Chapter 437 Labor Day

"Three, two, one, start shooting!"

After the field record hit the board, he retreated quickly. Chu Qing was sitting on the cannon, directing the gunner to adjust the angle.

"The position of the enemy plane! The direction of three o'clock! The altitude is [-], the distance is [-]! Captured!"

"The height is four thousand and two! It's out of range, so I can't hit it"

"The height is two thousand eight! The height is eleven thousand!"

"It's beyond the range, and I still can't hit it!"

"Caught it!"

"I can't hit it outside the range!"

"Caught it!"

"The height is not enough or you can't hit it!"

Chu Qing's face was full of intersection, but was suddenly pushed aside by Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo stepped directly into the driving seat: "Five degrees to the right"

The gunner obeyed and began to turn the gun.

Chu Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and moved forward.

"Old Guan, I only have 28 shells left!"

"Too fast, hit"

"Hit! Hit!"

The gunners around cheered and jumped up, looking excited.

"Card! Very good!"

The director hurriedly shouted the card, and then took the initiative to let Chu Qing and Zhang Mo watch the replay.

Zhang Mo was very satisfied with his performance just now, but Chu Qing shook his head directly.

"No, the difference is too much. The actor's mood is not right. The gunner was not enthusiastic enough when he hit the shot. Brother Zhang, you acted too restrained just now. Let's do it again."

Chu Qing's words here are the imperial decree.

He said to do it all over again, so he must do it all over again.

The photographers have already walked back to their respective positions, waiting for a while to start shooting again.

Chu Qing sat on the cannon and said: "It's still an old saying, you have to bring in characters when you are filming, and you guys are the same. Don't think that your roles are small. On the contrary, your scenes are very important."

"We are a whole, the quality of this shot cannot be supported by me and Zhang Mo"

"Look for more feelings, you don't want to play supporting roles all the time, do you?"

After listening to Chu Qing's words, the rest of them took a few deep breaths in a row, trying to find out what Chu Qing said.

After two or three minutes of adjustment, the shot was taken again.

"Three, two, one, start!"

"The position of the enemy plane! The direction of three o'clock! The altitude is [-], the distance is [-]! Captured!"

"The height is four thousand and two! It's out of range, so I can't hit it."



The shots are not long, and the reshoots are progressing very quickly, but unfortunately this time it is still not satisfactory.

Chu Qing could feel that everyone was serious, but they couldn't get along well.

This feeling is like pouring oil into the water, the difference is clear.

Chu Qing began to frown and think, needless to say, there must be something wrong, but he didn't see it.

But this is also easy to handle, and you will know if you take two more shots.

Chu Qing simply found someone to take his place, and he sat behind the director's screen to watch.

It doesn't matter if you can't remember the lines for yourself, the other actors have already memorized the lines fluently, and there is no problem with the pig with the head on it.

After taking two consecutive shots, Chu Qing finally found the problem.

The problem lies in the overall shot. There are too many characters in the shot to give a panoramic view, and it is almost impossible to tell who is the protagonist. Looking at it this way, it has to be more close-ups, and the shots are for myself or Zhang Mo.

Shoot it again, and sure enough, after sacrificing some shots, it's much better.

After finding the feeling, I started shooting again, and this time I went through it directly.

Filming in a domestic crew is simply a kind of enjoyment, the most notable point is to eat well and sleep well!
Every day in Lijian Country, Chu Qing was almost stunned by the hamburgers. The crew finally had a day off. Director Martin said to take Chu Qing to eat some good ones, but when he went there, he found out that there are more than 70 kinds of hamburgers!
There are special dishes in Huaxia, and every state in Lijian has special burgers and pies!
During the two months of filming, Chu Qing almost vomited.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no other cuisines, but compared to other cuisines, the only things Chu Qing can accept are hamburgers and fried chicken.

Among other things, Chu Qing still likes fried chicken.

Even though it and corn are called civilian delicacies, he still thinks it is delicious.

When I return to China, I will enjoy it very much, especially when I was filming in the north, the tofu nao is salty, which suits his taste very much.

However, the filming progress of the crew was not fast, all because of Zhang Sanli, his requirements were too strict!
Chu Qing always thought that she was a strict director, but after working with Zhang Sanli, she realized that she was too naive!

Compared with Zhang Sanli, he is simply a little white rabbit!
Zhang Sanli's harshness towards actors is simply unimaginable to others.

And the consequence of doing so is that the acting skills of the actors have skyrocketed!

This is very unusual.

When Chu Qing was filming before, he always recruited some actors with [-]% acting skills to act for him.

Such actors are relatively stable in performance, and can perform at around [-] even if they are not in the state.

As a result, Zhang Sanli abruptly raised the ninety-point actors to one hundred, or even one hundred and one!

In this way, even if the actor is not in the state, his acting skills are higher than [-]%!That's what it takes to be a director.

Of course, the result of this is that next time you want to find these actors to act in a play, it is impossible not to increase the salary. After all, who wants to suffer?

On Labor Day, the weather became much warmer. After a month of running-in, the actors also found their condition and began to enter a stable shooting period.

The scenes of Chu Qing and others were almost filmed. After all, they didn't need many people for their shots, and their acting skills were similar. Now there are only the last two big scenes left to be filmed.

One is Zhang Mo himself using a flare gun to attract firepower, and the other is Chu Qing fighting the bomber with artillery alone.

If it weren't for Zhang Sanli pulling Chuqing to act as his assistant from time to time, Chu Qing might have already finished.

Zhang Sanli couldn't help it, who made it easy for Chu Qing to use it?

Other assistant directors have to say in detail what they want and how to do it.

Chu Qing was relieved, he didn't have to make any effort at all, and pushed him onto the director's chair. Needless to say, the quality of the shooting was absolutely passable!
Who doesn't love this kind of assistant director?

And there's no need to worry that the assistant director won't be able to restrain those actors. Given Chu Qing's qualifications, who of these actors would dare to be the assassin?
As a result, Chu Qing was surprised to find that although he came here to be an actor, most of the time, he was working as a director.

Even in the end, Zhang Sanli planned to let him lead a group and lead a group himself, and started shooting at the same time!

As a result, Chu Qing naturally rejected it. It is better for the director to be alone, so that the shots can be connected freely.

The boss still counts on this movie to support the scene. If he fails to direct it, how can he keep up with the boss?

Zhang Sanli can handle the pressure, but he can't!

Seeing this, Zhang Sanli didn't force himself, but threw more shots to Chu Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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