes their hearts itch.

"This is a movie that will go down in history!"

"I think this movie is very likely to affect people's life"

"I didn't even wait for the final awards ceremony, because I knew the moment I saw that movie, it would be the winner!"

Netizens were a little dazed looking at the words surrounded by clouds and mountains and mists, and thought to themselves what the hell is this!
What movie is it?Get some clips back!Even if there are no clips, it would be nice if you guys tell us the names!

But fortunately, some conscientious media sent back a short video.

But after the audience watched it, they didn't feel how good this section was, but fortunately, they still knew the name of the movie.

"The Shawshank Redemption"!
Netizens have speculated about who this Shawshank is, and what is going on with this redemption, whether he redeemed others, or others redeemed him.

Some quick-tempered netizens couldn't bear it anymore, so they simply left a message on Guangming Entertainment's official website to inquire.

But before the official website responded, news came from Hengdian.

Shawshank is not the name of a person, but the name of a prison!
Now netizens are even more curious, prison?Prison redemption?

Just when everyone's appetite was whetted, news came back to China one by one!

Huaxia's film "The Shawshank Redemption" won the best film at the Watertown Film Festival!Best Actor!Best Screenplay!Best Director!Four awards!

Nominated for Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Foreign Language Film at the Romance City Film Festival!

And just when the country was about to start celebrating excitedly, another explosive news came back!

"The Shawshank Redemption" was shortlisted for two Oscars for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor!

After learning that Chu Qing was the lead actor in this movie, the netizens were completely overwhelmed!

Chinese artist, shortlisted for Oscar for Best Actor!Just one nomination is enough to make these people excited!

What's more, this movie was fully funded and shot in China?
In an instant, the name Chu Qing reached the top in an instant, and the popularity even crushed the so-called Uranus superstar!

At this moment, the list of public figures is meaningless. As a first-line artist, Chu Qing crushes her peers!
All the works that Chu Qing participated in before had a second spring, and began to be replayed and even collected.

Chinese audiences are waiting for food, waiting for "The Shawshank Redemption" to be released in China.

But Chu Qing didn't even tell them the release time, and he played hunger marketing six times better than anyone else.

With the passage of time, "The Shawshank Redemption" has won various awards abroad!

Huaxia's audience is eager to see through, but Chu Qing is very puzzled, why is the main task of the system so calm this time?Even at this time, the main task has not been issued. Isn't it worthy of the award of the Oscar for Best Actor?

Thinking about this, the long-lost system notification sounded again!
"Dididi, the main mission has been released! Please host the Oscar for Best Actor with climactic acting skills! The time is limited to three years!"

"Mission reward, a random pinnacle item!"

Chu Qing couldn't help showing a smile. Sure enough, the tasks issued by this system are usually things that she is about to do!
It's another pinnacle item, last time it was given a surrogate doll, I don't know what it will be this time.

Of course, it's still a little early to think about this, after all, he hasn't won the Oscar winner yet.

In this way, the time came to July, and "The Shawshank Redemption" swept almost all the awards that could be seen. As more and more awards were collected, some clips were gradually sent back to China, and the audience finally knew that this was probably about A movie with a story.

The Oscars will be selected in February next year, so this time, Bright Media has simply scheduled "The Shawshank Redemption" to be released during the Spring Festival!
After Chu Qing's news was made public, many film companies temporarily changed their release schedules!
Many movies that were originally released during the Spring Festival have been advanced or postponed one after another!
The horror effect of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" last time is still vivid in my memory, let alone the award-winning "Shawshank Redemption" now!

Just being shortlisted for Best Actor in the Oscars is enough to make people stinky farts. When it is released during the Spring Festival, it will definitely sweep the world!
It's not easy to invest in a movie by yourself, it's better to avoid them!

As a result, this year's movie schedule is in chaos again, and the people who fight for other schedules are turned on their backs!
However, Chu Qing received an invitation from Yanjing TV Station, who invited him to be a mentor of a variety show!

And the price given is very good, 6000 million Huaxia coins after tax!

If this number is a salary, Chu Qing's current popularity is definitely not enough.

But the official TV station is willing to spend 6000 million to invite you to be a judge, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

Moreover, it was still in Yanjing, so it was convenient to record, so Qi Lin didn't refuse.

Maybe some people will say, Chu Qing is so rich, why is she still accepting this kind of program?
In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, Chu Qing needs a certain amount of exposure!

Others don't say, is Mr. Guo rich in the previous life?Why not be a judge or host?

For a reason, even if Chu Qing is very popular now, he still needs to ensure a certain amount of exposure.

What's more, it's still his old club, so the so-called clothes don't return home, it's like a night trip in brocade!

So when he read the script of the variety show and the shooting time, he readily agreed.

In late July, Chu Qing came to Yanjing TV Station, preparing to record a program.

The new station director came out to welcome Chu Qing specially, and gave enough face. When Chu Qing arrived, he was surprised to find that he was the last one to come.
(End of this chapter)

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