Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 421 The Opportunity to Attack

Chapter 421 The Opportunity to Attack

"You don't know, those people have already regarded your "Infernal Affairs" and "New World" as a man's bible! Hahaha, knowing that I am going back to China, there are people who specifically asked me to ask you for an autograph."

"There was even an imitation contest held by a non-governmental organization before, which didn't kill me with laughter. In the end, a black imitator actually won!"

Wang Cong also deliberately took out his mobile phone and looked for the original video.

Chu Qing didn't understand at first, but after watching the video, she realized that the imitation target was actually herself!
Not to mention, the black man really found some of Chu Qing's charm!
Chu Qing couldn't help being laughed at when she heard the other party's poor Chinese!

Seeing the two talking and laughing, Xiao Chufan gradually became less afraid, and came over with his little head, wanting to see what the two were looking at.

Although he couldn't read it, when the grown-ups laughed, he also giggled non-stop.

Wang Cong left when the evening approached. If he hadn't made an appointment at night, he would have wanted to have dinner at Chu Qing's house.

When Yin Tao came back, his face was full of smiles, and he was carrying a lot of things in his hands.

Waiting to open Chu Qing to find out that more than 80.00% of them were bought for his father and son.

This is a bit of a beautification of myself, because in fact 70.00% of them are bought for children!

While the family was having dinner, Song Dawei suddenly called.

"Chu Qing, is it convenient to talk?"

"Well, I'm at home, what's wrong?"

"I just received an insider tip that Li Jian Country's Lincoln Film Company is going to be sold, and it will be sold together with the copyright!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing didn't react much. Instead, he asked, "What does it have to do with us? You mean you want to buy it?"

When Song Dawei heard Chu Qing's words, he couldn't help but asked in a strange tone: "You don't know Lincoln Company?"

"I don't know, is it a big company?"

"It's a medium-sized company. Although it can't be as exaggerated as the Big Eight in Hollywood, it still has a lot of good resources in its hands!"

"Then why did it close down?"

"Because the four major shareholders of their company fell in love with a female artist of their own at the same time, and then it became more and more difficult."

Chu Qing couldn't help being speechless when she heard the words, she thought to herself that this woman is amazing!Take down a film company by one person!
How fascinating it is to be able to do it all!

"Although this company is not big, it still has a few good copyrights in its hands. The team and equipment are also relatively good, but the actors have been almost sold by them."

"I think we can secretly take over this company! If we want to enter Lijian Country, this is definitely a good opportunity!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing began to think. First of all, this should indeed be an opportunity. Otherwise, with Song Dawei's calm temperament, he would never let himself buy it so straightforwardly!
However, if he wanted to acquire a film company, the price would definitely be high, especially since he now invested most of his money in Southeast Asia.

If there is a problem with the acquisition of the company, it is likely to cause a break in the capital chain, which is definitely a price that Chu Qing cannot afford now!
He fell silent, this matter is indeed not small!
Song Dawei probably guessed what Chu Qing was thinking, and asked softly.

"Don't you have an investment company? Do you think this matter is worth investing in?"

Chu Qing laughed as soon as she heard it, who said otherwise?

Over the years, Chu Qing has developed the habit of solving everything alone, but now, he is no longer alone!

"Wait for me, I'll give you news tomorrow!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she hung up the phone, stopped eating, got up and walked towards the study.

He has to have a video conference with those old brothers!
"Why, Qingzi, did something happen?"

As soon as the video conference was connected, Lao Pan shouted impatiently.

Chu Qing shook his head with a smile, and said calmly after seeing people coming online one after another.

"There is one thing I want to discuss with you, wait for everyone to come together."

Several people didn't say any more after hearing this. After waiting for about four to five minutes, all the talents from the investment company entered the online conference room.

"Everyone, Dawei told me the news that the Lincoln Film Company in Lijian Country plans to package and sell it to outsiders."

"I don't know the price yet, but presumably a film company, including the company's film copyright, the price will definitely not be low"

"This company is so big that I can't handle it myself, so I thought of you guys"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, everyone in the video showed a pensive look.

They also knew about Chu Qing's current net worth. He said that he couldn't afford it, so the price must not be cheap!

They have all cooperated with Chu Qing many times, and they also know how much money the film company makes now.

They still have some doubts about investing in a film company in Lijian country.

Because in China, the film market is soaring visible to the naked eye, and the market will only grow bigger and bigger in the future!

Movies are actually a kind of business. If there is a market, why not worry about business?
In contrast, although Lijian Country is still the number one movie country, its market is far behind China's thriving China!

Then why is it necessary to use a large investment to acquire a film company in Lijian country?

Seeing that these people were silent, Chu Qing understood what they were worried about.

"Well, I don't need you to invest this time, but if possible, I hope you can lend me some money"

"I voted!"

Before Chu Qing finished speaking, Lao Pan spoke first.

"In this way, no matter how much money you are short, I will make up for you! Just do it!"

Hearing Lao Pan's words, the people around were a little embarrassed.

"What you said seems like we don't support Qingzi."

"That's right, let you say that, as if we are all stingy"

"Besides, you can't take this kind of good thing by yourself. In this way, I will also invest in it."

"Me too!"

"No matter how much the difference is, can we brothers together still afford it?"

"That's what I said, but after we bought the company, there is only a shell left. What about the actors and staff?"

"Hey, do you need to worry about this kind of thing? Are you worried about not being able to take care of people if you have money? Just poach corners at high prices."

The others nodded slowly after hearing this. Indeed, this problem is relatively easy to solve.

As long as there is money, there are people!
Seeing that these people agreed, Chu Qing also intended to reassure them.

"This acquisition is a hidden acquisition. In name, the film company still belongs to Li Jian Guo."

"There are quite a few people who are racially discriminated against in Lijian country. If we let them know that we bought the company, I'm afraid some people will do something wrong."

"So, let's quietly acquire first, and then grow rapidly! Wait until we have a firm foothold and then disclose our identities, what do you think?"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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