Chapter 453

Among the artists interviewed in the morning, at least half of the agents came to Song Dawei to inquire about the movie's release time.

The problem is that Song Dawei himself doesn't know!Now that the movie procedures have not been completed, who knows when it will be released?
And Song Dawei's vague appearance made them even more scared!I even wondered if [Bright Entertainment] was planning some kind of conspiracy to target companies like them!

Song Dawei was speechless, and he explained for a long time before letting these people relax.

The selection of actors is relatively smooth, after all, these are second-tier or even first-tier actors.

I can't get an interview for the leading role, but it's okay to interview for some small roles.

So before New Year's Day, almost all the roles were finalized.

The procedures for the film were also handled quickly, and the film was truly approved this time.

The actors who passed the interview also received contracts and scripts from [Bright Entertainment], and they all began to adjust their schedules, and they are going to start filming in March next year!

The props team of the company was busy again, this time Chu Qing asked to make a lot of props!
For clothing, firearms, trains, and even furniture decoration, etc., Chu Qing asked a lot.

Before the New Year's Eve, Song Dawei didn't live in peace, so he came to the Kaiping Diaolou in Guangdong Province.

It took a lot of talking to get the other party to agree to shoot inside.

This is also a helpless thing. After all, this is already the No.30 five world heritage in China, and it is also the first overseas Chinese world heritage project, which is highly valued by the local area.

And if people are allowed to go in for filming, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?
If a brick falls here, it is a loss!
This means that Chu Qing's reputation is so great, it may not be easy to change someone.

Of course, people also have other thoughts.

After all, Chu Qing's movie is a hit in China!
The local area also wants to let more people know about this place and travel here through Chu Qing's film.

If it can be developed into a tourist city, it will be a political achievement for them, and it will also be an additional channel for increasing income for the common people.

After talking about the venue, the construction team hired by Bright Entertainment came!
The local buildings are very good, but this is not enough. There are some buildings in Chu Qing's mind that are not here, so just find a piece of land and build them yourself!
The local area is also very supportive of this, and specially found a few pieces of wasteland, saying that it can be built casually!
Anyway, there is a lot of wasteland here, and Bright Entertainment also stated that when the crew leaves, these buildings will be donated to the local area, and the local area can do whatever they want.

How could the local people disagree with such a good thing?

Although the built building cannot be used as a house to live in, it is no problem to be a tourist attraction or even a warehouse, right?

After enclosing the land, the construction team began to work directly!
The building is due to be completed in March, less than two months away.

But fortunately, it is not a residential building, and there are enough people!It's been fine for two months.

Song Dawei did not return to the company after finishing these things, but went directly back to Mongolia to prepare for the New Year.

As for Chu Qing and Zhang Mo in the company, they have already entered the drama.

When Chu Qing saw Zhang Mo, he called Master directly!
Zhang Mo also cooperated very well, he knew that Chu Qing was helping him 'raise' characters!
When talking to Chu Qing, she also talked to the county magistrate!
In this way, the time came slowly to the eve of the Spring Festival. After the company's annual meeting, Chu Qing began to prepare for the integration of the branch.

Now the five companies in Southeast Asia have changed their names, and the rest of them will be a matter of years and years. Although Chu Qing doesn't need to make any statement, there is a lot of preparation work to be done.

Time came to the Spring Festival amidst the busy schedule, the whole family sat together making dumplings and discussing Chu Fan's going to kindergarten next year.

Xiao Chufan is four years old this year and speaks fluently, so he has no problem going to kindergarten.

The little guy knows nothing about kindergarten and is full of longing.

This is all thanks to his good education. If he does something worthy of praise, his family will say: "Oh, that's awesome. I will definitely send you to kindergarten when I grow up."

This planted a seed in Xiao Chufan's heart, making him think that only the best children can go to kindergarten.

In the evening, the Spring Festival Gala begins.

There are not two people who really watch the Spring Festival Gala in front of the TV, and the program is not even interesting to read the comments.

This is not to say that the Spring Festival Gala program is really bad, but because the audience's eyes are now higher.

Living in such an era of information explosion, you can know things thousands of miles away without going out. If you see a lot, your vision will naturally be higher.

If you look at it 20 or 30 years ago, when information technology was not as popular as it is now, the Spring Festival Gala is still the most watched program every year!

Even if Chu Qing is the director of the Spring Festival Gala, he has nothing to do.

After all, who can stand against the times?
But I have to admit that this is still the highest stage for artists, and countless artists are proud to be on the Spring Festival Gala!
This is not just a matter of popularity, but also an official affirmation!
For example, Xia Zhen!

Chu Qing promised this kid to let him go to the Spring Festival Gala, and this year he will go to the Spring Festival Gala, and the book was also written by Chu Qing for him, "Should I Help You"!
This notebook is more suitable for him. If it is Uncle Benshan's notebook, ordinary people really can't come.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing continued to visit from house to house.

Even though he is very popular now, his seniority is there after all.

The first one to visit was of course Zhang Sanli's house, and Zhang Mo was also at home. The first thing he said when he saw Chu Qing was: "The county magistrate, are you here?"

Chu Qing also blurted out: "Master!"

The two of them amused the teacher's wife so much that they hurriedly called Chu Qing into the room.

Chu Qing had to leave after the New Year's greetings, and there were still many homes to go.

Zhang Sanli didn't pick it up either, after all he also understood Chu Qing's difficulties, not to mention Chu Qing, even he had to go to pay New Year's greetings.

After a busy day, Chu Qing left four or five houses, and this year's New Year's greetings event was considered a complete success.

For the rest of the time, you can wait for other people to come to give yourself New Year greetings.

From the second day of the Lunar New Year to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing's family has never been broken.

People from our own company and other companies came to visit one after another.

Most of them are the actors who are about to film "Let the Bullets Fly"!
They will be working under Chu Qing in the next few months, and there is no harm in bringing some gifts. Isn't it strange that Huaxia pays attention to a gift?

In this way, the time came to the end of February, and the production crew was ready. Han Jie took the people to Kaiping Diaolou first.

Chu Qing and Zhang Mo came to the set with props on March [-]st.

On March [-]rd, all the actors were ready, and the crew of "Let the Bullets Fly" officially announced the start-up!
(End of this chapter)

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