Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 422 Lincoln Film Company

Chapter 422 Lincoln Film Company
Early the next morning, after the meeting was over, Chu Qing called Song Dawei and told him that everyone planned to acquire Lincoln Films.

Song Dawei seemed very excited, and immediately said that he would go to Lincoln Company to make contact.

Chu Qing agreed, but asked him to wait for two days.

Because this time he also plans to go, and Lao Pan will go with him!

Two days later, Lao Pan returned to China in Southeast Asia, and the group met directly at the airport and headed to Lijian Country!
On the plane, Song Dawei kept popularizing things about Lincoln Film Company to the two of them.

"Actually, Lincoln was also popular for a while."

"They have three good IPs in Lijian, two American dramas and one movie, especially their American drama. At that time, they created the highest ratings on the TV station for two consecutive months! The second American drama is also very popular. However, the lead actor has changed jobs, which resulted in no follow-up works being filmed.”

"Their film "Return to the Soul" series, the local box office is also very scary, and now these IPs are packaged and sold with the company, which is definitely a good opportunity for us"

What Song Dawei said was spitting, but Chu Qing was not very interested, because he didn't care about any IP at all. There were too many good IPs in his mind, and he picked out two casually, and those people couldn't compare them!

What he values ​​more is his team and reputation.

It is much more convenient to directly acquire a company than to set up a company from scratch.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so it is still applicable here, and it indirectly loses a competitor.

Why did Mr. Ma directly acquire the food delivery platform in the previous life instead of choosing to build one himself?It is because of this reason.

It was already late at night when the group arrived in Lijian Country, they boarded the car they had prepared earlier, and headed straight to the hotel.

After resting overnight in the hotel, Song Dawei took Chu Qing and the two to Lincoln Film Company early the next morning.

The Lincoln Company is not small and has its own office building and studio.

Thinking about it, it was really brilliant at the beginning, but now it is empty.

This made Chu Qing start to wonder how beautiful the woman who abolished this company by herself could be.

After a brief visit around the perimeter, Chu Qing was indeed quite satisfied with the company.

"When will the other party arrive?"

"The agreed time is half an hour later"

Chu Qing hummed, and wandered around the periphery twice.

The location of Lincoln Company is good, and the surrounding facilities are complete. After looking around for two times, Chu Qing is more satisfied with this place, but he doesn't know how much the other party will ask for.

Not long after, Song Dawei received a call from the other party. The other party had arrived at the company and was waiting for them at the gate of the company.

When Chu Qing and his group came to the door of the company, they saw four white men standing outside the door.

They were all wearing elegant suits, smoking cigars, and wearing gentleman hats, as if they had stepped out of a Lijian movie in the last century.

Several people were startled when they saw Chu Qing, and then a fat white man came up.

"Mr. Chu?"

"Yes, you must be Mr. Jerry, nice to meet you"

On the plane, Chu Qing read all the information about the Lincoln Company, and naturally he would not miss the information about the four largest shareholders.

The other party was also very happy when Chu Qing recognized him, and shook hands with Chu Qing.

"Welcome to Lijian Country! Mr. Chu, believe me, this company will never let you down, if not for some things, we don't want to sell him either!"

Chu Qing smiled politely, but was thinking in her heart.

The four of them started a company together, and it was understandable that they fell out because of a woman.

But why did they unify the company?
Generally speaking, in order to prevent hostile takeover by competitors, there will be contract restrictions when the company is established.

For example, as long as one of the shareholders sells their shares, they have the right of first refusal!
These four people don't look like they are short of money. Even if they are short of money, such a big company can still make mortgages.

Then why didn't one of them choose to acquire the shares of the other three?

Chu Qing had never figured this out.

Seeing that Chu Qing and Jerry were chatting happily, the other three also stepped forward to introduce themselves.

In fact, the biggest guard of honor in this company is Jerry!
He was the one who started the company himself, and the other three were just the partners of the company at the beginning.

At that time, Jerry had nothing, but they provided the venue, contacts, and resources!

And for this, Jerry paid almost three-quarters of the shares as a price!
But some people are like this, they can share adversity, but they cannot share wealth!

"Mr. Chu, the "Shawshank Redemption" you filmed before was really amazing. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful movie."

While showing Chu Qing a tour of his company, Jerry said some compliments.

Chu Qing could feel the complicated mood of the other party, and he could understand this feeling.

"Mr. Jerry, there should be a lot of people visiting your company."

"Yes, we still have a certain reputation in Hollywood, but after the artists are sold, not many people come. After all, there are still some film companies in Lijian Country. It must be more expensive to acquire some small companies. We are much cheaper”

Chu Qing was a little surprised when he heard Jerry's words. He didn't expect the other party to tell the truth.

But then he realized that Jerry didn't really want to sell the company.

Although I have made a good decision, my subconscious mind is still resisting, so I say these things that are not good for the sales company.

"This is our studio, the area is enough to shoot ordinary movies, but if it is a big movie, we usually choose to rent a larger studio"

Walking in the studio, Jerry began to introduce the surrounding layout.

The equipment in the studio is relatively advanced at the moment, but not the most advanced, almost one version behind now.

Bright Media is currently using this version.

After introducing the studio, he took everyone to visit the prop library.

There are a lot of props and costumes used in filming here. Looking at those props, Jerry sighed again. It can be seen that he has a deep affection for this company.

After Chu Qing glanced at him, she buried her thoughts in her heart.

Before Chu Qing considered, let him continue to be in charge after the acquisition of the company. I believe that with the enthusiasm of the other party for the company, he will definitely do his best.

But Chu Qing thought that the other party came to this day because of a woman, which instantly made Chu Qing dispel his previous thoughts.

Soft-hearted people can't go far!

(End of this chapter)

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