Chapter 406 November
The wretched villain before now actually gives people a weird feeling!
After humming the ditty, he slowly sat up straight, crossed his hands and looked at Bai Siwei.

"Captain Bai, does this "Empty City Strategy" sound familiar to you?"

"Hehe, Captain Jia, who isn't familiar with "Empty City Strategies"? Let's just say that the sissy hermaphrodite from before sounds familiar too."

Captain Jia chuckled and continued humming, but the eyes of the woman in cheongsam at the side gradually became sharper.

"Is the little girl hindering the two captains here? Or, I will leave now, and you two will slowly fight forward?"

"Hahaha, look at what you said, what are we two big men talking about?"

The three of them looked at each other, the cheongsam woman lit a cigarette, and the smoke rose slowly.

"How long will you two pretend to be? After our speculation, the nigger should be a man, but which of the two who just pushed out looks like a man?"

"Captain Jia, Captain Bai, no matter how tough you two are, can you beat our central torture tools?"

After Captain Jia heard this, he glanced at the other two with a playful expression, then slightly lowered his head and said.

"Nigger's a man? Who told you that?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at the woman in the cheongsam and said, "Or did you imagine it yourself?"

While the three were talking, the two who had been taken down before were sent back with 'blood and blood'.

This time, the psychological defenses of the three were a little bit overwhelmed, and they began to expose each other's evidence that the other party might be a traitor!

In the end, the Zhongtong secret agents who had been eavesdropping simply sent these people to be tortured!

But until the end, it was never interrogated who the nigger was.

And these five people are all people with backgrounds, and they cannot be killed.

In the end, he could only continue to be imprisoned.

It wasn't until this time that the ultimate nigger was revealed.

In fact, the nigger is not one person at all, but two people!
It's the cheongsam girl and Captain Bai!
Chu Qing became interested when she saw this, and suddenly felt that spy movies are actually quite good!

And these actors are really amazing, it's hard to tell the winner!

Before Chu Qing thought that Bai Siwei might win, but after seeing the fat man's acting skills, Chu Qing realized that he had underestimated him before!
This fat man's strength is even stronger than Bai Siwei!
The contrast between the transitions between the characters is fantastic!
In the end, when it came to the audience voting session, as expected, the final champion was Bai Siwei!

After all, Bai Siwei's acting skills are good, and his image is also there. This kind of person is always more popular in the circle.

Fatty didn't see any reaction, but the others around him felt a little regretful.

While waiting for the awards to be presented, Chu Qing personally handed the trophy to Bai Siwei, and after saying a few words of encouragement, he turned to look at the fat man and said.

"Your name is Wang Zheng?"

The fat man smiled and nodded, "Yes, Wang Zheng, hello Mr. Chu, I have always liked your movies very much."

Chu Qing smiled, shook hands with him and said, "Do you have an idea to come to Guangming Entertainment? To be honest, I really like your performance today, and I also like you."

Wang Zheng stood there in a daze, looked at Chu Qing with a shocked expression, and even stammered in his voice.

"Old, teacher, is what you said true?"

Chu Qing smiled: "Of course, of course, it's your right to choose."

"I, I, I, I do!"

Wang Zheng couldn't wait to agree, and felt that it was very wise for him to participate in this variety show!
Although the current [Bright Entertainment] is not that kind of leading company, it is considered a big company in the industry, not to mention that Chu Qing was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor!

If Chu Qing becomes the Best Actor Oscar winner, [Bright Entertainment] won't the tide go up?
As for Bai Siwei on the side, he didn't respond much, because he had joined [Bright Entertainment] long ago.

After Chu Qing made an appointment with these students, she left the TV station.

Two days later, the twelve team members that Chu Qing had accepted in the show and Wang Zheng all came to the company. Chu Qing assigned them managers, and then made a series of follow-up plans!
They were all very excited, because according to Chu Qing's plan, next year they would be able to shoot web dramas and TV dramas, and none of them would be soy sauce characters, and they would have a lot of roles.

Chu Qing also promised them that each of them would receive an endorsement for them. Although it would not make them rich all at once, it would be enough to improve their financial situation.

Waiting for the filming of online dramas or TV dramas to make their reputation known, the endorsement fee will also increase.

The newcomers all have expectations for the future, and their faces seem to be full of light.

Seeing this, Chu Qing was a little envious. Although he was only in his early thirties this year, he was really old in his heart after two lives.

Speaking of the light on the faces of these young people, he couldn't remember the last time he had such an expression on his face.

The time passed slowly like this, and it came to November.

Song Dawei is also back in Lijian Kingdom, he has already arranged all the things that can be arranged, and the rest can only do his best to know the destiny.

Because of the busy time during this period, Song Dawei lost more than ten catties, but he seemed to be much more energetic.

"Hey, it's better in our country. The fast food there is pizza and hamburger pie. I'm about to throw up!"

"Isn't there steak and something? Why didn't you eat something good? No matter how bad it is, there is also Chinese food."

"I don't have time. I went to Lijian for business, not for tourism. It's not easy to eat on time, let alone eat something good."

At this moment, Song Dawei was eating a rice bowl, looking like he was gobbling it up.

Seeing this, Chu Qing laughed and said, "I haven't seen you eat something good since you returned home? Is a rice bowl enough?"

Song Dawei wiped his mouth: "I am not greedy, I just want to eat this cumin mutton rice bowl! This is the taste of home!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Chu Qing at all, bowed his head and turned into a cook, eating seriously.

Waiting for Song Dawei to finish his meal, the two chatted while drinking tea.

"Hey, the investment companies in Southeast Asia are developing quite well. I never expected that that poor place could develop so fast."

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Of course, you don't even look at who is helping them behind you! Now many bigwigs in our country have invested heavily there, and Southeast Asia is like China before. Blank paper, haven't these bosses painted their own colors as soon as possible?"

Song Dawei burped: "Then let's take action too! I think cinemas alone are not enough, how about we just set up an actor company? I think if local stars are cultivated, they will definitely have influence in China!"

The more Song Dawei said, the brighter his eyes became: "They are all watching our movies now, and they are also yearning for us! We can choose a few good seedlings, package them well, and give him two awards in China, and then give them Go back to Southeast Asia and be an idol!"

Hearing this, his eyes slowly lit up.

It seems that it is a way of money!
(End of this chapter)

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