Chapter 433

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing went door to door to pay New Year greetings.

Zhang Sanli's family and some old leaders naturally had to visit, and on the second day of the new year, the company's executives and some first- and second-tier actors came to visit him.

But on the third day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing had already boarded the plane and headed straight to Hollywood!

He's going to shoot "Desperate Revenge" directed by Martin!
This time, he not only starred in the film, but also invested in the film under the name of Lincoln Films.

In the end, you can get [-]% of the profit.

After getting off the plane with the bodyguards, the crew had already been waiting outside the airport.

Today's Chu Qing's shooting is not small, and she can also enjoy the treatment of having bodyguards to open the way.

But it is a pity that there are no people at all late at night, not even two paparazzi secretly photographed at the airport.

After resting in the hotel overnight, Chu Qing came to the crew of "Desperate Revenge" early the next day.

"Hahaha! Mr. Chu, we are waiting for you. How is the script?"

"No problem at all"

Chu Qing gestured an OK gesture. He has worked hard for this role during this time.

The eight-pack abs on my stomach are finally back!
"Haha, that's good, then let's prepare and start the machine tomorrow!"

This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures. When filming in China, everyone will try to choose a good day.

Among other things, it is certain to choose an auspicious day for the zodiac!

There are many opening ceremonies, but there are no such details in Li Jian Country.

For this point, it can only be said that the culture is different, and there is no saying who is good and who is bad.

After all, at the opening ceremony of the Huaxia people, worshiping the gods is just for peace of mind.

As we all know, Chinese people are special in the whole world, because Chinese people don't believe in gods, they believe in their ancestors more!
When other countries encounter danger, they will call out the name of a certain god, and then start praying.

The Huaxia people are much simpler and more direct, just call the ancestors to bless you!

Chinese people don't believe in God!
Because they have living gods!
In the face of disaster, even the gods can't do things, but the Huaxia people can do it!

This can be seen in mythology. In Western mythology, those who disobey the gods will be punished by the gods, and then they have to wait for a demigod with the blood of the gods to save them.

But in China, if you are born with ten days, you will shoot nine!
If the gate crosses the mountain, then the children and grandchildren will be endless, and the mountain will be removed!
On February [-]th of the Gregorian calendar, "Desperate Vengeance" was launched in a very low-key manner in the Hollywood studio.

After putting on her makeup, even Chu Qing couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw her new look.

Chu Qing before seemed to be the kind of sunny and gentle person, but now he is full of murderous looks after putting on makeup.

A black suit, white shirt, standard formal attire.

He has a cropped head, and there is an obvious scar on the back of his head.

Although the whole person is burly, but the face is a little thin, which is somewhat uncoordinated at first glance.

It felt like a strong man with a sick face.

It is obviously uncoordinated, but there is a strong sense of contrast. The first moment they see this image, a sentence will appear in their minds.

This person is not easy to mess with!

Director Martin was also very satisfied with Chu Qing's look, so he called the photographer directly, and first gave Chu Qing two makeup photos!

This kind of photo can be used directly as a promotional poster!
He can guarantee that if you take it out and vote for any magazine, it will be on the cover!

Chu Qing is also very satisfied with her appearance, and the effect of the shooting must be very good.

After waiting for the official start of filming, all the actors around were shocked by Chu Qing's filming status!
Vicious, simply!
Move fast!

The moves are chic and handsome!The Wu Zhi of the film crew who watched it all looked dumbfounded!
What's the situation?Is this action really designed by me?Is it so beautiful?
No, the movement was designed by me, but the rhythm is not!He shot too fast!

After a week of continuous filming, these talents could barely keep up with Chu Qing's pace!
"Countdown five seconds and start shooting! Five, four, three, two, one, start!"

Following Director Martin's voice, Chu Qing slowly walked out of the dark alley, but this time he didn't wear any suits, but a dark overalls, his figure perfectly blended into the darkness.

A strong white man walked into the alley drunkenly, and laughed strangely when he saw Chu Qing.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to have unexpected gains! Little monkey, hand over the money in your pocket!"

Chu Qing didn't speak, but slowly approached the other party, her pace getting faster and faster!
A cold light flashed in his right hand, and there was already a dagger that was more than ten centimeters long.

The white man was oppressed by Chu Qing's aura, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"What do you want? Who are you!"

His voice trembled a little, and he was so frightened that he sobered up.

Chu Qing still didn't say a word. He quickened his pace and came in front of the strong white man. He held the dagger in his hand backwards, and immediately attacked like a storm!

The strong white man screamed again and again, and Chu Qing cut the predetermined blood bag positions on his body, and the blood splattered shots were full of something called violent aesthetics!

It barely took five seconds before the tall, strong white man fell to the ground and asked, bleeding from his mouth.

"You, who are you?"

Chu Qing slowly squatted in front of him, and said softly: "Can't you recognize my eyes?"

These words startled the strong white man, and then his expression became more frightened.

"Impossible, impossible, you are dead, you are dead!"

"Unfortunately, no, but you are going to die!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a line of blood slowly appeared on the neck of the strong white man, and blood spattered everywhere.

"Ka! Very good very good! Hurry up and change clothes"

After the director shouted the card, the staff quickly ran forward.

Although the blood plasma can actually be eaten, it is not comfortable to be sticky on the body.

"Teacher Chu's kung fu is really good!"

"Yes, it's clean and tidy, just looking at it is a kind of enjoyment"

The staff discussed in a 'whispered voice', but this voice happened to be heard by Chu Qing.

Director Martin got up and waved to Chu Qing.

"Mr. Chu, the shot is very exciting, but I think it should be adjusted!"

Martin called Chu Qing to the back of the camera, and the two watched the playback together. The main focus was on the scene of Chu Qing's appearance.

"Look at the shadow here. I think this shadow should be adjusted. It should be just above the bridge of the nose, so that the pressure of the appearance will be stronger! What do you think?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing nodded slowly and said: "I think I can give it a try, and when I first started walking, I also felt that it was almost meaningless. I don't have the sense of playing with a cat and a mouse. How about walking slowly instead?"

"Then what if the other party escapes?"

"Throw the dagger as if it were flying!"

Martin's eyes lit up: "I think I can try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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