Chapter 439

It wasn't just Chu Qing who was dumbfounded, but Duan Peng and Zhang Mo who were beside him were also stunned.

Zhang Mo even swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "This Dawei is hiding something very deep, and his family is so rich that they still come to be a manager?"

Duan Peng was also a little speechless: "The last time we went out to eat steamed stuffed buns, I paid the bill. If I had known this stuff had this wealth, I would."

Before he finished speaking, Song Dawei drove an off-road vehicle and stopped in front of several people.

"Hey guys, get in the car, it's so hot outside"

Chu Qing and the others got into the car one after another, and Chu Qing naturally wanted to sit in the co-pilot.

"Okay, Viagra, you are hiding it deep enough! You are the real rich second generation! What? You came to be an agent to experience life?"

"Come on, what kind of rich second generation am I? My family has some money, but it's not my son. My elder brother has my eldest brother in the family business, and it's not my turn to inherit it. At that time, I will just share some money, or it will be my son. Big brother is working as an errand, that’s not what I want.”

After Song Dawei finished speaking, he kicked the accelerator, and the car sped away.

"In comparison, it's interesting to be an agent, hahaha, besides, I'm doing pretty well now, too? It can be regarded as breaking out of my own world."

Song Dawei was quite content, from beginning to end.

Not long after, a group of people came to the hotel arranged by Song Dawei. Although it was not comparable to the hotel in Yanjing, it was second to none in the local area.

Everyone checked into the hotel, and Song Dawei, as the host, naturally wanted to accompany them.

When you come to Mongolia, it is impossible not to drink.

Fortunately, everyone at this table can drink quite well, especially Chu Qing, who has never been drunk since drinking with the system.

You asked him how he was drinking, and he pointed in the direction of the sea!
The few people here are all Chu Qing's friends for many years, so naturally they won't overreach to challenge Chu Qing's drinking capacity!

Song Dawei raised his wine glass and toasted: "It's been a long time since we buddies, everything is in the wine."

After finishing speaking, he drank it in one gulp, Zhang Mo hurriedly waved his hands.

"Don't, don't, who can drink a glass of yours?"

Duan Peng also said: "That's right, you can't drink this baijiu too hard, it will take a long time, let's drink it slowly."

Song Dawei laughed and said, "What? Are you scared?"

Duan Peng curled his lips and said to Chu Qingnu: "If you have an idea, you can drink with him!"

Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing, then shook his head decisively.

Just kidding, I'm going to get married soon, is it okay to drink with this kind of animal?That drinking is almost like drinking water!What if something happens to me if I drink myself?
Song Dawei decisively changed the subject: "Then drink slowly, drink slowly, by the way, Qingzi, how is the film and television base in Southeast Asia?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's pretty good. Now the film and television base has become the largest in the local area. Now they are making movies and TV series, and they are willing to go to the scene. Just watch it like this. We will be able to pay back in a few years."

Song Dawei also laughed out loud when he heard it, this film and television city also has his share.

After Song Dawei finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Mo again: "What about you? When will your kid get married?"

"Quickly, next year, Viagra, after you get married, will you stay in Mongolia or go back to Yanjing?"

"Of course I'm going back to Yanjing!"

Song Dawei said without hesitation: "According to my intention, I have already returned to Yanjing, but the old man at home refuses to let me."

Coming to Song Dawei's home court, Song Dawei naturally wanted to entertain a few people well.

Riding horses with a few people, drinking, roasting whole sheep, having fun.

He didn't leave until the eve of his wedding, and the company's artists have already taken their positions one after another.

This made many media curious. They wanted to know what [Bright Entertainment] was planning to do. Why did so many celebrities come to Mongolia?

Chu Qing and the others didn't hide this, everyone knew what they wanted to know, and it wasn't a bad thing.

Don't hide, don't advertise.

But this wedding was still broadcast by many media, and there was no way to do it, mainly because the scene was too big!

There were countless wedding cars, all luxury cars, and they drove around the area before going to meet their relatives.

The word 'low-key' has been pushed to the limit!

The wedding was also held in the largest hotel in the area, and the upper and lower floors were full of people!
The two floors are friends of the old man of the Song family, and the other floor is Song Dawei's friends and artists.

The bride's friends are all in Yanjing, but relatively few people come here, because there will be a make-up wedding in Yanjing later.

The artists who came this time were not only [Bright Entertainment], but also many well-known artists from other companies also came to congratulate.

After all, Song Dawei is getting married today!Who doesn't know his relationship with Chu Qing?As long as Song Dawei remembered them, it was equivalent to Chu Qing remembering them!
Although Chu Qing is still young and has not old qualifications, she has a lot of halos on her body.

He is a national first-class actor, and looking at the plays he has taken in the past few years, isn't it appropriate that he went for that position?
When Boss Tie retires, there is a high probability that he will be able to top it!
If you don't take advantage of the detour to please now, when will you please?
The wedding process is the same, exchanging rings, parents come on stage, and then call them parents.

It is a perfect hodgepodge of eastern and western weddings, which looks a bit nondescript.

But fortunately, the elderly on both sides like it.

Especially the old man of the Song family, who couldn't see his eyes when he smiled, and kept saying yes, yes, yes.

Wrapped a red envelope for the newcomer, saying that there is a card inside, a total of 1000 million and one yuan, which means one in a million.

Chu Qing was stunned, thinking that you are a bit outrageous, this is obviously pushing up the market!
The bride was also a little afraid to take it, but Song Dawei reached out and took it.

1000 million is a lot of money for ordinary people, but it is the same for him. The annual share in [Bright Entertainment] is more than [-] million.

After the newcomers on both sides changed their words, the master of ceremonies came up and said a bunch of auspicious words, and the banquet began.

The bride and groom went down to change their clothes, and then sat at the table to toast, while Chu Qing and the best men chatted with each other bored.

"Zhang Mo, next time you get married, don't you have to have such a big scene?"

Duan Peng asked while eating cold dishes.

Zhang Mo shook his head resolutely when he heard it: "I dare not, you don't know about my old man? It is strictly controlled! According to my old man's idea, it is enough to invite some friends he knows. Need not"

Duan Peng curled his lips and said: "When I get married, I will be older! Go back to Bingcheng and let those people see it!"

Chu Qing patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "Success! Make it bigger! We invite everyone we know and don't know, and we can make it as spectacular as it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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