Chapter 411
Chu Qing's words at the airport spread quickly, and quickly became the goal of countless young people!

Especially the sentence "Oscar is nothing great, if I can do it, then domestic filmmakers can do it too!" It went crazy!

It is even regarded as a wise saying!

Chu Qing was not at peace when he returned home. His partners came to the door one after another with gifts. They said it was New Year's greetings, but in fact they came to ask Chu Qing about Oscar!

For these little friends, Chu Qing was not good at refusing, and talked about her winning, but what she talked more about was the upcoming movie!

This time, there was no need for Chu Qing to speak up on her own, the domestic movie theaters have increased the number of films scheduled in a very sensible way!
After all, they also want to make more money. Isn't it obvious whose movie the audience wants to watch the most during the Spring Festival?

And those who skipped the schedule ahead of time were all rejoicing, fortunately, they had made preparations in advance and skipped the Spring Festival stall, otherwise they would have to be rubbed on the ground by Chu Qing?
The movie that won the Oscar for Best Actor, not to mention the audience, even they want to watch it!

Time soon came to the Spring Festival, and countless movie fans and fans of Chu Qing walked into the movie theater one after another.

Almost all movie theaters across the country have posters of Chu Qing's "The Shawshank Redemption" posted in the most obvious places!

This Spring Festival file is destined to belong to this movie!

Almost all the well-known big Vs and film critics in the country came to the movie theater. They really wanted to see the quality of this movie that was made famous abroad!
Film critic Yi Chengkun is one of them.

He is over 40 years old this year, and has more than 300 million fans on Weibo. Although the number of fans is not high, the cohesion is very strong.

As long as it is a movie he recommends, his fans will almost go to see it, so in the circle of film critics, his reputation is quite good.

Yi Chengkun didn't buy any snacks, only brought a small notepad, and came to the first screening hall, quietly waiting for the movie to be released.

Most of the audience who came to watch the movie today came with their families, and there were a lot of children, and the chirp was arguing non-stop, which made Yi Chengkun frown, doubting whether he could finish the movie properly.

Not long after, the lights in the projection hall gradually dimmed, and the movie officially started.

One night in 1947, Andy, a banker played by Chu Qing, discovered that his wife was having an affair with a golf coach.

Andy had a big fight with her, and he was so drunk that he was unconscious. Angry, Andy took out a revolver and wanted to kill the two of them, but ended up drunk and unconscious.

But the next day the police found the bodies of Andy's wife and lover. The most suspicious person was Andy!
Although in court, Andy defended himself desperately, claiming that he was innocent, but the lawyer and the jury did not believe him.

In the end, Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and was sent to Shawshank Prison!

The camera cuts, and the black Rhett has been in prison for 20 years, and he has become the big brother in the prison. As long as he gives money, he can get cigarettes, candies, and even alcohol for his fellow prisoners.

A group of new prisoners came to the prison, and the black Rhett and his friends bet with cigarettes who would cry on the first day.

The black Rhett smoked ten cigarettes, thinking that Andy would cry, but unexpectedly, Andy remained silent all day.

The other fat man was dragged out by the warden and beaten up because he was crying too loudly. He died the next day without receiving timely medical treatment.

Because of his hobby of carving, Andy bought a small stone hammer from a black man.

The black man was very alert and asked him why he would buy this kind of thing.

Andy told him that this stone hammer is very small and can only be used for carving. If you plan to use it to escape from prison, you don't know when you will be able to escape.

In the prison, several homosexuals fell in love with Andy and kept making trouble for him.

Every time Andy resisted desperately, so the former was injured.

Two years later, they received an outdoor job, during which Andy heard the warden and his colleagues discussing the distribution of his brother's estate. Made a suggestion to the other party to help him avoid taxes, and the reward was just a few bottles of cold beer.

Black Rhett drank cold beer in the morning sun, feeling like a free man. His cellmate handed Andy a bottle, but Andy smiled and said that he had given up drinking.

From this day on, Andy became friends with these people.

When he returned to the prison, homosexuals came to force Andy again, and Andy would rather die than surrender and was severely injured.

The warden, who was helped by Andy, beat the homosexual into a disabled person. From then on, the homosexual never dared to harass Andy again.

Knowing that Andy likes carving, the cellmates specially helped him collect a lot of stones that can be used for carving. The black Rhett also bought him a huge star poster and pasted it on the wall.

At this time, Warden Norton, the chief officer of Shawshank Prison, came to make rounds.

When they passed Andy's room, they found nothing unusual. Warden Norton and Andy discussed the Bible.

He also believes in religion, and said to Andy's Bible that the way of salvation lies in it!

Norton heard from the warden that Andy was a banker, and he called Andy to the office.

There is a woven painting on the wall of Norton's office, which reads, the judgment of the Lord is coming soon!
Norton dropped Andy to work in the prison library, and from then on, all the jailers came to the library to find Andy to take care of their finances.

The administrator of the library is the elderly Brooke, who got a chance of parole because he has lived in prison for 50 years and he can no longer adapt to the life outside.

In order not to be released, he had to hold a prisoner hostage with a knife. Andy and the black Rhett persuaded him for a long time before he calmed down.

Not long after, Brook was released from prison, but he couldn't adapt to the life outside, and finally chose to kill himself.

In 1957, because Andy continued to write a letter every week for six years, the superiors decided to donate to the prison library and hoped that he would stop writing letters!
But this made Andy see the hope of persistence, and he decided to write two letters a week in the future!
Seeing the donated record, Andy locked the door of the radio room while the jailer was away, and played music inside.

The singing of freedom resounded throughout the Shawshank Prison, and Andy was fined for a week of confinement.

After Andy came out, his cellmates advised him not to do this, but he said that the hope in his heart is to be free, and he will not be locked by the stone wall of the prison!
Seeing this, the audience finally understood why this movie got such a high rating.

(End of this chapter)

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