Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 428 New Year's Day Annual Meeting

Chapter 428 New Year's Day Annual Meeting
"Mr. Chu, to be honest, I recently received a good book, the kind that is really good! I think a character in it is very suitable for you. Do you have time, let's talk about the script?"

"Hahaha, of course I have time, but I just don't know when the filming will start. My schedule for next year is already in October. I don't know if it will be too late."

"Hey, I see what you said. Let's read the script first. If you think it's appropriate, we can talk further. The time is not up to us!"

Director Zhang has no sense of disobedience when calling someone who is 30 years younger than himself.

After all, as long as Chu Qing agrees to join, then there is no need to worry about the ratings at all!
The two went to the negotiation area and sat down. Director Zhang couldn't wait to take out the script in his bag. The script was just a few simple A4 papers, which recorded the scenes of the previous episodes. This is also the normal way to shoot movies.

When actors read the script, they generally only see the first four episodes.

Chu Qing opened the script and saw that it was an ancient suspense drama, and the name of the script was "The Case of Di Gong"!
It tells the story of Di Renjie, the minister of Dali Temple in the Tang Dynasty, who solved the case!

Chu Qing read it quickly, and had to admit that the script was really good. At least the first few episodes he had watched were good, with suspense and twists.

Chu Qing asked after watching all the plots: "Director Zhang, you want me to play Di Renjie?"

"Yes! To be honest, this script was written by an old friend of mine for five years. He found me as soon as the script was written. I am also very optimistic about this script. People who want to trample on such a good book!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled wryly and said: "Director Zhang, you said that, but it made me feel a lot of pressure. In this way, Director Zhang, three days, I will give you an accurate news within three days! You should also know that I am also not alive now. by yourself"

Director Zhang nodded approvingly and said, "That's natural. As long as Mr. Chu is willing, the role of Di Renjie will always be reserved for you!"

After the two bid farewell to each other, Chu Qing said goodbye and left.

All the way back to the company, Chu Qing was still thinking about the "Di Gong Case".

The script is good, but he hasn't made a TV series for many years, mainly because the time of filming TV series is too long!

And the salary is also low, let's talk about "Di Gong Case" this time, if he goes to shoot, how much salary is appropriate?
At that time, the two films were almost finished.

As a result, as soon as he told Song Dawei about this matter, Song Dawei directly made a decision for him.

"Can't take it!"

Song Dawei's tone was decisive, and Chu Qing was surprised for a while.


"Let me ask you, if you are looking for this movie, how much salary do you want?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Chu Qing was stopped immediately.

Yeah, why didn't I think of this question before?
Chu Qing's social status is too high now, the general production crew can't afford him at all!
His current salary starts at [-] million Huaxia coins!
If it is lowered, first, it will break the rules, and second, it will reduce his commercial value!
And how much money can be invested in a costume suspense TV series?It is not bad if the investment in a single episode exceeds 500 million.

I have to take away the investment of twenty episodes by myself!

It's not good to say it at this time!
Chu Qing sighed after the communication, and then asked: "Then what if I bring money into the group?"

Song Dawei still shook his head and said: "Yes, but it's not necessary! And you shouldn't be acting in TV dramas or online dramas now, it won't help you at all, and it will make netizens think you're just loosing money!"

Chu Qing looked at the script in his hand, and finally could only sigh and agree.

Two days later, Song Dawei personally called Director Zhang and declined the invitation for Chu Qing.

The other party was a little disappointed, but not surprised. It was obvious that they had been prepared for a long time, and they just told Song Dawei that there was a chance to cooperate again.

Time has come to New Year's Day slowly, and the company is already preparing for the annual meeting!
Every year, the annual meeting is the most anticipated by employees and audiences!
Because usually they don't see so much cash!

Compared with last year, [Bright Entertainment] has more cash this year!
In front of that hill of cash, no one can not be moved!
The old employees of the company are not bad, after all, they met once last year and got money from them.

The new employees and the few people sent for training from Southeast Asia were stunned. They had never seen so much money in their life, let alone converted into cash, and it was placed in front of them!
Chu Qing, Song Dawei, and Zhang Mo sat at the table in front.

The three of them seemed to be the judges of the program group, waiting to evaluate each program.

The previous annual meetings of [Bright Entertainment] will be broadcast live through Bright Video. On the one hand, this is to advertise the company in disguise, and the mountain of cash is used to prove that the company is rich and powerful!
On the other hand, it is used to attract people from other companies, telling them that their own company is rewarding for their merits, and if they have the ability, they will get dividends!
In short, undercutting!
Chu Qing has always believed in one truth, that is, as long as the pickaxe dance is good, there is no corner that cannot be dug!
It is also because of this that Bright Entertainment has grown rapidly in the past two years. Compared with the previous two years, the number of artists has not changed much.

But in terms of newcomers and staff, almost doubled!
The annual meeting programs followed one another, and everyone wanted to show themselves well in front of Chu Qing.

As long as he can be favored by Chu Qing, in a word, he will rise to the top!
If you're lucky, and Chu Qing takes you to film a movie together, it won't be a steady rise, it'll just take off in place!
During the period, some sang, some performed sketches, and some danced.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited, but Chu Qing's reaction was not great.

Mainly because I watch too many shows!Relatively speaking, Chu Qing liked the talk show with two contestants.

For this reason, they were given an extra bonus of 10 yuan, and the two young men were quite excited.

After the annual meeting, the company began to arrange annual leave.

After all, with such a big company, it is impossible for everyone to go home for the New Year.

And there are also some people who are unwilling to go home. Compared with going home, they prefer the red envelopes and five times the salary they can get in the company during the Chinese New Year!
Chu Qing doesn't have to worry about these things, the company's HR department will handle them perfectly.

Chu Qing, who was idle and bored, watched the hand-shaking jokes at home. I have to say that the growth of the short video platform is already unstoppable!

Nowadays, the pace of people's life is too fast, and there is no time to watch long videos.

So, a short video of three to five minutes came into being!

(End of this chapter)

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