Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 403: Recording Chapters

Chapter 403 Recording Program
What Ni Dahai said actually made some sense, but it was obviously not the same as Chu Qing's purpose.

And the host was also afraid that Ni Dahai would talk too much, which would make Chu Qing unable to get off the stage, so he took the initiative to change the topic. Congratulations to Wang Tianfang after joining the Ni Dahai team, and began to welcome the No.2 player on stage!

This is the most important point of being a host, controlling the field!

An excellent host must control the rhythm of the audience in his own hands.

Those who can memorize scripts are not ruthless, but those who can control the field are called ruthless!

Soon, the No.2 contestant appeared on the stage. This is a female contestant, and her performance is the representative work of International Zhang.

I have to admit that Yanjing TV is really serious this time!
The quality of the contestants is very high, and almost everyone can see some shining points, but amateurs are amateurs, so plain!

Although there is such a momentum in his body, it is not enough!
Ni Dahai and International Zhang are also very serious about selecting players. On average, they will only choose one player for every three or four players.

Soon the show was recorded for an hour, Ni Dahai and International Zhang both gained two students, only Chu Qing still did not have a student.

Ni Dahai took his thermos and drank the hot water in a leisurely manner.

"Chu Qing, your vision is too high, you don't choose a single player, you see how anxious the director is, your forehead is full of sweat!"

Chu Qing followed Ni Dahai's line of sight, and sure enough, he saw the director talking anxiously to the staff, and his bald forehead was covered with sweat.

International Zhang on the side smiled and echoed: "That's right, this is a variety show after all, if you select the students according to the usual filming standards, you may not even be able to gather twelve people when the show is finally recorded. "

After hearing this, Chu Qing still smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, this kind of thing always needs to meet the right person."

And things are really going in the direction Chu Qing said!

The three of them had just resumed recording, and the contestants who played this time were very fond of Chu Qing's actors!
This is a thin and tall young man with a big head, and it is obviously big.

The scene he performed was not any movie clip, but a drama!
The status of this drama in the drama world is not low. It is said that the star master in the previous life paid tribute to this drama in "The King of Comedy".

Countless outstanding filmmakers have starred in this drama, which can be said to be a test of the actor's skills!
And this performance is great!At least from Chu Qing's point of view, it's great!

Even without anyone playing the role, he still brought the character to life!
Just less than 3 minutes into the performance, Ni Dahong and International Zhang took photos one after another.

Chu Qing was still observing, and saw that the man was still performing according to his own rhythm, as if he hadn't seen the two lights.

Chu Qing was very satisfied, and took a photo of the lamp in front of her!

This is the first time for Chu Qing to shoot lanterns, and it is also the first time that three mentors have photographed lights for a contestant!

After waiting for the young people to finish their performance, the host stepped onto the stage.

"Hey! San Deng! This is not easy! Come on, let me introduce myself first, so that the audience, friends and mentors can get to know you"

The young man hurriedly bowed and said, "Hello host, audience, and three instructors. I am contestant No. 14, and my name is Bai Siwei!"

The host looked at the judges with a smile and said: "The three teachers have already taken the lights, so it's the contestant's turn to choose the mentor, but don't worry, can you tell me why the three of you took the lights? Let's start with Ni Dahai. say it"

Ni Dahai sat on the left side of the judges' seat. After hearing the host's words, he slightly adjusted the microphone in front of him.

"This kid is the first to perform a drama on stage! And I also acted in "Thunderstorm" when I was young. I can tell you responsibly that he performed very well! I didn't turn on the light this time because of anything else. , it is because of his acting skills that conquered me!"

Bai Siwei's face turned red with excitement when he heard the words, and he bowed hurriedly.

"Thank you, thank you Teacher Ni! Thank you"

The host looked at International Zhang again and said, "Mr. Zhang, why are you shooting lights?"

"Uh, in fact, I have the same opinion as Teacher Ni. I am attracted by his acting skills. I haven't watched the play "Thunderstorm" for many years. I really feel very kind when I see it today. It reminds me of The way I rehearsed in college"

"Bo Siwei, right? You are really talented! Let me see the shadow of the future Uranus superstar! Come on! Welcome to my team!"

Bai Siwei hastily bowed again, the praise of these seniors is the best honor for a newcomer!

The host looked at Chu Qing with a smile and said, "Mr. Chu, this is your first time shooting a lamp. What are you doing for it?"

Chu Qing smiled, and slowly said: "Because he is indeed a good seedling and has met my psychological expectations."

"I am a straightforward person, so I will tell the truth, join my team! I have a new work next year, and I can bring you along"

There was an uproar when these words came out, International Zhang even raised his hand with a smile and said, "I protest! You are cheating!"

Ni Dahai also laughed and said, "Why did you use an outside trick?"

The audience behind them also laughed. These audiences are professional audiences, and they are very skilled in creating program effects!
The host looked at Bai Siwei and said, "Then, Bai Siwei, what is your final choice!"

The live music blared suddenly, creating a tense atmosphere.

But Bai Siwei looked directly at Chu Qing and said, "I choose to join Teacher Chu Qing's team!"

The applause rang out again, and International Zhang seemed disappointed.

Ni Dahai applauded cheerfully, with an unusually peaceful mind.

After finishing the day's recording, Chu Qing and others, accompanied by the director, had a meal together.

This can be regarded as mutual enhancement of some relationships.

The next recording will be in a week. This time is used for rest, and the TV station can also be used to arrange players and allocate time.

After returning home, Chu Qing was thinking that this talent show could really be used to select a few good seedlings.

At that time, if the variety show becomes popular, there will still be the initial publicity expenses left.

And you can choose some graduates from prestigious schools. After they join the company, if it really becomes popular, it will also have an advertising effect and attract more talents who graduated from prestigious schools to join the company!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing even thought of a few good scripts, which are more suitable for newcomers to perform.

He even thought, he has a total of [-] students, so should we get all [-] students into one work?It must have been a good gimmick.
 Brothers, the new book "What to Do if You Accidentally Debuted" is in the hot serialization, and it is the first time that Shangui has no system, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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