Chapter 45 Directory
The makeup artist simply put on a light makeup for Chu Qing. According to her, Chu Qing's background is actually very good, even better than most of the people present, so he doesn't need any heavy makeup, just highlighting his facial features. .

After bidding farewell to the makeup artist, the three came to the rest room Zhang Jianshe had prepared for them.

After a while, when they are about to leave the stage, a staff member will come to call them.

The three were sitting in the lounge, Song Dawei was shaking his hands while Chu Qing was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed. He was not resting, but thinking about his next promotion path!

It's all here, a round of tour is definitely not enough, the task issued by the system is to win the championship!

Those who can come to participate in this kind of program, then there is no such thing as a silly white sweet, one is better than a green tea, no, it should be called Green Arrow Man!

This person is in charge of appearance, and that one is in charge of dancing. When something really happens, they don't take charge of any of them.

It will definitely not be easy to stand out among such a group of people, especially when the other party is supported by channels from big companies!

In today's society, good wine is also afraid of deep alleys!Publicity channels are the top priority!
If you don't have a company behind you, you can only rely on yourself for publicity!
Although I have quite a lot of fans on Shaking Hands and Weibo, only a small part of them really like me, and the rest of the fans are more for my popularity, and there is no cohesion, and this time the program should be a Great opportunity to gather fans!
Chu Qing began to pave the way in her mind, thinking of every possible possibility!
This is not hard work in vain, at least it will allow him to confirm a direction for himself and walk on a simple and direct path!
In fact, it's not only the kind of feminine and cute people who can be popular, Chu Qing can completely follow the Huaxia style!

From the very beginning, Chu Qing didn't intend to make everyone like her. If some people like her, it's enough to be her fan!

There are many fans who like femininity to pretend to be cute, and what kind of candy is super sweet, but at the same time, there are also many contestants in that category!
Chu Qing can be sure that among the 90 players including him, there are at least [-] of them with that style!

For the rest, even if they follow the style of a tough guy, they must add some cute and cute characters to themselves!

When the fans are shared among the contestants, the remaining ones may not have as many fans as their own, which is a victory for themselves!
You have to survive first and become one of 60 before you can think about other plans.

He has already recorded in his mind a few works and movements that he can use in the future. It is a proper Chinese style, and when he feels it, he will definitely amaze the audience!

The time to think about things always passed quickly, and he felt that not long after, the staff knocked on the door of the lounge outside the house.

"Hi Teacher Chu Qing, it's your turn to play soon, please follow me"

Chu Qing opened his eyes, and saw that Song Dawei and Tang Jiaming had already got up.

Song Dawei gave him an encouraging look and said, "Come on!"

Chu Qing showed a confident smile: "Just wait and see!"

The three of them left the waiting room and were guided by the staff to the preparation passage. Chu Qing will enter by himself in a while. As the last contestant to appear today, everyone in the room will wait for him to enter, and then the dinner will be ready!

After the staff set up the microphone for Chu Qing, they said softly, "Teacher Chu Qing, you can enter the arena now!"

Chu Qing hummed, and strode into the studio!

Before they came in through the side door, now it feels completely different through the main door!
At the main entrance is a long corridor first, and the flickering lights give people a dreamy feeling of the future.

Walking along the corridor to the end is a huge poster, on which are the five mentors of "Idol Has an Attitude".

At this moment, under the instructor, there are densely packed signatures, which should be the signatures of other players.

Chu Qing found a marker pen, and signed her name on it very chicly!
This is an 'N' shaped corridor. After signing the name, Chu Qing walked towards the stage.

When he walked to the stage, he looked up, and there seemed to be a 'mountain of people' densely packed in front of him!
Almost all the seats were filled, only the last seat 101 was vacant.

The moment Chu Qing entered the arena, all the players on the scene stood up. This was not to say that Chu Qing had a big bowl, but they mainly wanted to show their humble side.

Chu Qing smiled all over her face, listening to the people below whispering about herself.

"Oh my God, he is actually from Yanjing Radio and Television Station! Can official people also come to participate?"

"Is he the same Chu Qing who sang "Over Fire"?"

"Yes, Cui Qiqi's ex-boyfriend is very popular in shaking hands, many people use his BGM"

"Wow, the original singer"

As if Chu Qing didn't hear it, she walked to the center of the stage with a smile on her face, but she didn't bow like the others.

His footsteps were irregular, his waist was as straight as a javelin, and his voice was flat but penetrating!

"Hi everyone, I'm an intern anchor from Yanjing Radio and Television Station, my name is Chu Qing!"

After Chu Qing introduced herself, there was a burst of applause immediately!

"Announcer, it's amazing"

"The pressure is huge, his fans on Shaking Hands are more than 20 times mine"

"Short hair is so energetic, his appearance has already threatened me"

"It's a strong enemy, it's over, it's over, I have no resistance to this kind of sunny boy"

After Chu Qing finished his introduction, he went straight to his seat, which is the remaining seat No. 101. He listened to those "Yingying Yanyan" in his ears, and an idea came to his mind, why did they win? Own?

If he loses, then he will resign from the palace!blah blah blah blah!
What the hell!No matter what you can't lose!
Even if not for himself, but also for his second brother!

With the click of the on-site director, the recording of the morning program officially ended.

A lot of assistants rushed over, Chu Qing was startled by this scene, I don't know if I thought it was a zombie attack!
Seeing those assistants chatting with the contestants, Chu Qing was also a little envious. Turning her head to look at Tang Jiaming who was looking for her figure, Chu Qing was speechless for a while.

Tang Jiaming and Song Dawei are equal to five hundred, no explanation!
The program team only gave them a 10-minute break, and the players from the big company had already returned to the caravan to eat.

As for Chu Qing and a few small players, they worked hard together with the staff to get the boxed lunch.

Needless to say, the food of the crew is pretty good, everyone has a chicken leg.

After eating and going to WC to solve some problems in advance, Chu Qing planned to return to his seat and wait for the recording, but Song Dawei grabbed him and said, "When you reposition, what are you going to show?"

(End of this chapter)

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