Chapter 442 is on show

The male protagonist was seriously injured and had limited mobility. His friend helped him find his girlfriend, but found that his girlfriend's house was all policemen. After inquiring, he found out that a murder case happened here and his girlfriend was already dead.

The friend was afraid that the male lead would not be able to accept it, and wanted to hide it, but he underestimated the male lead's power of observation!

The two have been friends for many years, how could he have deceived the male lead, and the male lead did not yell after learning the truth, but this kind of silence is the most terrifying.

Finally, with the help of his friends, the male protagonist smuggled onto an ocean cruise ship, saying that he wanted to start his life again.

Three years have passed like this, and the boss of the organization is also relieved, thinking that the male lead must have lost too much blood and died, otherwise, with the character of the male lead, after knowing that his girlfriend is dead, he will definitely go crazy Organize revenge.

But it has been three years, and the organization is still safe and sound, so he believes that the male lead must be dead, which makes him feel that he can sit back and relax.

But on this day, a man in black overalls got off the plane silently.

He wears a pair of sunglasses and carries a black canvas bag on his back, but he habitually observes everything around him while walking.

The eyes of several company artists lit up. The boss's appearance and temperament are really nothing to say!

Chu Qing went to the street and stopped a taxi: "Peter Street 881"

"Good sir!"

The taxi driver agreed, and the car drove away quickly.

Only then did Chu Qing slowly take off her eyes. She was clearly an Asian, but her pupils were blue!
The audience immediately recognized these eyes, they are the male lead's eyes!
He has plastic surgery!

The taxi arrived at No. 881 Peter Street, and Chu Qing got off after paying the fare.

When I came to my friend's house and knocked on the door, the crisp knocking sound echoed in the corridor.


The friend's voice was a little impatient, and when he opened the door, he saw an Asian man coming back.

“I didn't order takeaway”

After speaking, he was about to close the door, but Chu Qing grabbed the door with one hand.

The friend directly took out a revolver and pointed it at Chu Qing's lower abdomen and said, "Listen buddy, no matter what you want to do, you obviously found the wrong person!"

Chu Qing slowly took off her eyes, revealing those blue eyes: "I'm pretty sure I didn't make a mistake."

The other party was startled, and then showed a look of surprise.

"Damn, why are you back?"

He immediately opened the door chain and pulled Cong Chuqing into the house.

"Oh look at you, now even if you stand in front of them, they won't recognize you"

Chu Qing smiled, with a stiff expression, he gently put the canvas bag on the sofa beside him and said.

"Jamie, I need your help"

Jamie was taken aback, and then said in shock.

"You intend to take revenge?"

"Of course, Jessica couldn't die in vain"

Chu Qing's eyes were determined, and there was anger in both eyes.

Seeing this, Jamie sighed, moved his hands and said, "Since you disappeared three years ago, the organization has changed its base camp. I will try my best to help you find it, but you know, they have always been very careful."

Chu Qing hummed, patted Jamie on the shoulder and said, "They should have saved a lot of money over the years, and when I destroy them, the money will be ours."

Jamie smiled after hearing this, turned around and went to the laptop and said, "Then I have to buy a favorite sports car!"

After seeing her old friend, Chu Qing had a foothold.

Then he returned to his former home, which was put on hold after a murder case, and no one has rented it.

He walked into his room, his mind filled with sweet images of being with Jessica.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and his veins bulged!
In the end, without saying a word, he pushed the bed away, and there was a hidden compartment under the bed, in which his weapon was placed.

A sniper rifle, a submachine gun, two pistols, four clips, and eight throwing knives!

After confirming that there was no problem, Chu Qing picked up the suitcase and drove back to her friend's house, but saw a nice suit on the way.

When I returned to my friend's house again, I was transformed into a thug in a suit!
The friend also investigated a small leader of the organization, recently drinking and playing darts in a bar every day.

He might know where the organization is now. After speaking, Chu Qing looked at the photo of the other party and the location of the bar.

Chu Qing set off directly and began to follow in the bar, but he didn't choose to do it directly. He had to hide himself in the early stage.

In the end, Chu Qing intercepted the opponent in an alley. When Chu Qing walked out of the shadows, a strong sense of oppression suddenly struck!

The directors sitting next to Chu Qing couldn't help squinting their eyes, and began to analyze Director Martin's use of the camera!
Immediately afterwards, the artists around felt their adrenaline rush!

Chu Qing showed them what it meant to be quick and agile.

The flying knife was like a living thing in Chu Qing's hands, the knife went straight to the opponent's joints and bones, and the opponent was already dripping with blood after a few cuts.

The strong white man knew he was not low, so he turned around and wanted to run, but the throwing knife in Chu Qing's hand had already come out, piercing the opponent's ankle directly, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.

"You, who are you?"

"Can't you recognize my eyes?"

"Impossible, impossible, you are dead, you are dead!"

"Unfortunately, no, but you are going to die!"

Chu Qing pierced the opponent's lower abdomen with a knife, but precisely avoided the internal organs.

"Now let me ask you, if the sound can come within half an hour, then you can still live, do you understand?"

The strong white man just screamed, and someone outside the alley heard him, but he chose to run away.

"Listen, I understand"

"Where is the headquarters now?"

"I, I don't know, only old Tom knows"

"Where's old Tom?"

"In the garage on Park Street"

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, and cut the opponent's throat with a knife, and the eyes of the white man were full of hatred!

Then the camera continued, Chu Qing came to the repair department, killed everyone, and left a bomb.

He didn't seem to intend to ask for the real address at all, but simply enjoyed the killing!
Such a big move quickly attracted the attention of the organization. In just half a month, one-third of their organization had already died!

Other high-level officials believed that it was a hostile organization who attacked them.

But only the leader of the organization understands that this is Chu Qing's return, and he is back for revenge!
But he is not the kind of cowardly person. He directly mobilized everyone to start looking for Chu Qing, and he wanted to solve him completely!
Subsequently, the offensive of both sides began.

But the other members of the organization were no match for Chu Qing at all.

Long-range sniping, mid-range gunfights, and close-up throwing knives, Chu Qing's strength made these people's scalps tingle!

And the decisive battle between the two sides is coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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