Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 441 "Desperate Vengeance"

Chapter 441 "Desperate Vengeance"

This question is a bit sharp. It is obviously asking Martin, are you here for money?
This question is actually redundant, because there is no need to ask!

Otherwise, why did people come to Huaxia to promote it?

When the translator translated the question to Martin, Martin laughed.

"It is undeniable that there is a part of the reason. After all, the Chinese film market today can be said to be the largest in the world! In front of such a good market, how can we avoid it?"

"But that's not the reason why I chose a Chinese artist to play the leading role. The reason why I chose Chu Qing as the leading role is because he is really suitable for this role! Whether it is image or acting skills, he is the best candidate I can find! "

After hearing this, the reporter wanted to ask more questions, but the staff stopped him.

"I'm sorry for the reporter friend, there are so many people at the scene, so everyone can only ask one question, the opportunity should be left to more people"

Then completely ignored him, and chose a reporter in the crowd to ask questions.

The reporters and staff who came here to ask questions have already greeted them in advance, and this question just now is obviously a little ignorant!
For this kind of reporter, it's good if they don't hold grudges against you. How could they give you a second chance?
After the second reporter got up, he looked directly at Chu Qing and asked questions.

"Mr. Chu, this should be the first time you have played the leading role in a foreign movie. What are your expectations for this movie?"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "My only expectation for this movie is that it can be recognized by more foreigners, let them know that our Chinese actors are equally good, and there will be more opportunities for our Chinese artists in the future."

The reporter obviously didn't expect Chu Qing to answer this way. He originally thought that Chu Qing would say that he hoped the box office would exceed 50 billion, or how many billion.

In the end, I didn't expect Chu Qing to say that!
This press conference was broadcast live by several video sites. Netizens who were watching the live broadcast felt inexplicable after hearing Chu Qing's answer.

Could this be the legendary pattern?

After listening to the translation, director Martin looked at Chu Qing with some changes.

People who love their own country and support their own country can always win the respect of others, don't they?
Then the reporter asked questions again, and the questions were varied.

What are the interesting things in the crew, the troubles encountered during filming, and the actors' efforts for this.

Anyway, they were all asking questions to help promote the movie. In this way, the questions continued for nearly an hour before the next activity began.

Martin and Chu Qing will give away some movie tickets, as well as some peripheral products and props in the play.

These awards are mainly given to the audience who are watching the live broadcast. As for the reporters on the scene, their gifts are much simpler and more direct.

At noon, after the press conference was over, Chu Qing sent the reporters away before saying goodbye to Director Martin.

He has almost done what he should do, and they have to do the rest of the publicity and interviews.

Although Chu Qing holds 15.00% of the shares as Lincoln Films, she can't do everything by herself!How about investing in a movie by yourself?
Moreover, the popularity of "Desperate Revenge" is very high now, and there is no need for Chu Qing to help promote it.

But as soon as this promotion was over, the promotion of "King Kong River" began!

And this time, there is a big game on the top. This movie will not only be released in China, but also in Japan and Bangzi!

It's okay to watch it in Wa country, but it's a bit of a face-slap when it's released in Bangzi country.

After all, King Kong crossed the river just to beat them!
And anyone who knows a little history knows that there is only one winner in that battle, and that is Huaxia!
Under such circumstances, can people let you show it?

But Chu Qing obviously underestimated the energy of the above, and the direct release date has been set, which will be on October [-]st!Three Kingdoms released at the same time!
Chu Qing was very worried about this. Who would want to watch a movie about their own country's defeat?Whether the cost can be recovered by then is a question.

But the higher-ups naturally had their own ideas, and Chu Qing didn't worry about the specifics.

However, Chu Qing is still very concerned about publicity.

As long as it is available, whether it is a reality show, a talk show, or a movie introduction program, as long as you let him go, then he will definitely follow.

After all, he wrote the script, he is one of the leading actors, and he is also the assistant director of the crew. It can be said that the final score of the movie is directly related to him.

With the addition of Chu Qing, the popularity of this movie soon surpassed that of "Desperate Revenge"!
Of course, there are also some unharmonious voices on the Internet, such as moral kidnapping and the like.

How can this kind of movie look good in Li Jianguo blockbuster!
But when they found out that Chu Qing also starred in the blockbuster Lijian Country, they were so sad that they almost died every minute!
These banana people instinctively feel that things from other countries are better than their own.

Unexpectedly, they also used Chu Qing as the leading role, it was as if someone had slapped them hard!
Tell him, you are used to kneeling by yourself, don't pull us!

In this way, the time slowly came to September, "Desperate Revenge" was officially released, but Director Martin had already returned to Lijian Country.

China's propaganda is finished, but the propaganda of other countries is not.

On this day, Chu Qing directly booked a movie theater and took some technicians and artists from the company to watch it together.

They are still very happy that the boss can take everyone to watch a movie during working hours!

But not long after I was happy, I heard the boss say.

"Pay more attention to the shooting technique and the use of the lens by others in a while, and take notes. I will see it when I go back."

staff member:"."


The co-author is Bringing Us to the Cinema to Work!
The movie started quickly, everyone quieted down and observed the movie carefully.

At the beginning of the movie, a white man with a sniper rifle is hiding in a tree and aiming at a rich man in the swimming pool.

The next second, gunshots rang out.

The rich man was still playing in the water, but it was the white man who fell under the tree.

The sound of the fall alarmed the rich man, and the rich man's bodyguard came to investigate immediately, but only found a little blood under the tree.

The killers photographed by the organization thought they had completed the task, but the senior management of the organization said that it was impossible to be so simple, because he was their strongest killer and he knew him too well.

Even if he saw the other party's body, he would not believe it if he hadn't cut off the other party's head.

So the entire killer organization was dispatched, and in order to find the male lead, they even kidnapped his fiancée.

But his fiancée really doesn't know anything, the hero is just a pet doctor in her eyes.

Of course the killer organization didn't believe this, so they decisively killed the heroine.

At this time, the male lead was still in a coma at his friend's house.

(End of this chapter)

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