Chapter 431 Spring Festival
It's ridiculous to say it. A song made many fans cry in the live broadcast room.

They had long known that Chu Qing could sing, but no one thought that Chu Qing's singing could be so lethal!
"Later, I finally learned how to love"

"It's a pity that you have long gone and disappeared into the sea of ​​people"

Liu Hong was the one who felt the most. When Chu Qing started to sing the chorus, his tears were already flowing uncontrollably.

When he heard this song for the first time, he only felt that the melody of this song was good.

At that time, he discovered this song because his ex-girlfriend was chasing dramas.

The second time I heard this song, the two had already broken up.

That thing made him grow a lot, a lot.

Let him know that he can't give wholeheartedly in love, nor can he spend all his love on one person.

You can't secretly go to work by yourself just to surprise her.

Some people, she will take everything for granted.

Just when you were working hard for food and clothing for the two of you, she fell in love with the romance you couldn't give.

Steamed buns in one hand, roses in the other hand, choose one of the two, which would you choose?
He chose steamed buns, she chose roses, it's as simple as that.

The third time I heard this song was to buy a mobile phone. The salesperson played this song for him to prove the sound effect.

When he heard the phrase "How do you remember me, with a smile or in silence", he cried heartbreakingly.

A man's collapse is often only in an instant.

"Later, I finally understood in tears"

Some people, once you miss it, you won’t be there”

Never again, there was a boy who loved that girl"

In the live broadcast, Chu Qing had already sung the entire song.

In another scene, Liu Hong was already sobbing.

Chu Qing sighed: "I don't know what happened to you, what you have experienced, but trust me, you have to look forward!"

These words made some old fans in a trance.

Yes, is there anything more difficult than what Chu Qing experienced back then?
He was framed by his girlfriend at the graduation party. One was already a popular actress, while the other was unknown. The public opinion was almost one-sided.

Even under such circumstances, he didn't say a word, but in the end, his good friend Duan Peng couldn't stand it and stood up to help explain.

Look at now, everything is better, isn't it?
Listening to Chu Qing's comforting words, Liu Hong also slowly calmed down. He wiped away his tears and forced a smile.

"Thank you very much Mr. Chu, thank you"

After finishing talking, I didn't feel any nostalgia, and hung up the video directly.

Chu Qing sighed, he knew what the other party must have gone through, but there was nothing he could do to help the other party.

Love is something that only the authorities know best, and no matter how clear it is to bystanders, it won't help.

I don't know how many men and women in this world are destroyed by the word love every day. It can only be said that those who wish to take the bait.

Chu Qing stretched her waist and said with a smile: "Hey, seeing this guy's appearance just now made me feel a little uncomfortable. We are all men, so I won't say hypocritical words, I can only say look forward, human There can't be only love in life"

"Yes! Brother Chu is right!"

"Zhang Xiaoya! I've already let you go, did you see that!"

"From then on, we will be separated from each other, and we will never miss it again!"

"Using a sentence that Chu Qing said back then, people move their mouths, but my heart is moved."

The song just now directly touched the defenses of many viewers in the live broadcast room, and the good live broadcast room suddenly turned into a sad scene.

This was also unexpected by Chu Qing, and the number of people in the live broadcast room was also increasing, reaching 50 people!

Even in the history of Shaking hands live broadcast, the number of online users can still be ranked first!

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room is getting hotter and hotter, there are even more gifts than comments, more and more people come to the live broadcast room, and even many anchors come directly to broadcast Chu Qing's live broadcast!
After Chu Qing sang two more songs, she put down her guitar and started chatting with the audience.

These fans were also very curious about his life at home. Chu Qing had been live broadcasting for more than an hour before Chu Qing ended the live broadcast. When he downloaded the live broadcast, there were already more than 100 million people online in the live broadcast room!
After waiting for Chu Qing to finish the live broadcast, the shaking hands staff breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally over, and they were almost scared to death when the number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded 100 million!
The main reason is that I didn't prepare in advance, and I was really afraid of collapsing when I encountered such an unexpected situation!

As soon as Chu Qing went live, Song Dawei called.

"Hello? Qingzi! Why didn't we promote the live broadcast to our company? That's more than 100 million online users!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Most of the people who can watch my live broadcast are fans, and if they want to promote it, they will promote it themselves."

But he didn't know, he didn't promote it, but Shaking Hands did it for him!

Almost half an hour after Chu Qing went down the air, he was pushed onto the cover with a shaking hand.

After everyone clicked on Shaking Hands, the first picture they saw was a poster of Chu Qing holding a guitar.

'Terre congratulations to Mr. Chu Qing, the number of online users exceeds one million within one hour of broadcasting! '

Countless fans who missed the live broadcast were stunned, what's going on?Why didn't you notify me about the live broadcast?I followed a fake account?
Fortunately, some people recorded it, and they can still see some replays.

Especially the song "Later" that Chu Qing sang before!
Without any suspense, this song quickly climbed to the top of all major music platforms at a terrifying speed, which made many singers look confused.

what's the situation?Is this album out yet?Who is this person?

After they clicked in and listened to the entire song "Later", they couldn't help but be confused.

Fuck, the quality of this song is so high?Which fairy wrote it?
Click in and have a look, Chu Qing!Oscar winner Chu Qing!Now these singers are a little bit want to cry but have no tears.

Brother, you can act as long as you are acting, why don't you cross over to grab our jobs!
Influenced by this song, the company's web drama unexpectedly had a second spring, and the broadcast rate increased.

Time has come to the Spring Festival, and it is rare that Chu Qing did not stay with his family to watch the new year, but came to the TV studio early.

He has a special lounge here, which is quite well furnished and quiet enough.

It's Chinese New Year's Eve, everyone around him should go home, and only Xia Zhen is left by his side.

Since the family has a child, Xia Zhen has been doing Chu Qing's assistant work most of the time, and he has done a good job. As time goes by, Chu Qing is almost at ease.

There is a big screen in the lounge, and the audience can already be seen entering the arena at this moment.

Xia Zhen was even more nervous than Chu Qing, and her hands were even trembling.

"Boss, people all over the country are watching tonight!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "I know, this is not the first time I have attended the Spring Festival Gala."

Xia Zhen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with a longing expression: "I don't know when I will be able to be on such a big stage."

(End of this chapter)

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