Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 445 King Kong River!

Chapter 445 King Kong River!
At this moment, the engineering company once again charged forward without hesitation!

They seem to be unable to see the enemy's planes, nor the enemy's artillery shells, they can only see the bridge in front of them!

A wave of belief supports them, this is the last battle, the last battle!
As long as he wins this time, he can go home and live a good life!

Because they were worried that the engineer company would not have enough manpower, the superiors decided to draw out a combat company to help the engineer repair the bridge.

This responsibility fell on the face of Lao Gao of the Eighth Company. He first sent the squad leader Liu Hao to the commanding heights to monitor the enemy planes, and then led the entire company into the task of repairing the bridge.

According to the estimate of the engineer company commander, it will take several hours to repair the bridge this time, but night has already quietly fallen.

Zhang Fei, who was guarding the hidden gun position, looked at the quiet night, but noticed something unusual with vigilance. He communicated with the whistle to make Guan Lei, who was at another gun position, raise his vigilance.

Sure enough, at this moment a plane appeared in the sky, it was the one that escaped from Guan Lei during the day!
He already knew Guan Lei's location during the day, and this time, he came for Guan Lei.

He has already filled the pill this time, and attacked Guan Lei's cannon directly!

Guan Lei had too few shells, and the enemy was an old pilot. He fired all the shells and failed to shoot down the opponent.

After firing all the shells, Guan Lei fired a flare into the sky.

Flares illuminated the night sky, revealing the aircraft's position.

But he was also beaten into a pool of rotten meat by the enemy's artillery fire.

At this moment, Zhang Fei, who was staying at the hidden gun position, launched an attack, and the pilot was scared away by the sudden shell.

But at this moment, they also know all their cards!

The fleeing reconnaissance plane, once again reporting coordinates to the military base, begged for a long-range strike.

But this time he miscalculated!

After the last grenade attack, the location of their military base has been exposed!

Katyusha of the Volunteer Army covered their base first!
After a few more hours, the bridge was repaired for the second time, and the volunteers began to cross the bridge again.

At this time, the sound of a reconnaissance plane came from the sky again.

In order for the soldiers to cross the river safely, Zhang Fei had no choice but to sacrifice himself!Expose your position and make yourself a target of the enemy!

He lit fires all around the fort, and the light was so conspicuous in the night.

Sure enough, the enemy planes were attracted by them, and the two sides began to exchange fire!
Zhang Fei and the gunners were head-to-head with the place, and they wanted to make a break with each other.

And this scene all fell into the eyes of Liu Hao on the top of the mountain. After witnessing all this, he picked up his gun and ran down the mountain, ready to help these heroes.

But at this time, an enemy shell fell, and Zhang Fei's artillery point was defeated.

Looking at the plane flying away, Liu Hao was stunned on the spot. Before he could react, there were explosions on both sides of the bridge again!

It turned out that when the U.S. military blew up the bridge for the first time, it reserved a time bomb, and at this moment the bridge was blown up again.

But this time, there were still many volunteers on the bridge who hadn't had time to retreat.

This includes Liu Hao's company commander, Lao Gao!When he saw Lao Gao again, the lower body of Lao Gao had been blown away.

He grabbed Liu Hao's sleeve and kept repeating two words, build bridges!
The fellow correspondent he had always had a crush on was also killed.

At this moment, Liu Hao only felt a wave of anger hitting Tianling Gai. He wanted to kill the enemy, but he couldn't see the enemy!
He roared and picked up a log, he was going to repair the bridge, repair the bridge, and kill those enemies!
And a cannonball fell again!

The moment the shell fell, he growled and screamed, without fear, only anger!
"Mom sells batches! You can't stop me! You can't stop!!!"

Cheng Qingying didn't know when tears were streaming down her face, and she had already thrown aside the small notebook that recorded the plot.

Although they knew that China had won this battle before, they only knew that they had won, and they knew nothing about the process of victory.

But now they understand that it was a victory bought with flesh and blood!

Those people seemed to be not afraid of death at all, and they went forward one after another, facing the gunfire, and forcibly moved forward!

What kind of thought is that!Before they knew it, the audience burst into tears.

Because everyone understands that a real war is far more cruel than this!

The bombs landed, and the scorching heat wave hit.

Cheng Qingying subconsciously covered her chest, not daring to look any further.

And at this moment, the camera switched again.

Next to a fenced high fort, Zhang Fei did not die, and he also saw the bridge that was blown up again.

The camera gradually zoomed in, and he fell into a pool of blood, barely supporting his body.

He lost a hand and a foot, but he still didn't give in!
Instead, relying on steel-like will, he hung the remaining cannonball around his neck with a rope, and found a dead tree branch to act as a crutch to support his body.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people shouted in their hearts not to go!
You go to the medical soldiers!Stop the bleeding in time and survive!

You have done well, really well!

It's a pity that Zhang Fei in the movie couldn't hear it.

Or he wouldn't care if he heard it, because that man killed his master, his brother, and blew up the bridge he guarded.

He must take revenge, and must give an explanation to those brothers who died in battle!
Or, he is begging to die.

When he limped towards another fort, more than half of the audience in the cinema shed tears.

Some things cannot be forgotten.

That is the family and country feelings engraved in the bones!

Zhang Fei walked through the cornfield and came to Guan Lei's artillery position step by step. Through the faint light, the audience could see bloodstains along the way he walked.

Pour the gasoline behind him, slowly walk up to the fort, press on the shells, and adjust the position of the cannon with the only foot left.

It was the reconnaissance plane that he aimed at.

"Rescue Zhao Yun in front of Changbanpo"

"Scare off Cao Cao's million troops"

Zhang Fei's voice was very soft, but the audience was already sobbing. They knew that this man would not survive. The explosion just now had injured his internal organs, and with such a large amount of blood loss, he would definitely not be able to recover.

No one can understand what kind of will he relies on to accomplish all this!
"My surname is Zhang, my name is Fei, and my word is Yide."

"Eternal fragrance is reckless"

Zhang Fei roared!This is also the last cry of his life!
Vaguely, the audience seemed to think of Guan Lei's ridicule before, Zhang Fei?Why did your parents give you such a name?How are you like Zhang Fei?

This time, he did!
The Lijian country reconnaissance plane from the sky flew over again. This time, he brought a large bomber and prepared to drop incendiary bombs on the bridge deck. When he was praised by the people on the plane, he fired one after another. Come here!

He didn't even have time to respond, so he died on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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