Chapter 443 September
Chu Qing has gone crazy!

Anyone who stands in his way will have an extra bullet between his eyebrows!
The movie came to an end, Chu Qing was driving on the highway, fighting with three other cars!

At the beginning, everyone didn't feel anything. After all, this kind of car chase is already a symbol of Lijian's movies.

But in any action movie of this kind, there must be this kind of chase battle!

But not long after watching, a director suddenly exclaimed.

The corners of Chu Qing's lips curled up. There are still smart people in the company.

The others looked at him in surprise, not understanding what was so surprising about such an 'ordinary' scene.

"Long shot!"

The simple four words made everyone understand instantly, especially those directors!

The flying car takes a long shot, which means that Chu Qing is useless as a stand-in at all, the one in the car is really him!
I didn't feel anything when I saw those dangerous stunts before, but now I feel terrified!

It only takes one wrong step, and Chu Qing won't be able to sit beside them.

"Boss, this is too dangerous!"

An artist couldn't help but speak out, and the others nodded in agreement.

"That's right, boss, the son of a daughter can't sit still. In your capacity, this kind of action can be used by a stuntman."

After hearing this, Chu Qing hissed, pointed to the big screen and said, "Watch a movie"

The others didn't dare to speak anymore, and continued watching the movie quietly.

After Chu Qing's flying car killed the chasing vehicle, he came to the local lair.

This place has long been set up as a net, just waiting for Chu Qing to throw himself into the net.

But what they don't know is that Chu Qing has already known the location of their base camp, and has already installed explosives in many places!

As soon as the remote control sounded, many places in the base exploded!
This directly disrupted the opponent's deployment, and Chu Qing took advantage of the chaos and killed him!
Simple, brutal, deadly!
At this moment, Chu Qing felt as if a god of killing had descended into the world, making one's adrenaline soar!

Especially men, always like to bring themselves into the male lead.

Isn't this kind of action movie so refreshing to watch?

In the end, Chu Qing killed dozens of people by himself, the pistol ran out of bullets, and the opponent was exhausted by him.

He detonated the reserved explosives again, and this time, the remaining minions were also emptied.

He found the gang boss on the second floor, ignored the other party's nonsense, and shot him in the head!
In the end, he shared the money with his old friend, came to the coast alone, opened a bar, and the movie ended.

When the lights in the projection hall came on, the audience moved their bodies one after another.

Staying in one position for too long can make your body stiff.

A typical Lijian country action movie, but this time the protagonist is replaced by a Chinese.


"Well, thanks to director Martin, the same storyline and different techniques can produce such an effect!"

"The boss's speed scene is also exciting enough, but I don't know if the audience can see it"

"It's difficult, there are too few knowledgeable audiences now"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just those scenes are cool enough! Now the audience likes to watch these"

Listening to the discussion of the people around, Chu Qing said softly: "When we go back, everyone will write a reflection, [-] to [-] words, and send it to my mailbox after writing."

After everyone listened, they all had a feeling of returning to the classroom.

What's the matter, is there still homework left?
Just like what the previous director said, audiences like to watch these now.

After this "Desperate Revenge" was released, it received praise from countless audiences in an instant!

A large part of people who go to the cinema to watch movies do so to relieve stress.

They don't want to learn anything in the movie, they just want to release their emotions.

And this kind of violent and bloody movie is undoubtedly a good means of release.

Especially in the case of Chu Qing as the leading actor, the blockbuster Li Jian Guo starring Chinese seems to have a sense of substitution and is enjoyable!
After seeing it, netizens are helping to promote tap water.

"Fuck, I strongly recommend you to take a look, it's so refreshing that your scalp tingles!"

"I also want to buy two throwing knives to practice, I feel so handsome."

"Punish! Then why not punish? Small life is getting more and more judged."

"This movie ticket is not in vain. After watching it, I went out and ran five kilometers before I calmed down."

"Exciting, indeed enjoyable, I haven't seen such a cool movie for several years"

Netizens have a high reputation for this movie, but critics are mixed.

To put it simply, it is cool to watch, but there is no content!

You enjoy watching it in the movie theater, but when you walk out of the movie theater, you may not even remember the storyline, typical popcorn movie.

However, this kind of movie is actually very popular. After all, not everyone watches movies to learn something from the movie.

Just like listening to cross talk, what can you learn from listening to cross talk?They just go there for the fun.

The same goes for watching movies.

But when the domestic box office came out, they were still shocked.

The single-day box office exceeded [-] million!
This data stunned a group of people!

Although there are movies with a higher box office than him in a single day, they are not too many!This data, envy the dead!
Some big V film critics on the Internet began to analyze again, why was this film successful?

The plot is old-fashioned, the plot is old-fashioned, and the only novelty may be the director's shooting technique and lens concept.

But can it be successful like this?No, their greatest success lies in Chu Qing!
If this movie didn't have Chu Qing, it would be absolutely impossible to achieve such a result in China.

Soon, the overseas box office and feedback from netizens also came back.

Foreign box office 3000 million!It's actually [-] million lower than China's box office, which shows how terrifying the China market is now.

"I didn't expect it to be starring Andy!"

"It turns out that he hid in Shawshank Prison during the years of his disappearance."

"Haha, I'm just putty on an empty stomach"

"Fortunately, it's director Martin, the movie he made is still so enjoyable!"

"No, I must watch it again, I love this movie so much"

"What's the name of this Chinese man? I want to look for his other movies to watch."

"According to the name of the Huaxia people, it is Chu Qing, she is definitely a good actor!"

Huaxia netizens felt a sense of pride after reading these translated comments!We love seeing what you've never seen before!Now I know that China also has good actors?

This September is destined to belong to "Desperate Revenge" September!

The box office is far ahead, and the movie is also discussed on the Internet.

All in all, two words are cool enough!

Even some domestic small studios are starting to prepare remakes. According to their thinking, they don’t need a script to make such a movie, and it’s enough to copy a paragraph here and a paragraph there.

When the time comes, get some similar actors and shoot them in minutes?

But soon they will understand what it means that those who learn from me live, and those who resemble me die!

 Ended at the end of the month, it should have ended on the day the outline was cut, it’s disgusting

(End of this chapter)

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