Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 43 Successful Engagement

Chapter 43 Successful Engagement
"Director, you have seen the situation in the station now, you know better than me whether the funds are tight or not"

"As far as our current ratings and influence rate are concerned, it is simply unrealistic to expect the channel to allocate funds to us. The only way we can make money now, so that the team can have more money, is sponsorship!"

"But for programs that don't have audience ratings, the big sponsors don't like them, and the small sponsors don't like them on our TV station, so the position is embarrassing now."

Li Xinyue waved her hand and said, "I know what you said, just tell me your plan."

"Director, my plan is actually very simple, just let me out and advertise for our story broadcast!"

Li Xinyue frowned slightly, but did not interrupt, signaling Chu Qing to continue.

"Director, let's not talk about broadcasting now, the ratings of TV stations have dropped significantly. Now it is the era of the Internet for all employees, and it is about to enter the 5G era. The Internet is the way out"

"This talent show was created by with a huge sum of money. The ratings will definitely not be too bad. If I appear on this stage, I will say something about my introduction, Yanjing Story Broadcasting Announcer. It will be my label, and it will be our advertisement!"

"At that time, I believe it will attract the attention of some factories and give us some opportunities."

However, Li Xinyue shook her head and said, "The higher ups don't like that kind of flickering shows, and the higher ups don't like that kind of overly girly entertainers. To be honest, I don't like it either!"

"You go to participate in this kind of program. As you said, the Yanjing Story radio announcer will become your label. At that time, you will not represent yourself, but represent our entire channel! What if there are opinions from the higher-ups? Besides, we are an official broadcaster after all, and going to that kind of program will make the audience think that we are not serious”

Hearing that Li Xinyue already wanted to refuse, Chu Qing hurriedly spoke again.

"On the contrary, director! We don't have many audiences anymore. Trees are dead, people are alive! We are already at the bottom, what room is there for us to go down?"

"Since this is the case, why don't we give it a try? Do we need to pay any price? No need! Just let me, a small employee, participate in the competition"

"Even if the boss doesn't like it, you can stop it at any time! Director, I'm just an intern announcer, and the word "internship" will prove that I can't represent our station."

Li Xinyue was somewhat moved, as Chu Qing said, failure was only a matter of a trainee announcer.

But what if it works?Are you really here to invest?This is almost a sure-fire deal!
The only thing she worries about now is whether her superiors can agree to this matter!
She frowned again and said: "You also know the financial situation in our station. Even if you go to the competition, you will not be given any resources. At that time, everything will depend on you. Compared with those in big companies, you It may be brushed down directly, what's the point?"

Chu Qing said with a serious face: "Director, even if there is only one shot, even if there are only one or two shots of me in the sideshow, then our goal has been achieved!"

Li Xinyue knocked on the table meaninglessly, Chu Qing knew she was thinking, after about a minute, Li Xinyue said: "We have a meeting this afternoon, I will apply this to the leader at that time, If the superior agrees, then do as you say!"

Chu Qing said in surprise: "Thank you, leader!"

Li Xinyue also smiled and said: "You are also thinking about our station. By the way, your host card is also in this batch. It should be available this week."

"Thank you leader, I didn't expect you to remember such a small thing"

Li Xinyue smiled, put away the plan and said, "Go back to work first."

"Yes, goodbye leader"

Chu Qing left the office with a smile, and closed the door behind her.

After waiting for Chu Qing to go out, Li Xinyue changed into a little nympho.

"Why didn't I notice before, Xiao Chu looks so pretty when she smiles, it's nice to be young"

As soon as Chu Qing walked out of the office, the system notification sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, a good thing has happened"

Chu Qing clenched her fist secretly, that's great!Does this prove that you have succeeded!
Chu Qing was a little excited, secretly thinking that she was really too smart!Not only does he have a sense of presence in front of the leaders, but he can also work on variety shows without delay. It's really flattering!
What I should think about now is, if I can really participate in variety shows, how can I win!

Chu Qing's eyes sparkled, this is also a sequelae of sales, every opportunity must be seized!When you meet an opportunity, you must grab it!

For a good sale, there is one thing that is indispensable no matter what, and that is ambition!
Now that he has a system and his body is at its peak, his eight-pack abs are simply not too showy, and he has the emotional intelligence gained from more than ten years of human relationships, and the heat that Cui Qiqi has brought to him has not let him down. He found that his The chances of winning are really not low.

Since the conditions are so good, why not fight for it?I don't know if I can make a fault debut!

Who said talent shows have to be mothers?This time, I will win you an upright, mighty and masculine character!

Before leaving get off work, a colleague called Chu Qing to the director's office.

Chu Qing was still a little nervous, until Li Xinyue smiled at him and said, "The superiors decided to let you try it. Don't worry about funding. The only help we can give you is time!"

Chu Qing nodded excitedly and said: "Time is enough! I will work hard and live up to the leader's arrangement!"

"Well, write me a detailed plan tomorrow, and I'll submit it to my superiors. I'll approve the vacation for you."

Upon hearing this, Chu Qing directly handed the plan in her hand to Li Xinyue and said, "Director, I already wrote the plan last night."

Li Xinyue looked at Chu Qing with more satisfaction, a man must have foresight and be prepared for things!Someone like Chu Qing is fine.

But what she didn't know was that Chu Qing actually wrote this during working hours today
Chu Qing understood that the matter was already half done.

Sure enough, when he went to work the next morning, Li Xinyue told him that his fake approval was approved, and he could go to that variety show now.

And besides giving him time to participate in the recording of the show, the station also gave him an assistant!
Chu Qing understood that he was an assistant, but in fact, this person was the eyeliner of the stage to prevent him from skipping work or doing something out of the ordinary that would affect the image of the stage.

But anyway, Chu Qing was very happy.

Immediately, he called Song Dawei and asked him to sign up for the variety show for him.

It wasn't until he got home from get off work that Song Dawei called him and told him that the variety show officially started recording the day after tomorrow!
Originally, the other party's quota was full, but seeing how popular Chu Qing is now, he made an exception and let him join.

The moment she heard the news, an electronic synthesizer sounded in Chu Qing's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully participating in the mission! Then the system gift package will be sent to the system space"

 You read that right, it's me again!robbery!Recommended ticket!Hand it all over!

(End of this chapter)

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