Chapter 436

Chu Qing sighed when he heard the words, and silently mourned for these boys in his heart.

It's clear that the director is doing something!But it was Zhang Sanli who did the work, so what could they do?

Fortunately, Zhang Sanli was very careful, and after patting both sides, he reluctantly called out.

The boys breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and they had no other thoughts in their hearts except to try their best to play well and not be scolded.

This is something Chu Qing did not expect, and has never tried.

Chu Qing's supporting roles in filming are all professional, and so are the extras.

In addition, they were filming together with Chu Qing, so there was no need for Chu Qing to say anything, those people would work hard to perform, just to be seen by Chu Qing, thinking of soaring to the sky!
But these guys are different, they are actually students!
Pooh!I will be the number one actor in the world in the future, they are nothing!
Young and vigorous?Isn't it called a young man if he is not arrogant?

But today Zhang Sanli taught this group of young and vigorous boys a lesson!
Tell them that filming in a film crew is much more difficult than attending classes in school!

The crew's filming didn't end until the evening. The weather in the past two days was not very good, otherwise they would have to work overtime at night. After all, "King Kong River" also has a lot of scenes at night.

The group packed up their things and returned to the urban area. The crew booked two hotels here for rest.

Chu Qing and the others naturally had single rooms, while most of the other crew members had double or even quadruple rooms.

"Qingzi, do you want to barbecue on the hour at night? You're here, it doesn't make sense not to have some barbecue."

Chu Qing also laughed when he heard it. Indeed, how can you not eat some barbecue when you come here?
"Okay, okay, how do we go? If the two of us are recognized, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave"

After Zhang Mo heard this, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've inquired about it before coming here. There is a private room, so we can go in and eat after ordering."

"to make!"

Chu Qing readily agreed, and the two changed their clothes, disguised themselves tightly, and quietly walked out of the set.

The driver and his assistant had been waiting outside for a long time. The two went out and got into the car directly. Within 10 minutes, they came to a small shop.

Assistant Zhang Mo had already fixed the location, and the two went straight into the box.

"Hey, why didn't Dawei come with you?"

Zhang Mo took off his mask, picked up the paper menu, and started ordering on it.

Chu Qing stretched her waist and said: "Dawei is going to be busy getting married, he is so old, and the family is urging him to have a child."

Hearing this, Zhang Mo sighed, looked at Chu Qing and said quietly.

"It's all your fault"

Chu Qing was a little confused, so he said, "Blame me? Why?"

"You didn't start it! If you didn't get married and have children so early, my dad wouldn't be able to urge me! I haven't played enough yet!"

Chu Qing curled her lips and said: "When you have had enough fun, you will be rotten. Besides, I won't do it if I don't get married! Your sister is an insecure person, and it's okay for me to procrastinate. Can she bear it?"

While speaking, Chu Qing also took the bill. As a native of Bingcheng, he is really familiar with barbecue.

I ordered more than a dozen items directly, so I don’t have to worry about not being able to eat, after all, the driver and assistant are still there.

After Zhang Mo drew the menu, he handed it to the assistant and asked him to take out the order, and then he turned to talk to Chu Qing.

"You are different now, how aggressive you were before you got married! It seems that when you are not tired, you have to make four or five movies every year"

"After you get married, you will be wilted, and you will only shoot one or two films throughout the year"

After hearing this, Chu Qing said speechlessly: "What do you mean by being dull? Do you understand what I mean by expensive and not expensive? Although the quantity is small, the quality is high! Didn't you see that I won two Oscars?"

Zhang Mo curled his lips and said, "Oscar is amazing?"

Chu Qing didn't speak, but Chu Qing just looked at him.

After watching it, Zhang Mo felt embarrassed: "Okay, Oscar is amazing."

Chu Qing laughed at him mercilessly, but Zhang Mo was not angry at all. After waiting for a while for the skewers to be served, the two began to chat while eating.

"Oh, no wonder people say that the northern skewers are delicious, and the taste is really extraordinary."

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Why don't you come here to eat if you say the place is free?"

The two were turbulent all the way, and after they finished eating, they asked the boss to bake some more and take them away, preparing to go back and distribute them to the staff.

After waiting for the two to return to the hotel, they began to call everyone to come and share a point together.

The so-called rather lose a group than lose one person.

It's okay if everyone is not late, but if only one person is not late, that person will hate you.

This is the reason why we should not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

"Hey, thank you Teacher Chu, thank you Teacher Zhang"

"I've been hungry for this for a long time"

"Yeah, yeah, it's not in vain if you don't eat some barbecue here?"

The staff members were very happy, Chu Qing said with a smile: "That's not easy, if we rest that day, I'll treat you, and everyone will eat together, so that we don't have enough!"

"Haha, let's remember."

"Yes, it's time to eat big players!"


The atmosphere at the scene was hot, but it was hard to tell whether it was true or not.

Ever since Chu Qing became famous, she hasn't seen the so-called 'bad guy' for a long time.

As for those who dared to speak out in front of him, none of them dared to speak out. This was the impact of rising status.

Time came to the next day, and Chu Qing and Zhang Mo finally got their wish and started their performance.

Originally, Chu Qing thought that Zhang Sanli would be the director, but unexpectedly, Zhang Sanli directly gave him a few photographers and asked him to direct and act on his own.

It deeply made Chu Qing realize what it means to beat a worker!
"Director Chu, me, me, me, can I do it?"

"You you you, why can't you?"

Chu Qing smiled and looked at the young director in front of him. This guy has not yet graduated, and he is still a student of military art. He pulled over and acted as his deputy.

Zhang Sanli didn't give him an assistant director, so he had to find it himself.

And this little guy is also very funny, he stutters when he talks nervously, Chu Qing always wants to tease him.

Chu Qing pushed him onto the director's chair: "You boy, don't know how to cherish the opportunity! Others can't even dream of being an assistant director for me. Besides, don't you have to be a director after graduation? Internship"

The little director was still nervous, but he also understood that what Chu Qing said was true.

Not to mention anything else, just being an assistant director for Chu Qing, it is a kind of qualification to say it!
"Then I'll try it?"

"Look at the hypocrisy for you, if you really don't want to, just change."

"No, no, no, yes, yes, yes"

"Ha ha ha ha"


The people around were also amused. With an assistant director, it was easier to shoot.

Chu Qing and Zhang Mo were only in charge of the performance, and after the performance, they went to see the finished product and it didn't meet the requirements.

(End of this chapter)

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