Chapter 418
"Teacher Chu Qing, you have worked hard."

After Chu Qing finished the rehearsal, the staff at the side rushed over with towels and water.

Chu Qing took a bottle of water with a smile, unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

"Thank you"

"Hi, Mr. Chu Qing, you are too polite. Your performance just now was really wonderful! In my opinion, this year's Spring Festival Gala, your song is definitely one of the best."

"Hahaha, you are too generous"

Chu Qing smiled gently, showing no airs at all, and many staff around him looked at him with respect and admiration.

Today's Chu Qing's popularity and prestige in the country is not so high!
Several staff members came over to ask for their signatures, but Chu Qing did not refuse, and signed them one by one.

While it was being signed, a middle-aged fat man walked over.

This man was about 1.8 meters tall, but his weight definitely exceeded [-]. When he walked in front of Chu Qing, he was like a wall!

"Hahaha, Mr. Chu, I have admired your name for a long time."

The middle-aged fat man's voice was resonant, and his smile sounded like thunder.

Chu Qing was a little dazed, he really had no impression of this person in front of him, and he had never seen him before.

After all, Chu Qing would never forget a person with such an obvious figure, as long as he met him once.

Seeing Chu Qing's puzzled expression, the fat man stretched out his right hand and smiled, "Hi, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Zheng Jun! I'm the chairman of Changshou Mountain Mineral Water!"

Chu Qing smiled and shook hands with the other party. He had heard the name of this mineral water before, and it was quite popular recently.

"Mr. Chu like this, I have always admired you, and I want to ask you to be the spokesperson for my mineral water. I don't know what you want?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing flatly refused: "I'm afraid this is inconvenient, I haven't done endorsement for a long time."

"One hundred million! One hundred million after tax!"

Before Chu Qing finished speaking, she was interrupted by the other party.

Zheng Jun directly stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Chu Qing: "One hundred million, three years! How about it?"

Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said: "Mr. Zheng, you misunderstood, this is not a matter of money or not, I"

"Two billion!"

The other party interrupted Chu Qing again, and his hand turned into two fingers.

"Two hundred million and three years! Mr. Chu, this price has never appeared in China!"

Chu Qing was a little impatient. It had been a long time since anyone dared to interrupt him when he was talking!
The smile on his face gradually disappeared, Chu Qing looked at the other party and said: "Mr. Zheng, let me say it again, this is not about money!"

"Three hundred million!"

Seeing this, Chu Qing sneered and said, "Is it the endorsement? Okay, 30 billion a year, and I will endorse you."

When Zheng Jun heard it, his expression was also a little ugly.

"Hehe, Mr. Chu, you really know how to joke, how much water do I have to sell for 30 billion?"

"Can't afford it? Then don't act like you're throwing money at people! Am I short of money?"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she turned her head and left, not going to the sand sculpture behind the bird at all.

After waiting for Chu Qing to walk away and lose sight of her figure, Zheng Jun sneered.

"What a big score! I just don't know how long you can be proud!"

On the other end, the staff at the scene kept apologizing to Chu Qing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu, he is one of the advertisers of this Spring Festival Gala, and we didn't expect him to be like this"

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands and said, "Well, I know this has nothing to do with you, you don't have to take it to heart"

"I'm really sorry, Teacher Chu, don't worry, this will never happen next time!"

The staff repeatedly assured that he knew how difficult it was for Chu Qing to come to the Spring Festival Gala!

As for an advertiser, is Spring Festival Gala missing?
It wasn't until getting into the nanny's car that Chu Qing's expression gradually became gloomy.

He has never been a magnanimous person, especially when he sees such annoying people!
If it was Chu Qing before, she would not say anything when she encountered this situation, she would just laugh it off.

But now, hehe, what the hell are you!
Throw me money?Can you move?

Today, the conflict between Chu Qing and Zheng Jun was quickly known by the Taiwan leaders.

The other party even held a meeting for this, and finally came to the conclusion that they should change the advertiser and choose another brand of mineral water!
I have to say that the efficiency of the above is still very fast. In just two days, this matter has been settled!

When Zheng Jun received the news, he was a little dumbfounded.

He just wanted to ask why, but he had figured it out in a blink of an eye, why else?It must be because of Chu Qing!

"Why? Don't use us, always give me a reason!"

Zheng Jun was a little bit unwilling to give up, and he had spent a lot of time in order to get the sponsorship of the Spring Festival Gala.

Obviously they have already got it, but these people have breached the contract. How can Zheng Jun accept this?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng, I'm just a small clerk. I can't know the decisions of these leaders. If you have any doubts, you can ask our leaders."

The staff were all smiles, and no one could find any faults, but it made Zheng Jun very upset.

After taking two deep breaths in a row, he said, "What about your leaders?"

"Ah, our leader went abroad for a meeting, I don't know when we will be back"

These words broke Zheng Jun's defenses!Directly angrily said: "Are you kidding me?"

The staff still smiled and said: "No sir, I really don't know when our leader will come back"

Zheng Jun was mad with anger, but he had nothing to do with the other party.

It is only in the past two years that he suddenly became rich, and he is used to being complimented by people around him. How can he be convinced now that he suddenly encounters such a thing?
He stared at the clerk, and said with a sneer, "Okay! Very good! Just wait!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and left without saying a word.

The staff is still smiling, as for Zheng Jun's threat, hehe, just treat it as a joke.

By the time Chu Qing heard the news, it was already the second rehearsal.

He also knew that this was the leader trying to vent his anger on himself.

I have to say that this feeling of being covered is quite good.

So much so that during the second rehearsal, Chu Qing was in a much better mood!
While waiting for the rehearsal to leave, Chu Qing specially asked the staff to convey her thanks.

If someone vents your anger for you and gives you face, you have to tell them that I know about it, and I also remember your favor.

Otherwise, wouldn't they help you in vain?Who else will help you after one or two come and go.

In late June, the first batch of props had been shipped back, and Zhang Sanli specially asked Chu Qing to go over and have a look together.

This time it was a batch of artillery that was delivered back!
Of course, these are all film and television props. There is no way to launch them. They just have a shape and can be operated. At that time, they will be equipped with post-production special effects, that is, artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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