Chapter 438 August
"Every department is ready! It's the last scene, everyone should be more energetic, and we'll call it a day after this part."

Zhang Sanli is instructing the staff to adjust their positions in the crew, and the makeup artist is drawing special effects costumes for Chu Qing.

Now Chu Qing has only one arm and one leg left, and his face is covered with blood plasma, which looks very scary.

Hearing the director's urging, the makeup artist moved three minutes faster.

"Immediately, just a little bit away"

The make-up artist and prop artist began to deal with the position of Chu Qing's severed arm, and said while placing the blood bag.

"Mr. Chu, you must use force when you stop the bleeding. This blood bag is relatively strong, so it won't blow up without force."

Chu Qing hummed, this is not only the last scene tonight, but also his final scene.

After filming this segment, even if he finished it, he naturally attached great importance to it!
After Chu Qing was ready, the staff were also ready.

Especially the props, the flare gun was checked twice to ensure that the power of the flare gun can ignite gasoline without hurting people.

"Departments are ready!"

"Photography ready!"

"Props are ready!"


The staff quickly reported the situation, and when everyone was ready, director Zhang Sanli called out to start!
The photographer is carrying the camera and moving his body slowly.

The orbital camera was also aimed at Chu Qing, shooting in all directions.

Chu Qing leaned on the cannon, using his remaining right hand with his teeth to treat the wound.

He tightly strangled the wound of his severed arm, sweating coldly from the pain!
If the bleeding does not stop, he will lose his life soon
But in fact, he still has a choice at this time, that is to go to the big army, there are medical soldiers there, as long as he finds the big army, he can survive.

With such a serious injury, he can retreat to the second line.

But he didn't, because his comrades were all dead!They all died on this battlefield!He knew that they hadn't gone far on Huangquan Road.

It's too late to go after it now!

But, before he goes to them, he's going to shoot that bastard down!
He strangled his broken arm tightly, trembling with pain, but his will was firm.

After treating the wound, he used a wooden stick as a crutch, barely supporting his body and came to another artillery.

He poured all the remaining gasoline on the ground, and he wanted to create light to attract the attention of enemy planes!

The extremely simple movements on weekdays made him sweat profusely due to exhaustion.

One person loads, presses, and pre-adjusts the muzzle.

While doing all this, blood was flowing from his mouth, and his internal organs had been injured by the shelling just now.

A good actor is contagious. The surrounding staff looked at Chu Qing now, and everyone was quiet, only feeling heavy in their hearts.

Is this just a movie?No!It's a spirit!
Today's thousands of lights, singing and dancing are all because of these people!

They stopped the war outside the borders. The domestic war is over, but the foreign war is not yet!
Director Zhang Sanli stared at the monitor without blinking.

This scene is very important in the whole movie, there is no room for a mistake!
Last night, Chu Qing took out the flare gun with his right hand, bit open the insurance with his mouth, with a calm expression, ready to die generously!

With a random shot, he hit the gasoline on the ground.

Suddenly a flame rose up, illuminating his gun emplacement, so obvious in the dark night.

Chu Qing tried her best to sit on the gun emplacement, and had no legs to step on the trigger, so she used a wooden stick!

No one can stop his will, and no one can stop him from avenging his brother!

When a person doesn't even care about his life, who can stop him?
And Chu Qing performed this scene to the fullest, not only he was in the scene at the moment, but some photographers around seemed to have returned to that era and saw that fearless gunner!
"Rescue Zhao Yun in front of Changbanpo"

"Scare off Cao Cao's million troops"

Chu Qing murmured softly, his voice was very low, and he had exhausted all his strength after finishing all the preparations just now.

The injuries on his body might have collapsed in other people's bodies, but it is already a miracle that he has survived until now.

"My surname is Zhang, my name is Fei, and my word is Yide."

"Eternal fragrance is reckless"

For the last three words, he almost roared, as if he saw the bomber that killed his comrade-in-arms and master!
He lit the trigger with a wooden stick, and the sound of the artillery was deafening!
Some emotionally sensitive people around have even shed tears.

Chu Qing, it's over.

On June [-]th, Chu Qing finished filming, but he did not leave the crew, but became a full-time assistant director!

Finally, at the beginning of July, after three months, "King Kong River" was finally finished.

Because it was going to be released in October, and the time was very tight, after Zhang Sanli finished the wrap-up banquet, he directly took people to Yanjing to edit it.

The huge crew was disbanded like this, those who went back to school went back to school, and those who went back to the company went back to the company.

Chu Qing finally returned home. Since the Chinese New Year, he stayed outside for five months, and his son almost didn't recognize him when he returned home.

At this time, Chu Qing silently made a vow to herself, not to go so far away easily!

Unexpectedly, Chu Qing received a call from Song Dawei just after making the oath.

"I'm getting married next month, come on!"

"Where to go?"

"Come to Mongolia!"


The oath is valid for less than a month!

Song Dawei's marriage is not a trivial matter, at least it is not a trivial matter for [Bright Entertainment].

Anyone who works in the company knows that [Bright Entertainment] is able to have what it is today, Song Dawei is absolutely indispensable.

It can even be said that Song Dawei was the guide who led Chu Qing into the circle!

The friendship between the two of them is also incomprehensible to others.

Now my brother is getting married, how can Chu Qing not be there?

Not only him, as long as the company has time in August, all artists will go!
When good brothers get married, the pomp must be grand!
Something that is once in a lifetime, if the scale is small, I am afraid of leaving regrets.

It's a bit funny to say, the two brothers have known each other for so many years, but they haven't been to Song Dawei's house yet.

Not only has he never been here, he doesn't even know what his family does, he only knows that he has some money.

Associating that this is Mongolia Province, Chu Qing has already made up the content in his brain.

See cattle and sheep in the wind and grass!

Presumably his family should have raised a lot of cattle, sheep and horses.

But after arriving at the place, Chu Qing was dumbfounded.

【Yiyi Milk】!
One of the two major milk manufacturers in China!

Chu Qing still remembers that the first endorsement he received was [Yiyi Milk]!
At that time, many people in the circle were still thinking, how could such a big brand find such an unknown junior like Chu Qing?

Now the answer is announced, because Song Dawei is actually the young owner of [Yiyi Milk]!
Chu Qing once felt that he was already very rich, after all, he could spend tens of billions to buy Lincoln Film Company.

But now he realizes that the real rich man has been hiding by his side all this time
(End of this chapter)

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