Chapter 447 Southeast Asia

"Oh, you're so confused, why didn't you bring in the main drama? If we filmed the main drama, who would dare to underestimate us in the circle? This is the background!"

Hearing that Chu Qing rejected the invitation to the main drama, Song Dawei looked regretful.

Chu Qing said unhappily: "Who dares to underestimate us now? We don't need to use dramas to improve our qualifications now."

Song Dawei thought about it, and it seemed to make sense!
But I still feel a little regretful, because being in a drama represents official recognition, which is undoubtedly very important for an artist.

But now that Chu Qing has refused, what can he say?

"Viagra, how many newcomers are there in our company now?"

Hearing Qi Lin's culture, Song Dawei thought for a while: "There are probably more than 400 people, what's wrong?"

Although Song Dawei hasn't returned to the company for more than half a year, he still knows the company's every move better than anyone else.

"Our company should train a group of new people, or we need to have our own team."

Song Dawei didn't understand, the team?They're pretty good right now.

The top artists include Chu Qing, Zhang Mo, Duan Peng, and Song Wei and others at the bottom, which should be enough.

Why train so many newcomers?
The more newcomers there are, the more unstable it will be.

Seeing that Song Dawei didn't understand, Chu Qing said slowly.

"What a company is most afraid of is not being able to take over. I am popular now, but I am almost at the top! No one can stay at the top forever. If I go downhill one day, what do you think will happen to me?"

Song Dawei was a little dazed, he really hadn't thought about this question, because it was too far away from them!

Chu Qing is not yet 40 years old this year, and after ten years of being popular, he said modestly, why did he start researching Waterloo now?

Qi Lin didn't wait for his reaction, but continued.

"So I want to train a large number of people who go uphill! Even if I am going downhill, those people who go uphill will also have my shadow, so that others will not dare to act rashly!"

Song Dawei understood, but he felt that Chu Qing was a little too cautious. Now that [Bright Entertainment] is in full swing, why is he already thinking about retreating?

What was your ambition back then?

Chu Qing didn't explain too much, instead she took the initiative to change the topic and asked with a smile.

"How about Southeast Asia?"

Song Dawei laughed when he heard it.

"Very good. The artists we trained have now become their domestic traffic stars! The idols of the younger generation send countless letters to our branch office every day. They want to join them."

"And the TV series are also very popular, especially after using local actors, the ratings are very exaggerated! According to my idea, we might as well set up a TV station ourselves, why let them pick it up?"

Chu Qing shook her head, walked to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water.

"How many times have I said that the benefits are shared, and eating alone will not last long. We are doing big now, but this is also allowed by others. If the food is too ugly, what should we do if they directly block us? Don't you think we It can affect a country!"

Song Dawei shrugged, and took the water channel that Chu Qing threw to him.

"Even if we don't do this, I think they are about to start, you didn't see it, our company is almost monopolized now"

Chu Qing was startled, then frowned.

"Didn't I say before that they are scattered and use different company names? How can this still be a monopoly?"

"Yes, different countries use different names, but who would have thought that their local entertainment industry is so fragile? Even if we dismantle the sub-companies now, they can monopolize them locally!"

Chu Qing was speechless when he heard it. It really can't be blamed on those in charge, it can only be said that the opponent is too weak.

But if this is the case, then I should consider reintegrating the company and form a collective!How many years has it been?The opponent is too impatient.

Chu Qing began to prepare for the next step.

Originally, he thought that it would take seven or eight years for the company to grow to the point of monopoly. Who would have thought that it would be so fast, and he would be caught off guard.

As a result, that night, Chu Qing received a call from the person in charge of the district.

"Boss, have you read the company report?"

"Well, I read part of it, what's wrong?"

"Our company's profits have increased significantly in recent months. Do you think it is possible to consider expanding the scale?"

"Well, don't be in a hurry, you call the heads of other branches and tell them that I will go to the company at the end of October and inform them to come over for a meeting"

"Good boss, besides, many local schools have approached us recently, hoping that we can give their students an internship opportunity. They are all well-known schools. Shall we agree?"

"Notify them, tell them that I will be there early next month, and ask the person whose school decides to come and meet me"


After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing began to think about how to share the profits?

Now their contacts in Southeast Asia are still a bit weak, so it is impossible for such a big piece of cake to go out regardless of some.

After thinking about it, Chu Qing still called Lao Pan.

Although his family's biggest contacts are in Lijian Country, who made Chu Qing know such a well-connected person abroad?
After listening to Qi Lin's words, Lao Pan said that there is no problem. They did not open an investment company for nothing these years. They still met some people, and they established relationships. This is what Huaxia people are best at!
With Lao Pan's guarantee, Chu Qing felt relieved, and waited for a meeting at the end of the month.

But before that, I have to hold a meeting at the company.

Chu Qing called the company's top management for an impromptu meeting, and almost all the company's top management were present.

"Everyone, have you read the report on the Southeast Asian market?"

"seen it already"



Everyone in the audience responded, almost more than 80.00% of the people have watched it, and the rest have not had time.

Almost no one in the top management of [Bright Entertainment] will lie, because everyone knows that the consequences of lying are much more serious than admitting mistakes.

"Well, have you seen it, Liu Yue, please tell everyone briefly"

"Yes, everyone. At the beginning of October, we received the company summary of the Southeast Asian company for seven, eight, and nine months, and found that the revenue has risen in a straight line, so we..."

Liu Yue is the manager of the marketing department of the company. She is only in her early thirties this year and she is full of energy!
Although the Southeast Asian aspect is not under his control, he knows the situation better than anyone else.

After Liu Yue finished reporting, those who hadn't read the report also understood.

Chu Qing crossed his fingers and said: "Everyone, if we collectively change the names of the branches of several other small countries and unite them, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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