Chapter 448 Meeting
This meeting lasted for more than four hours before ending.

These high-level executives also understand that the Southeast Asian market is very important to the company. It can be said that it may become the company's biggest pocketbook in the future, and there is no room for loss!

At the end of October, Chu Qing came to the Southeast Asia branch.

I saw that the outside of our branch office building has become the busiest place in the area, with huge crowds, and the surrounding supporting facilities have also been raised.

What supermarkets, pharmacies, car washes and the like are all around the building.

Chu Qing walked into the company with bodyguards, and the person in charge of the company, Mourning, had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Chu Qing coming, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Boss, the heads of other branches have arrived and are waiting for you in the conference room on the second floor."


Chu Qing agreed, and Mourning hurriedly led the way.

Mourning is almost fifty this year, and it is not easy to win the position of the head of this branch. Although Chu Qing is only in his 30s this year and is much younger than him, he dare not have the slightest thought of taking a peek.

Because he knows too well, how can a person who can establish such a family business in ten years be a kind-hearted person?
Chu Qing and Song Dawei went straight to the second floor. Mourning opened the door of the conference room himself. The two had just walked into the conference room. The noisy conference room fell silent in an instant.

Chu Qing looked at them. These people were appointed by himself. There are eleven people in total, corresponding to eleven countries in Southeast Asia!
Chu Qing went straight to the main seat and sat down, Song Dawei sat beside him, and the rest were silent, waiting for Chu Qing's speech.

"I won't say more, how many have completely achieved monopoly now?"

The five people in the audience raised their hands silently. The country they live in is relatively backward, especially in the entertainment industry. It is a piece of white paper. In the eyes of these old fritters, they are just clean little lamb!
As soon as various means were used, the local entertainment industry was directly crushed!In the past two years, the acquisitions and annexations of other domestic entertainment companies have been almost absorbed!
This is the result that none of them expected!

The entertainment industry in the country assigned by the remaining few people is relatively developed, at least it is not a soft persimmon, and it is not so easy to pinch.

Now they have gained a firm foothold and have a place in the local area.

Comparing it now, I feel a little embarrassed, and feel ashamed that I didn't complete the task.

Chu Qing took note of the five people, and then asked, "How much monopoly do you have now? What do the local officials think of you?"

The person in charge of Yue N took the lead and said: "Now more than 70.00% of the content broadcast on local TV stations is produced by our company. Even in company advertisements, most of them are endorsed by our company artists."

"The local official's opinion of us is not bad, we are full"

Chu Qing laughed as soon as he heard it, and everyone laughed too.

Song Dawei said indifferently at this time: "It is impossible for people to be fed."

The conference room was quiet again!
Compared with Chu Qing, they were actually more afraid of Song Dawei!

Because Song Dawei's rights in the company are also very powerful, so big that he doesn't need to report to Chu Qing to fire any of them!
This is because Chu Qing will never doubt Song Dawei!He believes that everything Song Dawei does is for the good of the company and for him!
And in the company, Chu Qing usually played the role of the white face, and Song Dawei played the red face.

If they pretend to be too much, these people will naturally be afraid.

Song Dawei looked at the person in charge of Yue N and said: "There is no such thing as greed, there is no feeding, their appetite will only get bigger and bigger! So what you have to do is not to raise their appetite, but to tie them to on our chariot"

"If you want to be full, yes, then you have to run with the chariot! The chariot runs fast, so they eat more! Eat well!"

The person in charge of Yue N was a little proud before, but now he dare not say a word.

Chu Qing coughed lightly, and the conference room became quiet again, including Song Dawei.

Chu Qing is the top speaker in the company, everyone must give due respect!
Chu Qing's eyes fell on the person in charge of Sawadika: "How about you, how is the situation?"

The person in charge smiled wryly: "Boss, the entertainment industry in Sawatika country is quite developed, and the cultural differences are a bit big. It is difficult for the artists trained by our company to open up the situation, that is, they have just gained a foothold."

"However, our company's suspense-type online dramas are still very popular. There are a lot of audiences on the Internet, and the local standard for supernatural suspense is larger than that in China. Our movies are still very popular."

Chu Qing hummed, and wrote down the situation of Sawadika in the notepad.

Among [Bright Entertainment]'s branches in Southeast Asia, they are the two most extreme.

But this is not a question of the ability of the person in charge, but a regional question.

Chu Qing thought for a while and said, "Is there any problem with the company name change?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another. They had already made preparations in advance, and of course there would be no problem changing the name.

"Then prepare for a name change on New Year's Day! All of them will be called [Guangming]! Change to the company logo. But before that, you still have some things to do."

Chu Qing closed the notepad and said seriously: "The company only needs 50.00% of the net profit, and the rest of the net profit will be distributed! After the company's collective name change and merger, it will definitely attract the attention and counterattack of a large number of people. You need to stick together and get through this!"

Everyone in the conference room nodded, and they understood.

After all, they are equivalent to outsiders. How can it be so easy to make a fortune in other people's territory?
So Chu Qing used a simple and direct method to open the way with money!
The principle that people make money and birds die for food is applicable no matter where they are.

Afterwards, Chu Qing started to reconcile the accounts again, and the profits of these eleven branches have exceeded 200 billion since the Spring Festival.

And with a wave of Chu Qing's hand, the 200 billion was used to expand the company!To be strong is to have a strong look!

Not only that, Lincoln Film Company also got the box office share of "Desperate Revenge" and the TV station's ratings share.

The total of these amounts to nearly 40 billion. Chu Qing also took out this money, a total of 240 billion, all of which were used to expand the company and open up relationships!

This made the eyes of the heads of the eleven branches turn red!
240 billion may not be a big deal to those big domestic companies, but for them now, this is already a lot of money!
That night, the other ten company executives flew back to their respective countries one after another, preparing to change their name to United.

Chu Qing and Song Dawei stayed there because they had to meet the principals of those schools tomorrow.

When he arrived at the hotel, Song Dawei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It was a little too smooth"

Chu Qing just smiled, of course it went well, who made herself a B?
The system has saved so many points, and it is not for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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