Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 450 Preparation for Integration

Chapter 450 Preparation for Integration
Seeing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "If there are no accidents, I will let your character live until the last season."

After hearing this, Xiaofen relaxed.

His role is different from that of Lao Bai. Lao Bai must live to the end, after all, he is the protagonist!

And he, hehe, may go offline at any time.

As a newcomer who has just tasted the sweetness, how can he bear this feeling?
Chu Qing looked at Lao Bai again, and with Xiaofen, Lao Bai must have become much calmer.

"If you were asked to work overtime, would you be willing?"


The other party didn't think about it at all, and answered directly.

He also understood that what Chu Qing said about working overtime must be an opportunity!

Sure enough, Chu Qing continued in the next second.

"The company plans to shoot a movie, I want you to play the leading role, but the time will be a bit tight, so I will often work overtime"

Upon hearing this, Lao Bai hurriedly began to express his loyalty, saying that he was not afraid of working overtime!
The little fan on the side was speechless, of course you are not afraid of working overtime, if you let me play the male lead, I am not afraid of working overtime either!
Chu Qing looked at Xiaofen and said, "You two can't work together this time, otherwise it's too easy to fix the tricks to death, and people will think of your role in "Breaking Bad" when they see you in the future. This is you Want it?"

Xiaofen shook her head.

But it could be seen that he didn't give up.

After all, acting in TV dramas and movies are two completely different things.

"Don't worry, you will have movies in the future, next year at the latest, I'm not a person who favors one another, work hard"

Xiaofen couldn't hide her excitement after hearing this, and she became more and more sure of her idea of ​​doing a good job in the company!

After a simple meeting, Chu Qing let the two of them go down first, then looked at the CEO and said.

"How is the company's newcomers training now? Apart from the two of them, is there anything else that can be done?"

"Well, there are some more, I have arranged them to be painted in our company's works."

"What about film and television? Didn't you consider making two films?"

"No, according to your previous instructions, we put all our energy into American dramas. Thanks to your two scripts, our reputation in the American drama industry has been established now."

"It's different today, we can expand now! Is there any money left for the company?"

"There is not much left at the moment, but before the end of next month, some will be returned"

Chu Qing nodded, took the computer from Song Dawei's hand, opened the mailbox and said.

"I'll send you two scripts. You can find the director yourself. It doesn't matter if the investment is a little higher."

Chu Qing directly sent two scripts to the CEO's mailbox, and immediately said: "The first script is for Lao Bai, let him figure it out."

"good boss"

The CEO agreed, and was not in a hurry to read the script, but continued to report the company's situation to Chu Qing.

The company has been making good profits recently, mostly from the peripheral income of Breaking Bad.

The rest comes from artist endorsement remuneration and so on.

Then, it is the future direction decided by the company's high-level meeting.

When Chu Qing heard this, he stopped him, because the future direction was determined by him, and the higher-ups were only planning in the direction he pointed, and it didn't matter whether they listened or not.

He stretched his body and said, "Okay, I'm at ease when you're doing things, hurry up and make preparations for the movie."

"Good boss!"

After the CEO respectfully sent Chu Qing away, he had time to watch the script that Chu Qing sent him.

"law abiding citizen"!This is the script Chu Qing chose for Lao Bai.

A story about the revenge of a man who killed his wife and daughter is definitely very suitable for Lao Bai!

The second book "Two Smoking Barrels"!
The investment in these two books is not large, but their reputation is not bad, so it is just right to take them out to test the waters.

The reason why Chu Qing took the trouble to go to Lijian country and Southeast Asia, of course, was not for investigation or meeting.

After all, meetings can be held via video conferencing, and there is no need to rush around like this.

The reason why he came here in person was because of the main task issued by the system and the system props he exchanged for!

"Dididi, the ultimate mainline mission is released! Ask the host to form the world's number one entertainment company! Mission rewards, unknown! Time limit! 30 years!"

This is the latest main task issued by the system!

It should also be the last main mission, and the time limit is 30 years!

The reason why Chu Qing came to these companies in person was because of the items exchanged by the system.

[Integrate Alliance Card] After using it, you can integrate the affiliated companies marked by the host!

This is the reason why Chu Qing came to the branch in person. This item card has only one function.

Can help him perfectly integrate with these companies!
This is because Chu Qing has no plans to go public, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.

After marking all the subsidiaries, Chu Qing returned to Huaxia.

The next step is to wait for the unified name of the company next year!
Then, open branches to every corner of the world!It is not a listed company, but it is bigger than a listed company!
After returning to Huaxia, Chu Qing returned to the company very low-key.

The popularity of "King Kong River" in China has not yet passed, and online movies to resist US aggression and aid Korea have clearly become the mainstream.

Netizens who couldn't find this type of film even watched the previous black and white movies and documentaries.

Those old movies may be too old-fashioned, and the performances may be a bit exaggerated.

But the feelings in the movie are no worse than the current movie, which even set off a wave of nostalgia!

And many small companies in China have started movies with the theme of "Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" one after another!

Not to mention them, the same is true for some big companies.

Let's just say that now, it is announced that there will be two movies that will be released in October next year!They are all produced by big companies, with a luxurious cast, which is not much better than "King Kong River".

This made the leaders a little anxious, and regretted not letting Chu Qing play a role.

Otherwise, with their current lineup alone, it might not be easy to fight their way out in October next year.

"Brother-in-law, when are we going to make a blockbuster movie?"

Chu Qing, who was drinking water, almost spit out a sip of water, and said speechlessly.

"Are you a masochist? Didn't we just finish shooting "King Kong River"?"

Zhang Mo moved his neck after hearing this: "It's been a few months? No one asked me to make a movie, and I've been farting in the company."

"You are a majestic actor, can anyone ask you to make a movie?"

"Yes, but their scripts are too bad. I really didn't pick the scripts, but those scripts don't seem to be written by normal creatures!"

Chu Qing was directly amused, and looked at Zhang Modao speechlessly.

"Can you be more serious? What kind of script can be so bad?"

Seeing that Chu Qing didn't believe him, Zhang Mo simply told Chu Qing the plots of several scripts.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded directly, and he had to admit that there are still mountains that are lower!

(End of this chapter)

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