Chapter 44 Preparations
Chu Qing took out a small gift box in the system space, opened it impatiently, and saw four capsules neatly stacked in the gift box.

Putting it in the palm of Chu Qing's palm and looking at it, she saw the words 'Ventrilo', 'Long Depends on Martial Arts', 'Dance' and 'Soundtrack' written on each of them.

These turned out to be four skill capsules, and the last two really solved his urgent needs.

Needless to say about the soundtrack, if he had the soundtrack skills before, he would be able to make the soundtrack himself.

Dancing skills are specially prepared for his task. To participate in a variety show, he must be able to sing and dance a little bit of rap!

But aren't the first two a bit tasteless, especially the second one, what is that?What is long-term martial arts?

But when Chu Qing used all four skill capsules, he realized that the second one was his biggest gain today!

Wusheng in Peking Opera can be roughly divided into two types, which are Changke!bunt!
It depends on everyone, you can understand that they are dressed as young generals, such as Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and so on.

For bunt, there are Bai Yutang, Wu Song, etc. Of course, these have to be divided into roles.

In an instant, Chu Qing felt a new understanding of her body, and her body subconsciously made two movements!
The feeling that every cell in his body was jumping for joy made him want to go downstairs and run around the square twice, but he finally restrained himself!
Before, Chu Qing was a little confused about his path to participate in the draft, but now, he has found a path, a path that is different from others!
Two days later, Chu Qing brought Tang Jiaming, his assistant assigned by the TV station, and followed Song Dawei to the variety show.

The recording location was in Yanjing Film and Television Town. After arriving at the scene, Chu Qing was shocked. There were all luxury cars, RVs, and nanny cars!
Song Dawei couldn't even find a parking space, and there was a lot of people on the scene, all of whom were busy staff.

The RVs of Tianhu Entertainment, Mirror Media and other big companies were parked on the side of the road, and the logos on them were particularly conspicuous.

Both Chu Qing and Tang Jiaming looked like bumpkins entering the city, but Song Dawei smiled and said, "Did you see it? How is it? Just the people here can prove that this variety show is definitely not bad! It is said that the investment is nearly [-] million yuan !"

Chu Qing swallowed, [-] million, my God, if this is my own money, then I can eat pancakes and fruits in the future and throw them away!

When the time comes, ask the boss to add [-] eggs to him, and it will be a luxury!
After the three got out of the car, they walked towards the venue. The staff on the spot didn't want to talk to the three of them at all. The three of them didn't come from any big company, so it was strange that they were willing to talk to them.

Song Dawei was on the phone while walking. Not long after, a staff member dressed as a director came out of the studio and waved to Song Dawei: "Old Song! Come, this side!"

Song Dawei hurriedly led the two over, smiled and shook hands with each other and said, "Brother, you can do it this time! The show is really good, so many people came to participate!"

The man waved his hand with a smile, looked at Chu Qing and said, "This is your artist, right?"

Song Dawei hastily introduced: "Yes, yes, this is my artist Chu Qing, and the person next to him is his assistant Tang Jiaming. This is my old classmate Zhang Jianshe, you call him Brother Zhang!"

"Brother Zhang"

"Brother Zhang!"

"Hey, Dawei's brother is my brother, don't be strangers, come here, let me explain the process to you first."

Zhang Jianshe led a few people into the studio, and the studio looked even bigger!
Many staff members are busy adjusting the camera positions, preparing props to be used later, and so on.

Zhang Jianshe introduced the process as he walked: "Originally there were [-] people, but now with you, it has been temporarily adjusted to [-] people. When recording later, you have to evaluate yourself first, and then find your own position. sit down"

Zhang Jianshe pointed to the seat not far away, the seat was as high as a hill!A hundred chairs are densely packed, and numbers are written on the chairs.

"At that time, everyone will choose their seats according to their order of appearance and their own strength. Of course, this is only your own judgment! After all the people are ready, five judges and teachers will re-evaluate you on the spot. Divided into four grades of ABCD, in addition to a fail grade, referred to as F grade, which means failure, unqualified"

Chu Qing nodded, as if, like singing and dancing in the previous life!
It would be miserable if they were all the same as that show, I'm not feminine enough!Act cute?Candy is so sweet?Huh!Just thinking about it gives goosebumps, it must be a social death!
Don't talk about others, Duan Peng will have to laugh at himself to death!

Zhang Jianshe brought several people to the side stage, and the stage was facing the one hundred and one seats in front of him.

"This is our stage, and most of the performance time will be shown here"

"After the re-ranking of the one hundred and one of you, you will start group training. After this training, you will be ranked again, and then divided into groups! There will be a live performance with fans, and then the fans will vote to decide whether to stay or not. In the last one hundred and one people, Only 60 people will be left!"

Chu Qing's head was a little dazed after hearing this, what the hell, it looks more like it!
This is exactly the same as the variety show in the previous life!This is how to do?It seems that my previous plan is not very practical!

Zhang Jianshe led a few people to the rehearsal room, and after turning around the training room a few times, he said: "The recording of the show will start soon, because your schedule is the last to be set, and you can only be the last one to appear on stage, I'm afraid It will be your turn in the afternoon."

Chu Qing smiled and waved her hands to indicate that there is no problem, while Zhang Jianshe continued: "The first self-introduction is very important, it is best to think of something that can attract everyone to remember you! Like the love song prince, the smiling angel Don’t use bad titles, no one will remember them.”

Chu Qing nodded approvingly. This kind of program must speak with a little bit of Baodao accent.

Zhang Jianshe looked at Chu Qing again and said, "Are you going to play in this body?"

Chu Qing looked at her clothes, yes, that's all.

Today, Chu Qing is wearing overalls, black suit pants, black leather shoes, and a white slim shirt on the upper body, which looks very energetic.

"You're not attractive, and you haven't made up yet"

Song Dawei said with some embarrassment: "Isn't this the team that just got up and hasn't hired a make-up artist yet? Lao Zhang, do you have a make-up artist here? Help save the situation!"

Zhang Jianshe looked at Song Dawei angrily and said, "I'm not talking about you! It's fine to have an assistant as an artist, how can you not even have a makeup artist?"

Song Dawei scratched his head and laughed, but Chu Qing understood that they didn't make any money yet, where did they get the money to support the makeup artist, so he also smirked along with Song Dawei.

Zhang Jianshe looked at the two amusedly, and finally led them to a dressing room.

Chu Qing sat at the make-up position, looking at herself in the mirror, the ambition in her eyes was undisguised.
(End of this chapter)

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