Chapter 415 April
After taking the water handed over by Lao Pan, Chu Qing said slowly after taking a sip.

"Everyone, although the market here is like a blank sheet of paper, their population base is completely incomparable to ours in Huaxia!"

"And the country is too scattered. In this kind of place, it is okay to have one company or two, but if there are too many companies, the profits will plummet."

"So, I think we should plan ahead and implement a monopoly!"

All the people present straightened up, waiting for Chu Qing to continue.

"I won't interfere in your respective industries, because I don't understand, and I don't want to add to the laughingstock"

"But as far as the entertainment industry is concerned, monopoly is actually not difficult, at least not difficult in the current situation!"

Everyone here is the descendant of businessmen, so of course they understand what the word monopoly means.

Lao Pan took the lead in frowning and said, "But how could the local area allow us to monopolize it? Even if they don't pay attention to the film and television industry, it is impossible for foreign companies like us to monopolize it."

Chu Qing shook his head and said: "First, we are not a foreign company! Our company's employees are all locals, we are also a local registered company and pay taxes, so we can be regarded as a local company! Although the management is not what so relation?"

"Second, the countries here are scattered, we can establish different branches in different countries, and later unified 'acquisition'!"

When Chu Qing said the word acquisition, everyone laughed.

They understand that this is a change of vest!

This is indeed a good way to avoid the pressure in the early stage.

But Lao Pan still asked: "However, after we become the largest, if someone says a word or issues two decrees against us, we will still be unable to stand up."

Others nodded frequently after hearing this. This is indeed a problem.

After all, this is other people's land, why should you make money here?

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's simple, the interests are flat, and then create public opinion!"

"We can even buy a piece of land here and build a film and television studio! This will reduce the cost of filming, and it will also be our bargaining chip!"

"How many employment opportunities can a film and television city provide? And it can also promote local tourism. Will they not be tempted?"

Everyone looked at each other and understood Chu Qing's plan to share the profits and create political achievements for them at the same time!
Indeed, this is a good way, as long as the door is opened, the rest will be easy to handle.

As for the film and television city and the like, they didn't pay much attention to it.

The land and labor prices here are extremely cheap. The price of building a film and television city in Huaxia is rich enough to build two here!

What's more, these people are not short of money!
Chu Qing rubbed her chin and said with a smile: "In the early stage, because of the need to keep secrets and share profits, you shouldn't be able to make a lot of money."

"But just give me five years! You'll see a huge profit!"

After hearing this, everyone laughed and said: "Look at what you said, it's still the same sentence, as long as it is your Chu Qing's plan, then we will invest!"

"Yes, is there anything wrong with you?"

"Don't worry, as far as our relationship is concerned, don't say that the income is slow, even if I owe you, I won't say a word!"

"Old Pan is right, so am I"

Everyone, this is not a lie, but from the heart!
After all, Chu Qing had already led them to transfer so much money, and the plan didn't cost much at first glance. If everyone paid [-] to [-] million yuan, they might not be able to use it, so why worry about it?
If you want to make a lot of money and lose money without hurting your muscles and bones, then you are afraid of a fart!

Coupled with successive successes and Chu Qing's record of never failing since his debut, they have absolute confidence in Chu Qing!I can't believe this plan will lose money at all!
It is rare for Chu Qing to come here once, since everyone tried their best to entertain her!

After staying here for another two days, Chu Qing bid farewell and returned to China, and the investment company began to operate at full capacity!
The plan that Chu Qing discussed with them before has been made and will be implemented soon.

On the plane back home, Chu Qing was resting with her eyes closed.

Some people may think, since a film and television city is being built, why not build it in China?It is more convenient to shoot, and now that Chu Qing is so popular, it is also convenient for publicity.

The reason why Chu Qing didn't do this was very simple.

The first point is that domestic film and television cities are almost saturated!

Almost all kinds of dynasties are filmed, and there are film and television cities with various scenes, especially Hengdian, which is the largest film and television city in China!Including many film and television areas!

And the richer crews simply build the sets themselves when shooting movies, or go abroad to shoot on-site.

Therefore, the domestic film and television city is almost saturated. If Chu Qing builds it again, not to mention offending people, the profit will not be that big.

That being the case, it is better to focus on the new market.

The same price, but can build bigger and better!

There is a saying, although it is a bit tacky, but it still has some truth, that is 'if you are in full bloom, butterflies will come'!
Waiting for them to make the film and television city bigger, plus their influence, they must still be able to attract some people.

And best of all, it's a bargaining chip for them!
Even if the film and television city is not profitable, it just provides jobs for the locals, that's enough!

The second reason is even simpler, it can be summed up in three words, without constraints!

After bumping all the way back to the country, Chu Qing went straight back to the company.

In a short period of time, he will not consider taking on the role, which will also help him maintain his popularity as an Oscar winner.

But there are many things in the company, and he, the chairman, needs to make a decision.

Time slowly came to April, and Chu Qing had been at home with her family for a long time, enjoying a peaceful life.

Xiao Chufan can talk now, and he pesters him all day, which makes Yin Tao very jealous.

Parents stayed in Yanjing for a long time and rarely returned to Bingcheng.

This is not to say that the two old people like this place, but mainly because they are reluctant to part with their grandson.

On this day, Chu Qing was playing with his son at home, but suddenly received a call from Zhang Sanli.

Zhang Sanli's voice on the other end of the phone was very solemn, and asked Chu Qing to go to his house to discuss things.

Chu Qing didn't think much about it. Anyway, the two families are not far away, and it takes less than 10 minutes to drive there.

When they arrived at Zhang Sanli's house, they found that many people had already taken their seats.

Looking around, Chu Qing knew most of these people, almost all of them were seniors and leaders in the industry, not only actors, but also some singers and hosts.

Seeing this, Chu Qing knew that something must have happened.

When everyone saw Chu Qing, they didn't hold back and greeted them one after another. After all, Chu Qing's current qualifications are not inferior to theirs.

If age is ignored, Chu Qing's current achievements are enough for them to look up to, and naturally no one dares to underestimate him.

After waiting for Chu Qing to take his seat, Zhang Sanli spoke slowly.

"Everyone, have you heard the news?"

(End of this chapter)

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