Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 410 The First Chinese Movie King Is Born!

Chapter 410 The First Chinese Movie King Is Born!

When the Oscars ceremony ended, Chu Qing was surrounded by a large group of reporters just as he walked out of the venue.

Fortunately, Chu Qing always brings a lot of bodyguards with her every time she goes out!Otherwise, he would have been swallowed alive by these people!
"Sir, as the first Chinese Oscar winner, do you have anything to say to everyone?"

"Mr. Chu Qing, how do you feel now, and what did you mean by the words you said in Chinese at the awards ceremony?"

"Mr. Chu Qing, can we make an appointment with you for an interview?"

Chu Qing had no intention of stopping at all, even if there was a Huaxia reporter in this group of people, he couldn't stop.

Because now as long as one person's question is answered, he will be surrounded, and he doesn't know when he can go out.

Chu Qingren is still in Lijian Country, but the news that he won the Best Actor Oscar has already spread back to China!
"Oscar winner? Hahaha, just kidding, it's true"

"That is to say, when did you meet the Chinese Oscar winner?"

"Hehe, when did you see a Chinese nominated for the Best Actor Oscar?"

When the news came back, netizens still didn't believe it. After all, this matter sounded like a fantasy.

But it didn't take long before they saw the official promotion of [Bright Entertainment].

There was only a picture and a piece of text on it, and the picture was Chu Qing on the stage, holding the Oscar trophy and smiling at the audience.

The copywriting reads: "Warmly congratulate the chairman of the company, Chu Qing, for winning the Li Jian Country Oscar for Best Actor!"

With this announcement, the entire Huaxia netizens are going crazy!

Even people who don't watch movies know what this award means!

This means the highest honor for an actor!
At present, the netizens are blowing up Chu Qing, and the people in the company needless to say, just thinking about it makes the whole body tremble!

The leaders of the art troupe were even more excited, no matter what, Chu Qing was also a part of them, she was a national actor!

Now that Chu Qing has won this honor, they are also honored.

The leader waved his hand and immediately made banners and pennants!Such a big event has to be celebrated!
But the people in the circle were stupefied. When Chu Qing was shortlisted for Best Actor in the Oscars, they were already envious.

Who would have thought that it would still win an award now?As the first actor to win an Oscar, this is destined to be recorded in history!Why didn't this kind of opportunity happen to me?

Needless to say, they all know that Chu Qing's future in the entertainment industry will definitely be a senior boss-level task!
Who dares to show his qualifications in front of him?Maybe only Zhang Sanli dared!Who made him his master and his father-in-law's.

It didn't take long for the video of Chu Qing winning the Oscar to be sent back to China.

At this moment, I don't know how many netizens are watching this video. Although many of them don't watch movies at all, they also want to know what the person who won the highest award in the film industry said after winning the award.

"I'm very lonely"

No one expected that Chu Qing's first words would be like this.

They didn't expect that after winning the award, Chu Qing didn't thank anyone. Instead, she said in Chinese to the camera that she was lonely because there were no compatriots around her!
He hopes that the next time he stands on this stage, he can be with his compatriots!
What a great expectation!
At this moment, the insiders' favorable impression of Chu Qing skyrocketed!
Netizens may not understand what this means, but they do!This is Chu Qing's expectation for them!

The ones who feel the most are those students who have not yet graduated.

Students are always passionate, which is why most of the parades throughout the ages are composed of students.

They have dreams, they have not been polished by reality, and they still firmly believe that they can do something in the future!
Now after drinking Chu Qing's 'chicken soup for the soul', everyone screamed excitedly!

The previous dream of dominating the country has been replaced by conquering the world unconsciously!

Because someone has already made a way for them, they only need to follow the footsteps left by their predecessors, and they will be able to reach that position!
A day later, Chu Qing returned to China, and as soon as he got off the plane, he saw banners all around him!

#warmly celebrate our first-class actor Chu Qing, who won the Lijian Country Oscar for Best Actor#
#特盛welcome Mr. Chu Qing to return home#
#楚青粉丝直播,Celebrate Chuqing becoming a god! #
Looking around, there are at least twenty or thirty banners around here!
Although Chu Qing was well dressed, she was recognized at a glance. There was no way, who got off the plane and there were seven or eight bodyguards behind him?

Chu Qing walked quickly to the nearest leader and shook hands with him.

"Seriously, leader, why are you still at the airport?"

The leader held Chu Qing's hand and smiled: "You have brought us such a great honor, what's wrong with me picking you up at the airport? Hahaha, Chu Qing! Good! You can be regarded as a pioneer for us Chinese Already!"

"Hey, you are too much of a leader"

Chu Qing greeted each other with a smile, and then said hello to those holding banners one by one.

After waiting to confirm that no one was left behind, the group walked out of the airport.

As soon as she arrived outside the airport, Chu Qing saw a crowd of reporters!
That number was even larger than the number of reporters outside the Oscar ceremony!
As soon as Chu Qing came out, the shutter sounded like rain, crackling non-stop.

"Mr. Chu Qing, please say a few words."

"Yes, Mr. Chu Qing, may I ask in what state of mind did you say that speech at the Oscars?"

"Mr. Chu Qing, as the first Oscar winner among Chinese, do you have anything to share?"

"Mr. Chu"

If he was abroad, Chu Qing wouldn't talk to the reporter at all, but he couldn't do it in China. He could only press down with both hands to make the reporter quieter.

The reporters also gave face, and they all quieted down, waiting for Chu Qing to answer questions.

Chu Qing cleared her throat with a gentle expression.

"Everyone, it's a great honor to be loved by all of you. I didn't expect so many people to pick me up."

"But please pay attention to your safety and avoid any stampede. I will hold a live broadcast or an exclusive interview in two days to answer your questions."

"I'm really tired today, so I can only say a few words"

"What everyone wants to know the most may be my speech at the Oscars"

"At that time, I really didn't think too much about it. I just saw that the people sitting there were either white or black, and I just expressed my feelings."

"Oscar is nothing great, if I can do it, so can domestic filmmakers!"

(End of this chapter)

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