Chapter 417 Leisure June

Zhang Sanli readily agreed to Chu Qing's two conditions, and even let go of such an important matter as choosing an actor.

Seeing this, Chu Qing didn't refuse anymore, and went home silently to prepare to 'write a manuscript'!

In fact, when talking with Zhang Sanli, Chu Qing already had a secret case in his heart.

The main theme of war movies, more than 90.00% of the movies will choose to resist Japan!

But Chu Qing plans to shoot something different this time. On other battlefields, there are also a group of heroes worthy of our commemoration!

He plans to shoot this time, Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea!

The script also has an idea, that is "King Kong River"!
With Zhang Sanli's support and an investment of one billion yuan, Chu Qing couldn't even imagine what kind of effect this movie would bring after it was shot.

But presumably with his joining, the box office should not be too bad.

This is not Chu Qing's arrogance, but a fact. After all, the name and popularity are here.

The number of his fans alone is enough to support the box office!
After returning home, Chu Qing began to investigate the information, combined with some things in the parallel world, and wrote a slightly modified script of "King Kong River"!
Then he found Zhang Sanli again and handed over the script to him face to face.

Chu Qing's script drew a lot of sub-shots, so that Zhang Sanli could imagine the original scene after watching it twice.

When he saw the human bridge that Chu Qing drew at the end, and those charred soldiers, Zhang Sanli couldn't help but fell silent, and he opened his mouth after a long time.

"Resist US aggression and aid Korea?"

"Well, the people's heroes are immortal!"

Zhang Sanli let out a long breath and said: "The scale is a bit big, just looking at the sub-shots feels bloody."

"Teacher, you should know that this is not even a drop in the bucket!"

"Well, what about the actors? Who do you plan to cast?"

"At the end of the script, I wrote a cast list, what do you think?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Sanli turned to the last page, glanced at it a few times and said, "Well, it's okay, how much do you plan to pay this time?"

Chu Qing laughed after hearing this: "Zero pay"

"Hey, the higher-ups didn't ask you to make a movie to take advantage of you. You have to ask for the salary. Otherwise, what would you ask other actors to do?"

Chu Qing still shook her head and said: "No salary, I want [-]% of the box office share"

Zhang Sanli narrowed his eyes slightly: "The box office share of the main drama does not necessarily have a lot of salary."

"It doesn't matter, but I hope to donate this [-]% of the salary to the martyrs' cemetery across the country."

After Zhang Sanli took a deep breath, he nodded slowly.

Zhang Sanli handed in Chu Qing's script, along with the list of actors, as well as Chu Qing's request and share proposal.

The superior quickly agreed. After all, Chu Qing was indeed worth the price, and the script was really good.

After waiting for the approval from his superiors, Zhang Sanli said that all of Chu Qing's box office share will be donated to the Martyrs Cemetery.

This shocked the superiors, and silently remembered Chu Qing's contribution this time in his heart.

After waiting for the script to be confirmed, the next step is to start selecting actors.

The list of actors given by Chu Qing is only a part, and there are still many actors who need to be interviewed and selected.

Even if it's on the list, you have to know if they have a schedule.

Then there is the production of props, as well as the shooting location.

Although there is absolutely enough time, the earlier the preparation work, the better, so that when problems are found, there is also time to correct them.

As for the actors, it was even easier. When the other party heard that Chu Qing had written the script and that Chu Qing would also participate in it, those people agreed without even thinking about it!He didn't even ask about the type of script and how much he would be paid.

Even some people in the circle who heard the news simply took the initiative to come to the door, hoping that Chu Qing would give them a chance and let them join in.

Chu Qing could only push them to Zhang Sanli and let Zhang Sanli be the bad guy.

It took about a month before and after, all the cast members were finalized, they also received their respective character scripts, and some schedules will be adjusted next year.

Zhang Sanli will take care of the rest, while Chu Qing is free again and starts thinking about this year's Spring Festival Gala.

This year's Spring Festival Gala, he will definitely choose to sing. Generally, rehearsals for the Spring Festival Gala start half a year in advance, so he has to decide which song to sing.

Whether to sing a song with the main theme or an inspirational song.

After all, it was a formal stage like the Spring Festival Gala, so if she sang a casual song, it would definitely not work.

Especially for a national actor like him, it seems that he has no respect for the stage.

In the end, after making some choices, Chu Qing decided to sing a song with the main theme!
After the song was decided, Chu Qing became more relaxed again, doing nothing in the company all day long, experiencing the feeling of raising an uncle.

Today's company is completely on the right track, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all, and this is also because of the elite soldiers and generals.

Today, he is more like a mascot in the company.

Employees gain confidence when they see him, but the company can function without him.

Song Dawei has been a little busy recently, and this old boy is finally in love.

The other party is not an insider, but a shopping guide of a luxury store.

Under Song Dawei's fierce pursuit, the two soon fell in love.

At the beginning, Chu Qing suspected that the other party was trying to get Song Dawei's money.

But after contacting him twice, Chu Qing realized that it was really not the case.

The other party didn't even know that Song Dawei was Chu Qing's manager, they only thought Song Dawei was a company white-collar worker.

Song Dawei didn't go into details, he wanted to prove himself more than using his status to add points to himself.

Although the other party is not very beautiful, she has a rather special temperament, which makes you feel that she can be a good wife and mother.

Since meeting her, Song Dawei couldn't stay in the company anymore, and Zhang Mo couldn't stay together. This kid also found a girlfriend from outside the circle, and she was also an English teacher.

The two met by coincidence, because before Chu Qing filmed "The Shawshank Redemption" they were all foreign actors, and they all communicated in English. Zhang Mo boasted that he could not be left behind, so he enrolled in an English class.

As a result, I didn't learn English, but got my teacher instead!

Zhang Sanli is still very satisfied with this future daughter-in-law, and now he has started preparations for the wedding.

Ever since Chu Qing had a child, Zhang Sanli has been anxious. Now that his son has just had a girlfriend, he can't wait to hug his grandson!
In this way, the time came to June, and Chu Qing rushed to the TV station for the first rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala.

Without a doubt, straight through!

In fact, this year's Spring Festival Gala, as long as Chu Qing wants to be there, there will definitely be a spot for him.

After all, in today's age, even the Spring Festival Gala cannot guarantee the ratings!
(End of this chapter)

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