Chapter 427 November

The meeting between the two parties this time was very pleasant, and finally the contract was signed directly within the company.

Chu Qing warmly entertained him and spent two days in Yanjing before sending him on the return plane.

To be honest, he was still very surprised that such a great director came to meet him in person, and he really realized that he now has a certain influence and appeal in the world!

The so-called world superstar is almost like this!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing couldn't help being a little proud, a 34-year-old world superstar, he has the capital to be proud of!

Now Chu Qing has something to do, besides rehearsing for the Spring Festival Gala, she also started training herself!

In the past two years, with his successful career, the traces of training on his body have become less and less obvious. Although he is not a big belly, his abdominal muscles have almost returned to one.

Shooting an action movie this time just happened to allow him to spur himself and re-cultivate his eight-pack abs!
In this way, the time came to November, and the National Day movie was also taken off the shelves, and the final box office champion was taken away by "The Lonely City" without any suspense!
This made the whole crew fall into a sea of ​​joy!

At that time, due to the lack of funds for the crew, many actors signed sharing contracts, but they did not expect to create a box office of more than 20 billion!
The director and producer even brought gifts and came to [Bright Entertainment] to visit in person.

They know too well why this movie can achieve this result!

Chu Qing didn't hold back, and warmly entertained the two of them, expressing her affirmation of the director's shooting techniques.

This made Director Qu very happy. After all, Chu Qing was not only an actor, but also a director!
It's just that his Oscar winner's name is too shining, overshadowing his director's brilliance.

"Director Chu, what type of movies do you think will become more popular in the next few years?"

The producer obviously pays more attention to market issues, so he asked this question when he came up.

It's like a fashion designer asking the bigwigs in the industry what color will be popular in the past few years.

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "This question is not easy to answer, because whether you are popular or not is something beyond our control. All we can do is to make the movie as good as possible."

Chu Qing's words sounded like nonsense, but they were from his heart.

The producer didn't quite understand it, but Director Qu was very touched.

"Yeah, all we can do is try to make a good movie, no one wants to make a bad movie"

If there is really a theme that can make money without losing money, then there will be no such movie market as it is now.

And Chinese people have a habit of following suit!
A martial arts movie became popular, followed by various martial arts movies!
One zombie movie becomes popular, and the next year will be full of zombie movies!

This is like someone buying a gas station, the second person goes to it, they will open a supermarket, and the third person goes to it, they will open a car repair shop.

Over time, this gas station may become a small town, attracting more people.

And the choice of Huaxia people is to see your gas station make money, well, I will also open a gas station!The third person went, it was still a gas station!

So what if you don't make money?Easy, reduced price!Shout out to the other two gas stations!

Slowly, it will only crash the market.

The Xiangjiang zombie movie was so popular back then, what about now?

As long as zombie movies are mentioned, the first impression in everyone's mind is that they are shoddy!They've completely screwed up the series!

Without innovation, just following the trend is not enough.

The producer doesn't quite understand, whether he follows suit or not, making money is the primary goal!
Director Qu understood a little bit, he knew that Chu Qing's subtext was to let him stick to his own style.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "I will shoot a similar movie next year, but it tells the story of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea."

The producer became a little nervous when he heard it, and asked softly, "Have you set a release date yet?"

Chu Qing hummed, stretched her waist and said.

"The movie assigned by the superior will be released on National Day"

The producer silently kept this information in his mind!No matter whether we make a movie next year or not, we must not hit the schedule with Chu Qing!Then "The Shawshank Redemption" is the best case. I didn't look at those people who bumped into Chu Qing back then, haven't they recovered yet?
The two stayed in the company for a while before leaving.

After waiting for the two-person car to drive far away, the producer said with emotion.

"How do you think they did it? You are so powerful at such a young age!"

Director Qu shook his head: "If I knew, wouldn't I be a genius? But this time it didn't come in vain, it made me understand one thing!"

"what's up?"

"Next year, we must not make anti-war films!"


This is the consensus of the two!
At the end of November, Chu Qing came to the first studio hall for rehearsal again.

Naturally, there was nothing wrong with his program, and even the leader asked him to make the finale several times, but he refused.

In the eyes of other actors, this is high-spirited, but those close to him know that he is simply to go home early for the New Year.

Even if it wasn't for Zhang Sanli, whether he could come to the Spring Festival Gala would be a question.

During rehearsal, everyone is nervous!Because not everyone is sure that their program can pass.

On the day before the Spring Festival, it is not uncommon for short-notice programs to be killed.

This feeling is as if you have passed the Tsinghua exam, your schoolbag is ready, and someone calls to tell you that this year's enrollment quota is full and asks you to continue working hard next year. How do you feel?
"Teacher Chu's performance is still so stable!"

After Chu Qing finished singing a song, the staff hurried over with two bottles of water.

Chu Qing took a sip from the bottle before laughing.

"The main reason is that the melody is simple. By the way, how many more rehearsals are there?"

"It's early, there are still about three months until the Spring Festival Gala."

While the two were talking, an old man with long white hair came over.

The old man is about 1.7 meters tall, with a pair of black-rimmed eyes, and his hair is not short, but not long enough to be tied up.

He was a big man with a big beard, and he looked quite dignified.

People come first, laugh first.

"Hahaha, Mr. Chu, I have admired your name for a long time!"

"Director Zhang, I am the one who has admired the name for a long time."

Chu Qing shook hands with the other party with a smile on his face. This person is also one of the big directors in the circle!

But his field is not movies, but TV dramas!
A few years ago, when the film market hadn't risen, it would not be an exaggeration for this person to say that he covered the sky with one hand!
However, as the film market took off, fewer and fewer people watched TV. Without the market, the director's status began to decline.

And he has his own persistence. He doesn't shoot online dramas that others invest in him, so that he has rarely been seen in the circle in recent years.

This is actually a very dangerous thing, because the lower your exposure rate, the less people will find you, and it will only fall into a vicious circle.

(End of this chapter)

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