Chapter 408 Spring Festival
What are the year-end bonuses of other companies, such as mobile phones, computers, larger companies and cars.

In [Bright Entertainment], there are no such fools, they only find gold!
Yes, cash!No bank card required!

When the wads of money are placed on the table like a hill, the shocking effect is simply not strong!

Even the shows on the stage can't attract everyone's attention.

Today is a day of happiness and trouble for these employees.

Everyone has wads of cash in their pockets, making them dread what might happen when they go out.

And those who got millions of cash were even more confused. No one prepared anything before they came, and now they suddenly got millions of cash, how to take it away is a problem!

What a happy trouble~
In a blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is approaching again.

However, Chu Qing has already taken people to Lijian country to prepare for the selection of Oscars.

As soon as the group got off the plane, Wang Cong brought people up to greet them.

"Hahaha, Qingzi, long time no see!"

Chu Qing gave him a hammer with a smile and said, "How is it? Are you ready?"

Wang Cong smiled and made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, although I dare not say 100%, but at least there is a 70.00% probability!"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, and then the two of them got into the car as if they hadn't said anything, and went straight to the hotel!

After resting in the hotel for two days, the Oscar ceremony officially began!
On this day, Chu Qing got up very early, changed into a custom-made suit, brought the bodyguards of the local security company, and went straight to the venue!

This time, Song Dawei was still by his side.

Chu Qing was dressed in a white suit, and Song Dawei was dressed in black. The two got out of the car like black and white.

As soon as he got out of the car, the flashing lights of the surrounding reporters flickered non-stop.

In broad daylight, the two of them felt a little dazzled!

Fortunately, the two of them were already prepared. They put on the prepared sunglasses without any haste, and strode onto the red carpet with great strides!

On both sides of the red carpet, the reporters were taking pictures and taking pictures, and some people were asking questions loudly.

"Mr. Chu Qing! As the first Chinese person to be shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Actor, do you have anything to say?"

"Mr. Chu Qing, under what circumstances did you create this "Shawshank Redemption"? Why do you know so much about the history of the Lijian Kingdom? Is it based on real history?"

"Mr. Chu, I heard that this movie has not been released in your country. May I ask why? Are you waiting for the results of the awards before releasing it? Or is it because this movie cannot pass the review standards of your country?"

The surrounding reporters kept asking questions, but Chu Qing didn't answer anyone's questions.

And he is also different from other artists. Other artists will walk very slowly when walking the red carpet, and even pose a few poses for reporters to take pictures.

But Chu Qing and Song Dawei seemed to be in their own backyard, they didn't take it seriously at all, they walked as usual now!
When they reached the entrance, there were already waiting staff, leading the two of them into the venue.

This is the second time for the two to come to the Oscars, but this time the feeling is completely different!

The last time the two of them came, it was more just to see and see. After all, it was just a foreign language film, and it was not a big prize.

But this time, the two of them are here for the best actor Oscar!This is one of the three awards!
Under the leadership of the staff, the two came to their seats and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, Chu Qing felt that many people were secretly looking at her.

Song Dawei whispered: "They must be very surprised, after all, there are very few yellow people here."

Chu Qing smiled, looked towards the stage and said, "From now on, I will see it often!"

The guests entered the arena one after another, and after about an hour, the awards ceremony officially began!
This time the host of the Oscars is a blonde woman, Ellen!

She is a well-known hostess in Lijian country. The abbot's program is very popular in Lijian country. It is a talk show, and the guests who come to her show are also some big stars.

There are programs of similar style in many countries around the world, but if you want to say that the most influential one must be her.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Oscars ceremony!"

"It's a great honor to host the awards ceremony again, even though the last one was seven years ago"

Allen is very humorous, typical Western humor, habitually began to tease, and in this way, indirectly introduced the shortlisted guests in the audience.

When she arrived at Chu Qing's place, she was obviously a little cautious.

As the host, she must know some things, and she also knows how much energy is behind the Chinese person sitting in the audience!
"This is the first time I've seen a candidate with yellow skin, Mr. Chu Qing! From China!"

There were bursts of applause from the audience, but Chu Qing understood that the applause was not for herself, but for the country behind her!

Chu Qing smiled politely at the camera, but didn't say a single extra word.

Allen also jumped over directly, she didn't dare to tease Chu Qing.

One is because they are not familiar with each other, and the other is because teasing Chu Qing is easy to be misunderstood as racial discrimination, which is not a trivial matter in Li Jian country.

After more than ten minutes of introduction, the panel ceremony officially began.

The first award was awarded to the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor!

The black Reid was sitting next to Chu Qing, and he was very calm after hearing the Oscar nomination.

Because he has already won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, and was even nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor twice.

It's a pity that he still missed the award in the end. It's not that his acting skills are not good, but that the works of those two years are really too strong!

On the big screen, his shortlisted segment was being played, and as expected, it was the segment where a group of people were sitting on the roof drinking beer.

"On the shawl of the sun, like a free man"

Immediately, the big screen switched, and the No.2 Oscar Best Supporting Actor clip flashed.

A long-haired white man was yelling into the phone: "Damn it! Listen to me! Hear me! I only have two weeks, two weeks!"

The screen switched again, and soon the five candidates were finished playing.

Immediately, under the introduction of the host, the award presenters made their debut.

This is a Caucasian actress, who stepped onto the stage gracefully, without a word of extra nonsense, just looked at the award card and announced directly.

"The winner of this year's Oscar for Best Supporting Actor is!"

"Congratulations! Rhett!"

There was applause from the audience, Ruide stood up with a smile, and Chu Qing did the same. After the two hugged each other, Ruide walked towards the stage.

Song Dawei looked worried when he saw this, their movie had already won the Best Supporting Actor award.

With people's character of ranking fruit and fruit, the chance of a crew winning two such individual awards is not high!
(End of this chapter)

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