Chapter 446 Transformation
The reconnaissance planes were shot down, but the bombers were not.

And it has already dropped its incendiary bombs.

No one flinched, no one dodged.

Many of the audience cried out.

It's just a bridge, just a bridge!
And how many bridges were there back then?How much did we pay with our lives?
The camera slowly dimmed and became blurred, and the audience continued to watch with tears in their eyes, wanting to know the final result.

Gradually, the picture became clear, and the audience realized that they were watching from the perspective of a survivor just now.

When they saw the charred body of the soldier carrying the wood, the audience couldn't help crying anymore.

There was only one person left, the one with a broken eye.

But he still didn't look back, he carried his gun and walked towards the opposite side of the bridge.

He wants to cross the river, he wants to fight!If they win, they can live a good life with peace of mind.

As he was walking, he suddenly heard a sound and looked back.

Engineer company, charged up again!
At this moment, the hearts of the audience warmed up again.

Did not give up, we still did not give up!
Huaxia people cannot be beaten to death!
The camera switched to Li Jian Guo's reconnaissance plane again.

They came to inspect the bridge again, wanting to know about the bombing.

Immediately, he and the audience saw an unforgettable scene.

A human bridge!
On the hidden piles in the water, the soldiers carried the planks with their flesh and blood, forming a human bridge abruptly!
On this day, the Chinese people who did not believe in God created a miracle!
This made the generals of the Lijian Kingdom sigh with emotion. If they want to defeat such an enemy, unless God himself goes to the battlefield with a helmet!
The camera zoomed in slowly, and the soldiers trembled!But it firmly supports the bridge deck.

The turbulent river slapped around them, and even when the waves were big, they would drown their mouths and noses.

But even so, their hands are still steady.

The engineering company built two bridges early in the morning!One bright, one dark.

Everyone's sacrifice is worth it, they bought precious time for these two bridges!

The movie was over, the lights in the screening hall were turned on, and the audience lined up to leave.

When the audience outside the venue saw that these people had red eyes, and many of them were still wiping their tears, they were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?Is it so touching?

An audience member who filmed the second scene couldn't help asking: "Is it touching?"


"Hey, what a movie"

"Looking broken"

When he asked a question, many people answered him, which made him even more curious.

And several film critics and big Vs in the first scene silently bought a ticket after going out.

They have to read it again, there are too many details in it, and I really can't remember it just by reading it once!
And when watching it for the first time, many people simply forgot what was recorded, and went to watch the movie instead!

"King Kong River" is on fire, in an unusual way!

The entire Internet is full of news about King Kong River, especially the reckless person Zhang Fei yelled at the end, which was reposted by countless people!
More than [-]% of people who have watched the movie are helping Amway this movie.

In the face of such a high tap water, the number of viewers of this movie is rising rapidly.

When the results came out the next day, the industry was shocked!

Single-day box office![-] million!
Although this has the bonus of the National Day file and the credit of the school, but [-] million is [-] million!
Domestic films beat Li Jian country blockbusters!

Just like the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the movie!
The Huaxia people accomplished what they said was impossible, allowing them to see the backbone of Huaxia!
When netizens saw the box office, they promoted it even harder!Maybe it can create a miracle?
And the higher-ups are also very happy to see this result, they haven't had such a good movie for many years!

Especially the old leader who insisted on handing everything over to Chu Qing, was even more blindsided with a smile.

What is it called?This is called knowing people!

On the Internet in Bangziguo, there was a dead silence.

Especially those Bangzi people who have watched the movie "King Kong River" don't know what to say.

Is this a great country?

How can it be hard to fight against such a group of people?
Those people were not afraid of death at all, and marched against the gunfire. Are they really flesh and blood?

Wa country also looked stupid, no wonder his country was defeated, no wonder!

Is there really anyone in this world who can win such a group of people?
In China, there is no need to promote movies at all, word of mouth is the best publicity!

Even if you haven't watched "King Kong River", you are too embarrassed to say hello to others at work or school.

The most content in online chats is also about "King Kong River".

The way friends meet and greet each other is often "hey, have you watched "King Kong River"? I will never regret it!"

And the actors in the movie also became popular!

Liu Hao, Company Commander Gao, and female correspondents have ushered in their second careers!
[Bright Entertainment] also got the light of this drama.

Now when netizens mention [Bright Entertainment], there is no one who doesn't pick Thumbs up!

Seeing this, the officials even planned to take advantage of the victory and pursue it with another sequel, telling the story of beating King Kong River, and let Chu Qing play the leading role, and let him write the script.

But this time Chu Qing refused, and the reason for the rejection was very simple.

He can't be alone in everything!

In this way, future generations will feel that they are blocking their way!

The leader raised his eyes when he heard it, and slapped the table.

"They dare! If I'm here one day, I'll see who dares to explode!"

Chu Qing hurriedly comforted him, he had already been in the limelight these years, and if he wanted to go on in the circle for a long time, he had to change his position.

From fighting to not fighting!
Before, he fought for the top position, but now, he can watch others fight for the top position.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing still wanted to laugh. Before he reached forty, he began to enjoy the treatment of retired veteran cadres!
Later generations always follow suit, if Chu Qing keeps occupying the position, she will only become a public enemy!

Instead of doing this, it is better to train younger generations!Let your own people occupy these favorable positions.

Of course, Chu Qing would never give the best positions to anyone!
After talking about it, the leader agreed to hand over the task to others.

But Chu Qing has to be the producer of everything!
There's no way, without the great god Chu Qing watching, he is really worried!
Now Chu Qing has become a lucky general in his eyes, as long as Chu Qing is there, the box office will definitely not be bad!

So no matter what, Chu Qing had to be given a name, otherwise let alone he was worried, and the old leaders above were also worried!

Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't refuse anymore, so he could only reluctantly agree.

Time soon came to mid-October, and Song Dawei also finished his honeymoon, and he didn't know where he went, and he was sunburned into a little black fat man.
(End of this chapter)

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