Chapter 434 Shooting
Martin is the director, and so is Chu Qing. When the two of them collide with each other, more ideas can be born!

It didn't take a few minutes for the two of them to completely change the footage of this scene, and then began to change the props and start shooting again.

After shooting once, watch the playback again, if there is still something unsatisfactory, then change it again!

The two of them changed a scene four or five times in a daze, and the actors were so tired that they wanted to die!

"Come on! All departments are ready, let's do it again!"

In a blink of an eye, it was already March, and Chu Qing had been filming for more than 20 days.

The filming took place very quickly, mainly because Chu Qing was really in a hurry. He will return to China to film "King Kong River" in April!I really don't have much time to waste here.

Director Martin also sensed Chu Qing's urgency, so he compressed and compressed the crew's time.

This made the crew and artists very upset. After all, the compressed time was originally for them to rest.

For this reason, Director Martin promised many benefits, the most obvious of which is the dollar!
Chu Qing took all of this seriously and said that this part of the money could be deducted from her salary, but Director Martin disagreed with everything, and played the world's sophistication clearly.

And the result of what he did was that Chu Qing's affection for him skyrocketed!

"Come on, prepare on site, three two one, start!"

After evacuating, Chu Qing walked slowly into the garage with a black suitcase in his hand.

The scale of this garage is not small, with a car hanging in the center, and four big men are discussing something around the hood.

"Hi! This is a private place, not open to the public!"

A middle-aged strong man with a turban on his head turned his head and said, but Chu Qing seemed not to hear, and walked straight towards them with a suitcase.


Another strong white man grabbed the wrench at the side, and walked over to Chu Qing, staring at Chu Qing.

The man was at least 1.9 meters tall and weighed close to [-] kilograms. He was like a wall in front of Chu Qing.

"Little boy, you've come to the wrong place! Now get the hell out of here with your damn box, or I'll snap your arm off and stuff it up your ass!"

The big man spit all over the place, but Chu Qing in front of him slowly put on his sunglasses and smiled at him.

In the next second, the box in his hand was smashed against the big man's head!
The big man groaned, and his body was staggered by Chu Qing's slap, and the rest of them quickly surrounded him when they saw this.

But Chu Qing took out a pistol from his waist, and after three bang bang bang gunshots, the other three fell to the ground.

Chu Qing pointed a gun at the white man who was about to stand up and resisted, and said, "The money belongs to them, but your life belongs to you. Do you know how to choose?"

The white man sneered: "You are the one who has been hunting us recently! Hehe, the organization will never let you go! Absolutely not!"

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, and directly pulled the trigger in his hand, and the strong white man fell to the ground in response.

Chu Qing unhurriedly opened the black suitcase, and saw a 'remote control bomb' inside.

Putting the bomb directly in the car, Chu Qing walked slowly outside the shop!
"Card! Perfect!"

Martin yelled, and the actors lying on the ground stood up quickly, and the prop master hurried over to clean up the artificial plasma for them.

Seeing this, Chu Qing was a little speechless, wondering if this movie might be a little too violent?Bleeding, bleeding, bleeding all day long!

Don't talk about others, just say that these prop masters are getting exhausted every day.

Press the blood bag, change the blood bag, wipe the blood.

The temporary assistant at the side brought Chu Qing a cup of coffee. After taking two sips, Chu Qing put down the cup and went straight to director Martin.

"How? Do you want to do it again?"

"No, your skills are still so good! Do you have confidence in the special scene in the afternoon?"

Chu Qing smiled and made an OK gesture, of course she was confident!
His driving skills are at level LV20!Not to mention anything else, there is no problem with a few simple small drifts.

When the real scene was filmed in the afternoon, Chu Qing's hand drifted so well that their scalps were numb!
Especially director Martin, after seeing Chu Qing's driving skills, he directly changed the shooting plan!
I don’t need the previous lenses anymore, I insist on a long lens!

In his words, it would be an insult to Chu Qing's acting skills if this kind of camera is not used!
What can Chu Qing do?We can only cooperate!
But here comes the question, are long shots so easy to shoot?
Especially in this kind of speed scene, it takes a while for the actors to get in touch with each other.

So as expected, it took three days of continuous filming for this segment to produce a shot that satisfied Martin.

The time abroad passed quickly, and it was the end of March in a dazed effort, and Chu Qing's role here was about to wrap up.

For nearly two months, Chu Qing didn't take a day off. She woke up and started filming. She couldn't rest until late at night, and the filming was still this kind of action scene. Even if she paid more attention, she still had a lot of bruises on her body.

But fortunately, it's finally coming to an end now.

In China, Zhang Sanli has already called him two or three times, asking when he can go back, and the crew is still waiting for him to start the film.

"All departments are ready, and the five-second countdown will start shooting!"







As the director counted down, the window on the second floor exploded suddenly, and a figure jumped out along the window. In the next second, there was an explosion, and the flames rose!

Chu Qing fell to the ground and rolled over, with scars all over her face and neck.

But his eyes were extremely cold, silently took out a pistol at the back of his waist, turned around and walked into the burning building.

The camera on the side hurriedly followed, and saw that the lobby on the first floor was already in a mess, and there were still many corpses lying on the ground. In the office on the second floor, the flames were still burning.

"Da da da!"

A burst of gunshots rang out, and Chu Qing hurriedly rolled forward, dodging the opponent's attack, and fired at the opponent at the same time.

The blood bag on the opponent's body exploded, blood flowed out along the 'bullet holes', and his body fell limply to the ground.

Chu Qing silently walked to the burning office on the second floor, and saw a fat man whose legs had been blown off was struggling to breathe.

Seeing Chu Qing come in, there was no fear on this person's face, instead he smiled slightly.

"So what if you kill me? Can your wife be resurrected? Now that the organization has been almost destroyed by you, don't you want to know where all the money I've saved these years is?"

Chu Qing didn't say a single extra word, and killed him with a single shot.

"I'll help you spend that money well"

After speaking, he threw down the pistol that happened to be empty, and left gracefully in the raging fire.

"Crap! Congratulations to Chu Qing for finishing!"

(End of this chapter)

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