Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 449 Lincoln Film Company

Chapter 449 Lincoln Film Company
The next morning, Chu Qing met several principals at the company.

Chu Qing, who has a full-level [language] skill, can communicate with anyone without barriers.

A total of six principals came to this day, all of which are well-known local universities.

They are here to approach the company, hoping to get an internship opportunity.

Of course, Chu Qing would not refuse such an obvious win-win situation, but Chu Qing also put forward her own request.

That is the outstanding students of their school, [Bright Entertainment] has the convenience of priority contact!
The principals also agreed to this. After all, it was just contact first. If they can persuade the students, they have nothing to stop them.

Besides, now [Bright Entertainment] is obviously the largest entertainment company in the area, even if they don't get in touch with it first, the first goal of those students should be here!
The negotiation between the two parties was quite successful, and the six principals were all smiling when they left.

Chu Qing went to the investment company, found Lao Pan and others, and went to see the completed film and television city together.

When he got to the place, Chu Qing realized that the film and television city was built in a western style, which surprised him for a moment.

Then he remembered, that's right, they didn't plan to shoot Chinese costume dramas, so it didn't mean they didn't need to build Ming and Qing buildings.

Chu Qing and his group walked into the film and television city to visit, not to mention, it was still built in a decent way.

The surrounding supporting facilities are also quite complete, including supermarkets, restaurants and cafes.

There are many tourists on the street, but most of them are group performers and crew members.

And Chu Qing also discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, many people actually speak Chinese!

Just now, a domestically-produced magic car, Little Bread, stopped at the group performance square, and a dark and thin man came down, and he knew at a glance that he must be a local.

But when the man spoke, it was standard Mandarin.

"Find the dead body, five people, five hours of play, and take care of the food!"

"Me! Me me!"

"Corpse I'm Professional"

To Chu Qing's surprise, many of the group performers also replied in Mandarin!Some even went straight to the minivan.

Chu Qing looked at the management staff of the film and television city in surprise and asked, "Old Guan, what's going on?"

Lao Guan said with a smile: "It's not because of our domestic scripts! You don't know, because our film and television studios are cheap, and they are all beautiful western buildings. Now many domestic film and television studios like to come to our filming studios."

"It's impossible for them to bring the group actors with them when they come to film, so they have to recruit locally."

"As a result, it ruined the market all at once"

"Originally, for the group performers here, you can find someone for about 50 yuan a day, and the older ones are cheaper, and someone is willing to do it at 23."

"As a result, as soon as our domestic crew came, we immediately raised the price to [-] yuan! All the local extras wanted to go to the Huaxia crew."

"Some of the smarter ones learned some Mandarin in order to attract the attention of the Huaxia crew."

"The group leader just now is one of the best. He worked in Huaxia Factory before and learned Mandarin. Now he has become the favorite group leader of domestic production crews. It is not a problem to earn three to five million yuan a year. Now he is very good. "

Chu Qing laughed as soon as he heard it, and Song Dawei was also very happy. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Lao Guan continued: "You don't know, since the successful construction of our film and television city, it has even affected the local film industry!"

"Before they shot a lot of themes, such as rural themes, police and robber themes"

"As a result, after the construction of our film and television city is completed, all foreign themes! What kind of poor boy's counterattack, foreign revenge, you can see a repeated scene in two or three movies!"

"Some people joked on the Internet, saying that they only found out today that the capital of the Queen's Kingdom looks the same as the capital of the Gaul Kingdom!"

Several people burst into laughter after hearing this, but Chu Qing was wondering if the film and television city should be expanded.

Judging from the current situation, the potential of this film and television city is not small.

There are domestic crews coming to film now, will there be more in the future?

If it is well managed, it may become a major income for the company.

A group of people wandered around the film and television city for a long time, and Chu Qing was very satisfied with it.

The construction is good, and the flow of people is good. The only disadvantage may be that the flow of people is still a bit small.

It would be nice if this became a tourist attraction.

Of course, this is out of his control.

And I heard from Lao Guan that the local area also wants to develop this place into a tourist attraction. After all, it will be considered a tourist city, which is not a small political achievement.

For this reason, the other party has poured resources into the film and television city, otherwise it would be impossible to have the current situation.

Chu Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion, sure enough, there are no fools who can reach high positions.

The other party obviously saw what a win-win situation is!
After staying in Southeast Asia for another two days, Chu Qing got up and went to Lijian Country. It was only then that he found out about the box office of "King Kong River"!

The total box office is 50 billion!

For a major drama, it is not low to have this kind of box office.

Today's Lincoln Film Company is no longer deserted as before.

Security personnel and staff can be seen everywhere, and everyone is in good working condition, with smiles on their faces.

Chu Qing came to the company headquarters and began to watch the data during this period.

Generally speaking, it tends to be stable. Although there is some improvement and profitability, it is not too exaggerated.

It's just that the cooperation with the TV station has deepened, and the popularity of "Breaking Bad" in the local area is not small.

Even the TV station has found Lincoln Films, hoping to produce two spin-off dramas.

The leading actors of those crews have also transformed into hot new stars.

Chu Qing was also very happy after hearing this, because they were all her own artists, and the contract period was as long as ten years!

Only when they become famous can they make more money for the company, so why not do it?

These artists can be regarded as smart, and they didn't want to terminate the contract just because they became famous.

They know too well why they are popular!

The higher-ups didn't intend to oppress them, and relatively raised the treatment of several people. Now these people can be regarded as luxury cars and mansions, and they already look like successful people.

This time, the higher-ups specially called Laobai Xiaofan, wanting them to have a sense of presence in front of the big boss behind the scenes.

"Boss, these are the two hottest newcomers in our company right now!"

The CEO of the company deliberately brought the two of them in front of Chu Qing. This was the first time for them to see the big boss behind the scenes, and they were both a little cautious.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous, you are the artistes of the company, I am the boss of the company, we are all talents right"

After finishing speaking, Chu Qing looked at the young fan and said, "I've seen your performance, it's pretty good."

Xiaofen suddenly became excited and didn't know how to express her mood at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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