Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 429 Number of Chu Qing Live Streamers!

Chapter 429 Number of Chu Qing Live Streamers!

With the growth of short videos, more and more people choose to join, and many of them are well-known people in the industry.

There are even some fresh graduates who don't go to acting, and simply find a studio to broadcast live. The money they earn every month is quite exaggerated, which is not comparable to that of interns.

This may sound impetuous, after all, the money comes so fast, so who can devote themselves to honing their acting skills?

I have worked hard for three years, and no one else has as much water in half a month. Who can stand it in comparison?

But this is something that can't be helped, or it can't be done before the above-mentioned rectification policy is introduced.

If he is so popular, it proves that he has a market, just like the current movie market, there are countless people counting on him to eat and drink, who can do it all?
While swiping, Chu Qing suddenly clicked on the live broadcast by mistake. Just as she was about to close it, she saw three or four people had already entered the live broadcast room.

"Hey? The person I follow? Who is it?"

"Fuck! Chu Qing?"

"Really? Is it really Chu Qing?"

Seeing that everyone was asking questions, Chu Qing smiled and waved at the camera.

"Hi, hello"

With his response, several people in the live broadcast room seemed to be crazy.

"Fuck! A real person! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Chu Qing, Chu Qing, I'm your big fan!"

The other one was more direct, and immediately started giving Chu Qing presents.

And with the swiping of gifts, more and more people began to enter the live broadcast room.

Chu Qing just sat up straight, and there were already hundreds of people in the live broadcast room.

These people didn't say anything else when they came in, they all said 'Fuck'!
And because of the large number of online and active people, the platform directly recommends it by default, and more people flood into the live broadcast room.

shaking hands backstage
"Director! Chu Qing started the live broadcast!"

A staff member suddenly yelled excitedly, and the supervisor who was drinking water was startled, and the tea almost spewed out.

After finally swallowing the hot tea, he turned around and asked, "Who? Chu Qing?"

"Yeah! Oscar winner Chu Qing, he started a live broadcast!"

Hearing this, the supervisor quickly ran behind the staff, and saw Chu Qing's live broadcast screen on his computer at the moment.

The supervisor's face turned red with excitement when he saw this, he hurriedly asked.

"What's the situation? Has someone from [Bright Entertainment] contacted us? Why did Mr. Chu suddenly broadcast live? Is he going to bring goods or is there any event? How can we cooperate with the promotion without saying hello in advance?"

The staff quickly searched the chat records and said: "No, Mr. Chu started the live broadcast by himself, it seems that he started it casually"

"Did you open it casually?"

The supervisor glanced at the number of online users in the upper left corner. In just a short while, the number of people in Chu Qing's live broadcast room has exceeded [-]!

In the live broadcast of Shaking Hands, which is full of real people, there are not many anchors who can go online and exceed [-] people!

The supervisor clapped his hands and said: "The biggest publicity directly! Give all the recommended positions! No matter whether it is hard or soft!"

After hearing this, the staff opened their mouths and said, "All of them? But, Chu Qing didn't give us the promotional fee, so let's pay the money first?"

The supervisor patted him hard on the back: "You are stupid! Is this our publicity for others? This is Chu Qing for our publicity! It's good that people don't care about our asking for money, you hurry up and get all the recommendations Go up, I'll find the manager"

"hey hey"

The staff agreed, and began to operate on the keyboard with both hands flying!
The supervisor walked out of the work area and walked straight to the manager's office.

"Manager! Manager! Chu Qing actually broadcast live!"

As soon as he entered the door, the supervisor couldn't wait to shout.

The manager hummed, but his expression was very calm.

When the supervisor approached, he realized that the manager had already been watching Chu Qing's live broadcast.

At this moment, Chu Qing was sitting on the sofa, answering some questions from fans in the live broadcast room.

The manager said with a serious expression: "Is it recommended?"

"Before I came, I asked Xiao Yang to recommend it through all channels."

The manager nodded slowly and said: "You have done a good job on this matter, can you contact [Bright Entertainment]? I want to know how long Chu Qing can live broadcast for two hours. !"

The supervisor took out his mobile phone and rummaged through it for a while.

"I can get in touch, I will give it a try, but I feel that Chu Qing seems to be improvised this time."

"Well, I feel the same way"

The manager nodded in agreement, and then looked at the number of online users who were about to exceed [-].

"There were 10 people when the broadcast started! Superstars are superstars!"

The supervisor was also a little bit emotional. Usually, if they want to achieve the effect of 10 people when the broadcast starts, they have to publicize it at least a week in advance, and that must be a well-known celebrity!
As a result, if you look at it now, there are so many people on the spur of the moment. This appeal cannot be accepted!
Not long after, with the official recommendation of Shaking Hands, the number of people in Chu Qing's live broadcast room skyrocketed again!

In less than 10 minutes, the number of online users reached 20!
The gift has never been broken from the beginning to the end, and the number of Lianmai applications in the background has reached 99+.

This made many anchors who came to study bewildered, Xindao people just answered and answered questions, and these fans just watched the carnival?
And just like this, you still stop and stop fans from swiping?

"Everyone, everyone, I'm just here to play live, there is really no need to swipe these gifts"

"Everyone can come to support me, I am already very happy to watch my live broadcast, there is no need to spend money"

Listening to Chu Qing's words, not only did the viewers in the live broadcast room not stop, but they even became more aggressive!

Hey, if there is a gift, I will swipe it wildly, just to play!

Seeing that no one listened to her after stopping her several times, Chu Qing simply gave up.

At this time, someone started swiping the screen in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Chu! Sing a song!"

"Yes! Brother Chu, please sing a song!"

"Chu Qing, let's play "Overfire"!"

Looking at the comments that flooded the screen, some new fans were a little confused, singing?Let an actor sing?
Aren't you a little embarrassing?
But only some old fans know that when Chu Qing first debuted, she was a singer!

Back then, Song Dawei was attracted to sign the contract because of the two songs "Too Much" and "Ugly".

Seeing that the calls for him to sing were getting louder and louder, Chu Qing did not refuse, and after agreeing with a smile, she came to his study.

There is a guitar hanging in Chu Qing's study room, which is a system prop obtained by lottery.

[Godfather Guitar], advanced props!Made by the godfather of music, you can always trust its pitch, it will never let you down!
Chu Qing found the phone holder, put the phone away and coughed lightly: "What song do you want to listen to?"

"Too hot!"

"Yanjing Yanjing!"


The audience quickly scrolled through the comments, choosing anything.

(End of this chapter)

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