Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 452 "Let the Bullets Fly"

Chapter 452 "Let the Bullets Fly"

Although Zhang Mo couldn't support it, Chu Qing could!
In fact, even if the two of them don't come, Chu Qing plans to shoot a blockbuster movie in China!

[Bright Entertainment] Although it is strong, it is still a new company in the eyes of the audience, and it cannot compete with those old media companies.

Although Chu Qing won the Best Actor Oscar, everyone felt that it was Chu Qing's own ability and had nothing to do with the company.

It's like when everyone mentions the richest man in China, they all think that he is personally powerful, not his company.

At the time of [Bright Entertainment]'s merger and integration, the company needs a tenable movie!

And this movie definitely stands up!
Blockbuster?If this is not a blockbuster, then there is no blockbuster!
The name of the famous scene maker is not for nothing!
It took two days before and after Qi Lin wrote the script and footage of "Let the Bullets Fly".

As soon as it was written, Qi Lin called Zhang Mo over and asked him to read the script first and then choose the role.

Zhang Mo was still a little unconvinced at the beginning, who did he think he couldn't play?

But after looking around, he realized that these roles are not very easy to play!

The only person he can gesture twice is the role of master.

The other characters don't match him.

"I choose Master!"

Chu Qing was not surprised at all, and smiled after hearing it: "Okay, save it for next year's schedule, and don't take on the show this year, study this character carefully, and play him well, he will definitely look good!"

Zhang Mo scratched his head and said, "Who will play the role of the county magistrate or Mr. Huang?"

Chu Qing pointed to herself: "I'll act as the county magistrate, but I haven't decided on the candidate for Mr. Huang yet."

"What about the others? What about Hu Wan, the champion of martial arts?"

"Wu Zhuangyuan Duan Peng, Hu Wan Song Wei"

"Are you planning to use your own family?"

"Use your own family as much as possible, it can be regarded as a debut of our company!"

"When will filming start?"

"It will have to be next year anyway, actors also need a period of time to get familiar with the role"

"Well, I'll go back and read the script first!"

Zhang Mo turned to leave, while Chu Qing was thinking about who is suitable for the cast.

With a successful experience in his previous life, Qi Lin now seems to be almost meaningless to everyone. Fortunately, he has enough time to choose slowly, and he can always find the right one.

There is also the issue of the shooting location, which must be reported in advance to seek other people's opinions.

Just do it when you think about it, Chu Qing has never been a procrastination person.

The company will officially start the project soon and prepare to start selecting actors.

This time Chu Qing plans to have an all-star lineup, from leading roles to supporting roles, all of them must be well-known artists!

So Bright Entertainment started the first-level selection!

The newcomers don't watch it at all, and the worst ones to audition have to be third-tier artists, and they have to be the kind of third-tier artists who have just released their works and are popular.

In this way, he can only win the position of a dragon set.

For example, the roles of the second and third children are more important, don't even think about it, at least they have to be on the top line!
Such a large-scale action, of course, it is impossible to cover up the news.

It took almost a week for the larger companies in the circle to know about it.

Immediately afterwards, they started to act one after another!
First of all, I have to take a quick look at my company's plans for next year, and see if there are any movies with big investment to be released.

If so, they must stagger the time with Bright Entertainment!

The second is to call the company's artists and all go to Guangming Entertainment for interviews!

That was Chu Qing's movie!

How many people have made Chu Qing's movies popular over the years?Such a good opportunity, even if the salary is low, I have to go!
Therefore, the traffic of Bright Entertainment these two days has been significantly higher!There are not enough parking spaces at the entrance.

Some paparazzi reporters from the entertainment newspaper simply guarded the entrance of Guangming Entertainment. The frequency of stars appearing here is much higher than their guarding the airport!
Of course, the actors who came for the interview couldn't see Chu Qing.

This is not Chu Qing's disguise, but as long as they see Chu Qing, there must be a lot of people coming up to make connections.

Instead of this, it would be better if Chu Qing didn't show up and let Wang Wangjiao and Han Jie choose the actors.

Wang Wangjiao was mainly responsible for the reception, but Han Jie actually made the decision.

As the ace director of [Bright Entertainment], Han Jie has not been idle these years. He has almost won all the domestic director awards, and he even hopes to hit the Grand Slam director!

He has worked with Chu Qing for many years, and he is very clear about the effect Chu Qing wants to shoot from the script.

What's more, Chu Qing also wrote some short biographies for those characters, and he knew at a glance whether those actors were suitable or not.

On this day, Han Jie interviewed a first-line actor in the conference room.

The other party hasn't released any decent work for two or three years, and now that they have the opportunity to interview Chu Qing's film, they must do their best.

On the other end, his manager was talking to Song Dawei.

"Brother Song, you have to help my brother. Our company has invested more than [-] million yuan to make a blockbuster movie, which is just waiting to be released next year. Now that your company has done something like this, our boss has the heart to jump off the building."

Song Dawei said with a puzzled face: "Look at what you said, what does this have to do with us?"

"Hey, those people who competed with "The Shawshank Redemption" at the box office have not recovered yet, and several of them went bankrupt directly. What do you think our boss is afraid of?"

After hearing this, Song Dawei was speechless and said, "Then we can't stop making movies, right?"

"Of course, of course, you shoot yours, we shoot ours, the Chinese movie market is so big, as long as we can stagger it, everyone will be full. So our boss wants me to ask, when your company's movies will be released , so we can avoid it a bit"

Song Dawei: "."

The interview in the room was over soon, and the agent sighed after looking at his watch.

It came out so soon, needless to say, he must have told him to go back and wait for news.

Wait, this news may have to wait until the movie is released!

But after all, he is his own artist, so he should be comforted.

He could only make a gesture for Song Dawei to talk on the phone, then brewed his emotions, smiled and went to comfort his artist.

"Hey, take it easy, this is Chu Qing's movie, if you can choose it casually, how can there be so many people coming for the interview?"

Song Dawei witnessed the two walking away, and then the next group of actors came in for an interview.

The other manager's eyes lit up when he saw Song Dawei also.

"Hey, Brother Song, when will your company's movie next year be released?"

After hearing this, Song Dawei asked back: "Does your company have any movies released next year?"

The other party was stunned, and said in surprise: "How do you know? Hey, you don't know. Ever since we found out that your company will release a movie next year, and that Mr. Chu will play it himself, our boss's gums are swollen!"

Song Dawei: "."

(End of this chapter)

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