Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 440 Press Conference

Chapter 440 Press Conference
Chu Qing has been 'independent' since he was a child!
On the surface, he can get along with everyone, but in reality there are only two or three good friends.

Among these two or three friends, Duan Peng must be ranked first.

Although he is irritable and prone to trouble, his position in Chu Qing's heart is irreplaceable.

He caused trouble, and Chu Qing was willing to help him solve it. This was the relationship between the two of them!

Because Chu Qing was very sure that even if one day he had nothing left and could not eat, as long as Duan Peng had a steamed bun in his hand, he would definitely have half of himself.

And Duan Peng also knew that when he had nothing to eat, as long as Chu Qing had a bite to eat, he would not be hungry.

"When the time comes, the wedding will be on my shoulders! If it's not eye-catching, the big things in life have to be taken care of!"

Duan Peng laughed out loud, keeping everything in his mind.

After the wedding banquet, Chu Qing and his party returned to the hotel, and their task was considered complete.

Next, Song Dawei should go out for honeymoon.

The few of them packed their luggage together, and after calling Song Dawei to say goodbye, they took the plane and went straight to Yanjing.

As soon as Chu Qing returned to Yanjing, she received a call from Director Martin himself.

"Mr. Chu, our film has finished the final stage and has reached the completion standard! Next month, it will be released globally!"

Chu Qing counted the time, and it was about the same, but why is it so urgent?

"Next month? September? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Chu Qing directly asked her doubts. Is it enough for publicity in just such a period of time?
Director Martin also felt aggrieved and said, "It's because of the theaters. At the beginning, I wanted to release it in October, but the theaters in your country didn't agree with it, saying that no movies should be released in October." , otherwise you will definitely lose money”

"In the end, I pushed it to September, saying that September is the summer holiday season, there are many students, and the box office of this kind of action movie will be better."

After thinking about it, Chu Qing understood the reason. Now everyone in the circle knew that he had a movie to be released in October. This was because he was afraid of market hedging.

"Well, they're right, I have a movie coming out in October, and that movie has a strong lineup"

Director Martin understood: "Oh, that's no wonder, Mr. Chu, we will go to China for publicity in the middle of this month, can you cooperate with us then?"

"Of course, you are very welcome"

"Then we will see you in Huaxia"

"See you in China!"

Chu Qing hung up the phone and stretched her waist. It seemed that it was impossible to be lazy.

In mid-August, director Martin arrived in Huaxia, and Chu Qing went to pick him up in person.

Regardless of the identity of the other party or the relationship between the two, Chu Qing should come to pick him up.

Martin is very enthusiastic, coming up is a hug.

"The last time I came to Huaxia was to invite you out of the mountain, and this time I came to promote a movie. This Huaxia is really my blessed land."

Chu Qing smiled, took director Martin and his party into the car that had been prepared earlier, and went straight to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Chu Qing arranged for the staff to take everyone to rest, while he and Director Martin walked to the restaurant.

"Director Martin, has the publicity process been finalized?"

"Well, we're going to hold a press conference where we can promote the movie"

Chu Qing raised her eyebrows, this propaganda method is quite old-fashioned.

But in terms of the other party's status, the effect should be good.

Chu Qing even thought of the title, and wrote that one of the top ten directors in Hollywood came to Huaxia to promote the new movie in person!

It doesn't matter anything else, it's more attractive that the Hollywood director in front is one of the big directors.

"and then?"

"There will be a few follow-up interviews, all of which are contacted by my agent. I don't know the specifics."

Chu Qing nodded, generally speaking, it was still an old-fashioned propaganda technique.

If this set of propaganda methods is not supported by Martin, it must be a miserable death.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Chu Qing and Martin are there, the heat will not be a problem at all!
The two discussed the promotion process, and Martin took out the questions he would answer at the press conference in his bag, and asked Chu Qing to check it for him.

Because he didn't know if there were any sensitive topics in China that he couldn't talk about. If there were, he could avoid them.

It has to be said that Director Martin still cares about these details.

This is also a kind of respect for culture and the market, and it is also a matter of attitude.

There are already countless foreigners who have fallen into the sand in this regard, and he certainly doesn't want to follow in the footsteps.

As the host, Chu Qing naturally fell on him to lead people to visit.

But it is a pity that Chu Qing is not familiar with Yanjing, so he can only show them to raise the flag.

On August [-]th, the reception was ready. On this day, all the well-known and unknown media in Yanjing came.

With the growth of the film market in recent years, many people have come to China to promote films, but Martin's level is still the first!
How could they miss this kind of news?
At nine o'clock in the morning, Martin Shi Shi ran into the venue, and beside him was Chu Qing.

As soon as the two of them showed up, the flashes kept flickering. These people didn't want to miss a single scene!
The bodyguards around seemed a little nervous, for fear that two fanatics would jump out and do something out of the ordinary.

But they obviously worried too much, because this is Huaxia!
It can be said to be the safest country in the world.

After the two sat down, the staff pulled down the red cloth behind them, and the giant poster of "Desperate Vengeance" was displayed in front of everyone!
At the moment, the camera is still taking pictures, and Director Martin speaks slowly.

"It's a great honor for you to come to our film's press conference. I am very grateful and sincerely hope that Chinese audiences will like this film."

Director Martin said something, and the translator behind him translated it.

After all, not all reporters can communicate without barriers, and this press conference will be shown to some Chinese audiences.

If people can't even understand what he said, then they should promote a hammer!

"This is the first time I choose a Chinese artist to play the leading role. I have to say that Mr. Chu Qing gave me a big surprise! It also gave me a new understanding of the country of China."

Director Martin talked eloquently on the stage, seeming like a fish in water. He introduced the 10-minute movie in a row, and there were at least seven or eight minutes of it praising Chuqing!

Those who didn't know thought it was a commendation meeting for Chu Qing!
After introducing the movie, Director Martin signaled to the reporters in the audience to ask questions.

A reporter at the front raised his hand the fastest. Martin smiled and said, "Sir, congratulations, you have the opportunity to ask questions."

The reporter stood up decisively.

"Director Martin, the reason why you chose a Chinese artist as the leading actor this time is because you are interested in the Chinese market?"

(End of this chapter)

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