Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 416 It's Me Again?

Chapter 416 It's Me Again?
Chu Qing listened with a dazed face, completely unaware of what happened, but he didn't hear any news!

Seeing Chu Qing's confused look, Zhang Sanli asked.

"You don't know yet?"

"Um, teacher, what should I know?"

Zhang Sanli rubbed his brows and said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that the higher-ups are going to shoot a movie."

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, she understood that this was about to be filmed for a drama!

In movies, the most difficult thing to shoot is the drama!Not only is the investment not high, but actors are also not easy to choose.

After all, you just used this actor, and after two days you broke the news that the actor made a mistake, isn't that a slap in the face?

In addition, the quality of the shooting should not be bad, otherwise the face will not look good.

These are the troublesome parts of filming dramas, but the good thing is that they don't care much about the box office when shooting dramas!

And this is a kind of qualification, which proves that your qualifications are recognized by the above!
So many artists want to participate even for free.

But when Chu Qing saw Zhang Sanli's frowning look, he knew that there must be something different this time.

Sure enough, Zhang Sanli said slowly: "Invest one billion yuan! This is the first time I have made a film with such a large investment. How do I spend this money?"

If other directors heard this, they would surely die of laughter!
Anyone else worried about not spending money?But this is the reality. After all, spending money also requires sub-shooting or something.

The usual shooting is tens of millions, but now it is suddenly a billion, no wonder they are not used to it!

Zhang Sanli turned his head to look at Chu Qing and said, "Xiao Chu, you invested a lot in filming, how do you think the money should be spent?"

Chu Qing said with a confused face: "Teacher, at least you have to tell me what kind of movie you plan to shoot! Is it a war, a biography, or a historical drama?"

Zhang Sanli smiled wryly and said: "The main reason is that I don't know either! Now the superiors are telling me that they need to spend one billion yuan to shoot a movie, which will be released on October [-] next year! It is said that it is necessary to prepare for the shooting in advance, and the rest didn't say anything."

Chu Qing scratched her head, and after thinking for a while, she said, "If the higher-ups don't specify, then I think we can shoot war movies!"

"War Movies?"

"Hmm! There are a lot of big scenes in war movies, and any random war scene will cost you crazy money."

Zhang Sanli squeezed his chin and said, "Does your company have a good script?"

Chu Qing smiled wryly and said, "Master, our company shoots online dramas and TV dramas, and we have never touched any real dramas before."

Zhang Sanli slapped his forehead and said, "Yes, yes, I was confused."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the others and said, "Everyone, does anyone have a good war drama script? Or know a good scriptwriter."

Everyone started chatting and chatting, and in the end, no one had a good book, so they had to ask a familiar screenwriter.

Seeing this, Zhang Sanli coughed lightly, and then said: "Then let's put this matter aside for now. Anyway, it will be released on October [-] next year, so there is enough time. Everyone, there is also the matter of this year's Spring Festival Gala."

Only then did Chu Qing know that the director of this year's Spring Festival Gala was actually Zhang Sanli!

Zhang Sanli directly invited Chu Qing. With Chu Qing's current qualifications and enthusiasm, going to the Spring Festival Gala will definitely increase the ratings.

Zhang Sanli was also very straightforward, giving Chu Qing two choices, choose one of the two for singing sketches!

Chu Qing could only smile wryly and say go back and think about it.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the Zhang family, I took on two big jobs!

Chu Qing knew without thinking that next year's drama will definitely have her own place, and the role will not be too light.

Not to mention the Spring Festival Gala, people let themselves choose one of the two.

But Chu Qing didn't feel disgusted by this, because Zhang Sanli was not only a master and a nobleman to him, but now he was also his father-in-law.

Those are the serious members of my family, so there is nothing wrong with helping my family.

After returning home, Yin Tao and her mother made dinner. While eating, Chu Qing talked about Zhang Sanli asking him to go to the Spring Festival Gala and film next year.

The family's feeling about filming was average, but they were very happy that Chu Qing was going to be in the Spring Festival Gala.

Although few people watched the Spring Festival Gala now, in the hearts of ordinary people, that status is still extraordinary!

Even though many people don't watch the Spring Festival Gala, they will listen to the sound of the Spring Festival Gala and make dumplings with their families on New Year's Eve.

In the eyes of many people, only those who have attended the Spring Festival Gala are called big stars!That is also the highest stage for domestic artists!

Of course, it must be somewhat one-sided to say so.

"If you want me to say, there will definitely be skits on the Spring Festival Gala! How many people will watch the singing and dancing programs? It must be language programs such as sketches and cross talk."

"Who said that? I think my son can be a host! My son is a top student of Huaxia Communication University and has a host certificate!"

The old couple chattered and chatted, Chu Qing chewed and ate slowly, while Yin Tao asked in a low voice.

"And you, how do you want to choose?"

"I can do it, but I think there is a high probability that I will choose to sing. After all, not everyone can perform sketches, especially the sketches in the Spring Festival Gala. The difficulty is too high."

After Chu Qing replied with a smile, she continued to cook with her head bowed.

In fact, he chose to sing for another purpose, that is, he can go home for the New Year's Eve dinner after recording the Spring Festival Gala without the need for a finale.

Chu Qing is a vulgar person, and she still cares about being reunited with her family during the Spring Festival.

But Chu Qing never expected that the matter of writing the script would end up on her own head.

"What? I write the script?"

Chu Qing looked at Zhang Sanli in bewilderment. No matter what, he never thought that the job of writing the screenplay would fall on his own head.

Zhang Sanli nodded and said: "That's what the superiors mean. You have thanked so many movie scripts, and the word-of-mouth box office is good. This time, the superiors also plan to let you try it!"

Chu Qing swallowed, these are two completely different things, okay!Your script for a serious drama is so easy to write!Especially this kind of big investment movie!
Seeing Chu Qing's troubled look, Zhang Sanli patted himself on the chest and said, "Don't worry, it's yours if the shot is finished, and I'll carry it if it's broken!"

Chu Qing shook her head with a wry smile and said, "The main reason is that I haven't written this kind of theme before, and the investment is so high, I'm afraid that I won't let down the trust of the leaders."

Zhang Sanli shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry about these things, just think about the script with peace of mind! I believe in you!"

Chu Qing couldn't say anything other than a wry smile.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Qing's expression gradually became firm.

"I can write scripts! But I have two requirements!"


"The first request, when selecting actors, I hope I can have a veto"

"Don't be so troublesome, the choice of actors is up to you!"

"The second requirement, in terms of review standards, I hope to relax as much as possible"

"no problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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