Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 402 "Natural Acting School"

Chapter 402 "Natural Acting School"

"Hahaha, Mr. Chu, it is our honor to invite you this time."

The director held Chu Qing's hand tightly, his face flushed.

Chu Qing also smiled and greeted the other party: "You are too polite, and I am really sorry to ask you to wait for me outside."

"Hey, if you say that, you're out of touch, come on, let's talk inside"

The director warmly invited Chu Qing into the TV station, and then introduced to Chu Qing the recent changes in the TV station, as well as the variety show director, planner and others he participated in this time.

The variety show he participated in this time is an original variety show by Yanjing TV, called "Natural Acting School"!
The rules are also relatively simple, they will select some amateurs who study acting from various colleges and universities, and then select a group of players through auditions, and then the three instructors each choose twelve players to join their team!
Afterwards, the twelve players played against each other two by two, and finally selected two of the 12 players, and then the six players played against each other again to choose the champion among them.

Of course, there will be some resurrection matches during the period, to make up the time, but overall it is not bad, and the competition system is relatively complete.

Now the audition has already ended, and many good amateurs have been selected.

Moreover, the program team let it go, saying that if Chu Qing's company had a fresh graduate, they could come over to make a fuss, but Chu Qing declined in the end.

The other two of the three mentors this time have not simple backgrounds.

One of them is known as the International Zhang, and has won many international awards. In the past two years, I don't know if it is because of his marriage, but he seldom shows up.

The other is Ni Dahai, a veteran artist in the industry, who is also recognized as an acting school. Although his works are not too popular, his audience popularity is very good, and he has also won many Shidi.

Of the three of them, Chu Qing is from the film industry, Ni Dahai is from the TV industry, and as for the international Zhang, it should be from the international circle, Chu Qing can't be too sure.

After the three met, they greeted each other a few words.

Although the three of them are all from the entertainment industry, they really don't have much friendship.

International Zhang's attitude is good. It can be seen that she really wants to get to know Chu Qing, the current little celebrity.

Ni Dahai is much more low-key, holding a thermos in his hand all the time, drinking a few sips of water from time to time, not talking about his works, but often talking about health preservation.

It was almost noon when the official recording of the first program began.

This time Yanjing Satellite TV strives to be authentic in order to make a name for itself!

So there is no script, but the selection of contestants is entirely based on their own vision, and the recording of the program is relatively simple.

Just when the show started, Chu Qing found a pretty good seedling, who put all her heart into acting and had a good sense of the camera, which made Chu Qing pay attention to this show.

Not sure now, but through this program, I can find two good seedlings!
The first contestant to play is the rooftop dialogue between Liu Jianming and Chen Yongren in "Infernal Affairs".

Just after saying two lines, International Zhang leaned over to Chu Qing and said with a smile, "This is for you!"

Ni Dahai on the side also echoed: "Yeah, this kid is not bad, the performance is quite spiritual!"

Chu Qing just smiled, but did not express her thoughts.

Indeed, just as Ni Dahai said, this kid is quite spiritual, but who knows how long he has been preparing for this performance?

And what Chu Qing wants to see is the most authentic reaction, preferably with some on-the-spot reactions!
Due to the limited time, the performance time for each contestant is only 5 minutes.

During these 5 minutes, if no judge presses the light to select him, then he will be eliminated.

And if more than two judges choose him, it is the player's turn to reverse the election.

So the later the performance, the more nervous these players are.

Especially for this contestant, he deliberately chose a part of Chu Qing's scene, so that everyone would know that he came for Chu Qing.

If Chu Qing doesn't press it, will the other two instructors press it?

When the performance reached about 4 minutes, Ni Dahai was a little anxious for the contestants, turned to look at Chu Qing and asked.

"Xiao Chu, really don't press it? If you don't want it, I will!"

Chu Qing responded with a smile: "Mr. Ni is too polite, this is not the time to be humble, I just didn't find the point for me to press"

Ni Dahai smiled and pressed the pass button in front of him!
At that moment, the light on his seat turned on, and the contestant heaved a sigh of relief. No matter what, at least he didn't need to be eliminated. This was a good start!

After waiting for the end of the first contestant's performance, the host smiled and walked onto the stage.

"Come on! Contestant No. [-], please introduce yourself first."

"Hello host, hello three teachers, I'm Wang Tianfang from Yanying University, I'm 23 years old this year"

Wang Tianfang was very polite and bowed to say hello.

The smile on the host's face was very professional. He looked at the lighting situation and said: "We can see that only one instructor pressed the light, which means that you have now become a member of Teacher Ni Dahai's team."

"You chose the part of "Infernal Affairs" this time. Did you originally plan to join Teacher Chu Qing's team?"

Wang Tianfang was a little embarrassed when he heard the words: "Uh, yes, I am actually a fan of Teacher Chu Qing, and I want to listen to some teachings from Teacher Chu this time."

The host raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Qing and said, "Mr. Chu, he is so sincere, why didn't you turn on the light?"

Chu Qing still has a gentle smile on her face, which has not changed since her debut.

"Because his performance is too impatient, it is undeniable that he has a spirituality, but as the performance time prolongs, his spirituality is swallowed up by the anxious emotion"

"Just talking about the lines just now, I don't know if he made a mistake or made an adaptation himself. I heard at least four mistakes, so I didn't press the light"

"As an actor, acting skills are of course very important, but mental endurance is also essential. Otherwise, even if you join the group, it is easy to crash due to several NGs and drag down the progress of the crew."

Chu Qing's words are a bit straightforward. To put it simply, you can't do it!

The host was afraid of being left alone, so he hurriedly changed the topic, looked at the international leader and said.

"Mr. Zhang, what about you? Why didn't you turn on the light?"

International Zhang shrugged and said, "My reason is simple. He came here specifically for Teacher Chu Qing. I originally thought that Teacher Chu Qing would choose him, so I didn't pretend to be sentimental."

After hearing this, Ni Dahai pointed to his nose cheerfully: "I'm just pretending to be passionate when I'm co-authoring?"

The host smiled and said, "Mr. Ni, as the only judge who turned on the light, what's your opinion?"

"Spiritual! Really spiritual! I have a different view from Teacher Chu Qing. I think actors' mentality and acting skills can be learned and honed later, but this kind of spirituality alone cannot be cultivated! "

(End of this chapter)

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