Chapter 432 This is Home
Chu Qing patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "It's not difficult. In this way, I will prepare two movies for you next year, brush up your face, and then prepare two programs for you. You rehearse well and talk about it in a year or two." There might be a chance”

After Xia Zhen heard this, she hurriedly waved her hands and said: "No, no, I just said it casually, performing in front of the people of the whole country, just thinking about it makes my heart unbearable."

Chu Qing smiled and said: "I put you by my side in the past two years. One is to let you get in touch with more people. You are not doing very well in this regard. There are so many people who come to our company every day. If you want to see me, you have to go through you." , but you didn’t hand over a few people.”

"But precisely because of this, I think you can do something in the future"

"You are like the tortoise in the tortoise and the hare. You walk step by step according to your own rhythm. You are not complacent, and you don't plan to take shortcuts. That's good."

"Having been honed by me for two years, it's time for you to reach your prime"

"But Xia Zhen, I hope you can remember that no matter how high your future achievements are, you must maintain your original aspiration. This is very important and can completely determine how far you will go in the future!"

Chu Qing said these words very seriously, and Xia Zhen couldn't help being infected by his emotions, and nodded with a serious expression.

After staying in [Bright Entertainment] for a long time, he has also seen some of the market.

After a lot of newcomers became popular, they started doing all kinds of tricks.

In [Bright Entertainment] alone, there are no fewer than ten people who have been hidden because of this kind of thing!

This is also something that cannot be helped. As the company grows, the flaws must also grow. This is something that cannot be stopped.

The only thing they can do is to resolutely suppress when they find flaws, and then wait for the company to grow to a certain stage, start shuffling, and directly eliminate unstable factors.

In the evening, the Spring Festival Gala officially begins!
Chu Qing also followed the staff to the actor channel, and this time his show was in fourth place.

The Spring Festival Gala program will start soon. First of all, the first program is a song and dance performance by some old artists and a chorus.

The second show is a dance of a group of children, which is also funny to say. The performance of these children is much more stable than that of adults, which may also be due to less psychological pressure.

By the time the third show came on stage, Chu Qing was already waiting on the elevator under the stage!

After waiting for the host to finish his introduction, he will appear here!
"Come on, test Mike"

"no problem!"

"Clothing Check"

"no problem!"

"Ear back"

"no problem!"

"Okay, the actors are ready, the countdown is ten seconds to go on stage!"

On the big stage, after the host introduced the latest policy with emotion, the background of the stage changed, and Chu Qing was about to appear on stage.

"There is such a person who set a box office of tens of billions at a young age and has become a living monument in the film industry!"

"There is such a person who doesn't believe in the magic of movies, and won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Actor Oscar by himself!"

"And today, on this happy family day, he brought a new song!"

"Let's applaud, "Gong Xi Fa Cai" brought by Chu Qing!"

Amid the applause at the scene, the elevator in the center of the stage slowly rose, and Chu Qing in a red Tang suit appeared in the center of the stage.

The big screen behind also quickly turned into a beaming red lantern, and the soundtrack sounded.

"I congratulate you on getting rich"

"I congratulate you on being wonderful"

“The best please come”

"Not good please go away"

This song has a brisk rhythm and simple lyrics, which is very suitable for singing during the Spring Festival.

Although it may feel a bit too vulgar in the eyes of young people, it is still very good in the ears of old people and children.

"It's started, it's started!"

"Dad! Daddy!"

In the Chu family, Chu Jianye was coaxing his grandson, while his mother and Yin Tao were sitting beside him making dumplings.

The two nannies went home for the New Year this year and did not stay at home.

"Hahaha, does your father look handsome?"

Xiao Chufan was very excited, jumping up and down on the sofa.

Chu Jianye guarded him carefully, for fear that something might happen to his grandson.

"I wish all the girls in the world"

"Marry a Good Boy"

"Two small bites are always together"

"I wish all the children in the world"

"Smart is better than talent"

"IQ fills your head"

Chu Qing on the stage was all smiles and her voice was full of enthusiasm, making Chu Fan jump up and down with excitement.

Chu Jianye laughed and said, "Grand grandson! Look at how popular your father is! When you grow up, you will be a star too, okay?"

But seeing Chu Fan, who was bouncing around just now, suddenly stopped, shook his head seriously, and said, "I don't want to be a star when I grow up."

Chu Jianye was a little surprised by this answer, he stepped forward and hugged Chu Fan and asked.

"Not to be a star? Then what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"the scientist!"

Chu Fan's answer was decisive, and Chu Jianye was taken aback.

"Scientist? Do you know what the word scientist means?"

"I know, my father taught me that I will rely on my hands in the future to make my motherland more prosperous!"

Chu Jianye was dumbfounded by these words. How could such an older child say such things?
"Honey, who taught you all this?"


This answer silenced Chu Jianye again, and even felt that he was really old for the first time.

In his point of view, earning money is the first priority for sons and grandsons, because that will improve their quality of life!

This is the truth of the so-called poor is good for oneself.

But Chu Qing is already cultivating himself, let him be a person who will be useful to the motherland in the future, and strive to make the motherland more prosperous!

As soon as the Spring Festival Gala ended, Chu Qing changed into a pair and got into the car, heading home.

Fortunately, there are not too many cars on the road today, and I will be home in more than half an hour.

Before getting out of the car, Chu Qing patted Xia Zhen on the shoulder.

"Don't forget what I said before, besides, Happy New Year, this car will be your New Year's gift"

After Chuiqing finished speaking, she directly threw the car keys in Xia Zhen's arms.

After waiting for Chu Qing to walk away, Xia Zhen finally realized.

This million-dollar car belongs to me?This, is this true?
Company year-end bonus?Welfare?

Chu Qing didn't care about him, in Chu Qing's heart, this Xia Zhen was more like his junior.

Belong to 'my family'!
As for his family, Chu Qing has always been generous to the point of outrage.

When I got home, I entered the password to open the door, and the lights inside the door were still on.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Xiao Chufan ran over with a brisk voice.

Chu Qing picked up her son, laughed and kissed his little cheek.

"Old woman! My son is back! Serve dumplings!"

"Hey, I got it, don't be idle, chop some garlic, get some mashed garlic"

Chu Qing smiled knowingly, this is home.

(End of this chapter)

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