Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 451 I want to make a big movie!

Chapter 451 I want to make a big movie!
"Brother-in-law, do you think it's my fault for picking this one? I'll take that kind of book, let alone my fan, I can't even get past my own level!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing also felt the same way. This time, I really can’t blame Zhang Mo. Those notebooks were really eye-catching, and even made Chu Qing suspect for a while that the script was not written by a screenwriter at all, but an excellent composition from some elementary school!

Chu Qing coughed lightly and said, "Well, I can't blame you, but doesn't our company have an editorial department? Won't you choose a script to shoot? Can I not give you money?"

Zhang Mo said with a chuckle: "Can those scripts compare to yours? I still want your scripts. It's best if I can be the male lead and make a blockbuster movie!"

Chu Qing was a little puzzled, Zhang Mo is not such a diligent person, what is the wrong thing this time, he actually wants to shoot a blockbuster?

Usually when filming, this guy doesn't complain, but he often looks exhausted. What's wrong today?
Naturally, there was nothing interesting between the two of them, so Chu Qing asked directly.

"Why did you suddenly change your gender? You were not so motivated before."

After hearing this, Zhang Mo said a little angrily: "Didn't you read what the Internet said about me?"

Qi Lin shook his head, he had never heard of this.

"They said that I have never acted in a blockbuster movie, and I have fought hard from the beginning to the end. This actor is also the best actor! They said that I got the best actor because of my relationship with you. Don't you think it's annoying? I'm going to shoot one Big movies come out, suppress their arrogance!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing was very angry and funny. He is already in his forties, and if he doesn't study and have children, he still gets angry with netizens every day?

This matter may only be handled by Zhang Mo in the entire company. Just as Chu Qing was thinking about how to solve it, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Chu Qing didn't even need to look, she knew who it was just by hearing the door open.

There are only three people in the whole company who dare to push the door of my office like this, and now one is sitting in front of me, and the other is filming in another place, so the rest must be Song Dawei!
Sure enough, the next second, Song Dawei's voice rang in Chu Qing's ear.

"Qingzi, have you read the news? Now there are a bunch of grandchildren who are taking the rhythm! Saying that we are filming dramas every day is moral kidnapping and taking advantage of the enthusiasm of our ancestors! These bastards"

Chu Qing sighed, here they come, here they come again, did these two come in a group?
"Qingzi, according to me, let's make an out-and-out blockbuster to shock these grandchildren and let them know who is the master!"

Zhang Mo immediately stretched out his hand and said, "I agree, this time I will be the leading actor! Brother-in-law, you believe me, I will definitely not embarrass you!"

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Chu Qing was speechless.

"Okay, shoot, what do you two say to shoot?"



The two replied almost in unison.

"No, I don't mind if you want to make a blockbuster movie, but what kind of movie do you want to make? Is it a big director? A big production? A big scene? A big investment? What type of blockbuster?"

Song Dawei chuckled: "Children make choices!"

Zhang Mo also waved his hand: "Everything!"

"Then what type of film do you want to shoot? Modern drama? Costume drama? Police drama? Science fiction drama?"

Chu Qing's words stopped the two of them. After all, they just had such an idea, and they haven't figured out the specifics yet.

"I have no objection if you want to make a blockbuster film, then let's make a big one! But you have to think about what kind of film to shoot."

Song Dawei squeezed his chin and said, "How about a real drama?"

Chu Qing shook her head directly: "The main drama is not good enough. I just told the leader not to participate in the show, and ended up doing a real drama by myself. Isn't this a slap in the face?"

Zhang Mo said again: "We started out making gangster movies, so why don't we make another gangster movie to fill up the lineup! The ones who play tricks are all the first-line ones!"

Qi Lin shook his head again: "The market for police and gangster films has become somewhat saturated over the years, and there is also a certain upper limit."

When the two of them heard that this would not work, and that would not work, they simply didn't bother to think about it and asked directly.

"Then what type of film do you think should be shot?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "It's not me who Zhang Luo made the blockbuster movie, it should be something you two should think about."

Zhang Mo and Song Dawei looked at each other, and their eyes communicated silently.

"Cough cough cough, Qing Zi, we two still trust you! You tell me what genre to shoot, and we will shoot whatever genre! How about it?"

After hearing what the two said, Chu Qing pondered for a while and smiled.

"Domestic films, there is still a field that no one has touched yet, I think we can give it a try"



"Republic of China!"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "In the movie, no one has touched the theme of the Republic of China. I think we can give it a try!"

Song Dawei was a little puzzled and said: "What is there to film in the Republic of China? It's nothing more than spy war love."

Although Zhang Mo didn't speak, he also had the same idea as Song Dawei. The reason why few people took pictures of the theme of the Republic of China was because the audience didn't know much about the Republic of China and didn't have a sense of substitution.

Only some spy bureaus and romantic dramas will choose that time period.

Chu Qing shrugged and said, "I don't know how other people took pictures, but if I were asked to take pictures, it must be different from any of them!"

Zhang Mo slapped his thigh when he heard the words: "That's it! I'll play the leading role?"

Chu Qing looked at him and smiled, "That's enough, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it up."

Zhang Mo was a little confused, what's going on?I made a big movie, but you threw me out?
"No, don't tell me, what kind of movie can't I support? It's too bad, man, I'm also a movie star."

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll write the notebook for you to see."

"Hey, that's what happened"

Song Dawei and Zhang Mo's goals were achieved, and neither of them stayed any longer, and took the initiative to give up space for Chu Qing to write the script.

Chu Qing recalled it in his mind for a while, and then slowly began to write.

The script he planned to shoot was none other than "Let the Bullets Fly", the most popular of the Republic of China trilogy!
The influence of this movie is not small. It is said that director Jiang Wen has both art and box office for the first time!

Countless netizens strongly urged him to apply for World Heritage after watching it!I think this should be regarded as intangible cultural heritage!
There are countless famous scenes in the play, bringing director Jiang Wen's black humor to the extreme!

In the past, one set a record at the box office. If it is placed now, the box office is completely incalculable.

However, it is not that simple to make this movie well.

Not to mention, the three most important characters are Mr. Huang, the county magistrate, and the master!

These three people are not something ordinary actors can support!

Zhang Mo is indeed the film king, but he can't support any of these three roles.

(End of this chapter)

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