Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 407 New Year's Day

Chapter 407 New Year's Day
The more the two discussed, the more excited they became. After all, Southeast Asian film and television is still in its infancy!

Many of the TV series they watch are basically plagiarized from our domestic TV series. The actors and names have been changed, but the plot has not changed much, so they copied it by force!

Those with a little conscience will spend money to buy the copyright, and then find someone to translate it into the local language and broadcast it on TV.

In short, their film and television works are still in their infancy!This is an opportunity for Chu Qing!

In the past, Chu Qing somewhat looked down on the Southeast Asian market, because his eyes were on Lijian, Gaul and other big countries!
His idea was to conquer these great powers and make his name known to the whole world.

But after he opened an investment company with everyone, he was surprised to find that there are so many opportunities in Southeast Asia, a place that has not been developed much!
If he can monopolize an industry here, then the wealth he can accumulate is definitely a terrifying figure!

It's just that he never thought of a good solution before, or rather, he never thought about it.

Originally, he planned to export his own TV dramas and online dramas to the outside world. As long as they sell them to local TV stations at a cheaper price, and wait for the other party to watch them for three or four years, the artists of Bright Entertainment will have a place in the hearts of the local people.

It might even be regarded as an [international superstar]!
At that time, let these artists go to make money, just like the Bangzi people came to China to make money.

But now, Song Dawei awakened the dreamer with a single word!
That's right, it's not troublesome to train two artists!
Go and research the aesthetics of the local people, then choose two good seedlings, and then spend some money to put on a talent show of some kind to let the good seedlings debut.

Then invest in filming these people, and then make money!
What support, offline voting, signings, etc., isn't this a handy deal?
Thinking of this, Chu Qing directly called the company's senior management and held an impromptu meeting.

After discussing with everyone at the meeting, they all felt that this matter could be done!
One hundred million!It only takes [-] million yuan to implement Chu Qing's plan efficiently and with high quality!

The people in the company are also very excited, because this is also a good opportunity for them to get promoted and raise their salary.

And since it's going to Southeast Asia, the boss can't go there in person, right?
This requires a regional leader, what is it?This is the opportunity!Earth emperor ah!Who wouldn't want to fight for it?
So this matter was established so quickly!
The person in charge of Chuqing is anxious about manpower, and is not in a hurry to prepare the company, but before the year, three major surveys had to be conducted!

For the first time, Chu Qing needs to know the main movie-watching groups of the locals!
Young or old, office workers or students!
For the second time, Chu Qing needs to know the aesthetic style and dressing style of the local people.

Is it biased toward China, Japan, Bangzi, or Europe.

For the third time, Chu Qing wanted to know what kind of movies these people liked.

War, love, hero, or action.

After the results of these three major surveys come out, Chu Qing will select local artists and then set up a company!

Chu Qing had a hunch that the future Southeast Asia might become her pocketbook!
And the money he earns allows him to create more works and launch an impact on the world film industry!
Perhaps, in the future, his stage will not be China, but the world!
The plan will be carried out soon, and the scale of this survey is also quite large.

Moreover, the investment company heard that after Chu Qing's investigation, they simply joined in and enlarged the scale of the investigation!
They also want to understand the needs of the local people and see if there are any good opportunities.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and simply bought an advertising space on the TV station, and made a prize-winning research.

Although the local Internet has begun to spread, most people cannot afford it, and TV is still the mainstream.

When Chu Qing heard the news, she even wanted to contract a TV station altogether.

But when I thought that all the domestic Internet giants had come to invest, then TV would not be popular for a few years, so I gave up this plan and cooperated with the local TV station instead.

This research activity lasted for a month.

After a large amount of survey data was sent back to China, the professional team began to organize and analyze it, and finally obtained relatively accurate data.

After reading the data, Chu Qing directly wrote a plan and sent it back to Southeast Asia.

Then he started a remote video conference and held a meeting with everyone who was already in Southeast Asia.

After everything was decided, the people in Southeast Asia were divided into three groups.

The first group started building the company with construction workers.

The second group began to search for artists based on the big data sent back.

The third group began to use money to pave the way and expand their network!

Chu Qing in China is free and has fought all his life, so why not let people enjoy it?
The little Chu Fan at home can already speak some phrases, and it is also a joy for Chu Qing to coax the children to play at home every day.

In this way, the time slowly came to New Year's Day, and news came back from Southeast Asia that ten good seedlings had been selected, and after the Spring Festival, these seedlings would be sent to China for cultivation.

After Chu Qing thought about it, he asked the other party to select ten people and send them directly to Bangzi Country for training.

I have to admit that Bangziguo still has something in making idols.

But Chu Qing didn't plan to let them study for too long, just study for three to five years, the time is too long!

Chu Qing only plans to let them return to China after one year of study, and then use traffic to pile them up!
It's the same as making stars in China, but in Southeast Asia, Chu Qing can play a little bigger.

All kinds of variety shows can let these artists appear, and then you can invite famous local directors to invite them to film movies, and songwriters to write songs, so as to make these people look very high-end!

Then go back to China and ask someone to write two saliva songs that are relatively easy to become popular, edit them a little bit, play them back and forth on local TV stations and the Internet, and use repeated repetitions to brainwash the audience!

As long as you are willing to spend money and don't force yourself, isn't it easy to make a local star popular?

For this reason, Chu Qing directly spent a lot of money to hire several brokers from Bangziguo to be responsible for this kind of thing.

Chu Qing has always done things, leaving professional things to professional people!

I believe that these people from Bangzi Kingdom are definitely professional when it comes to popular little fresh meat and idols.

The time of adults is always so irresistible. In the blink of an eye, it was mid-January, and [Bright Entertainment] held a grand annual meeting!

The entire annual meeting was broadcast live on [Guangming Video], which also allowed these netizens to witness how rich and powerful [Guangming Entertainment] is today!

The year-end bonus is always at the million level!The netizens who saw it were stunned, and it was the first time they knew that the year-end bonus could still be distributed like this!
(End of this chapter)

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