Chapter 457

There are sufficient funds in the crew!
Chu Qing didn't care about expenses at all, she should eat and drink.

So much so that the staff even had the illusion of going on vacation, and even Mr. Zhou couldn't help feeling that this was his first time filming like this.

Now, the names of all branches in Southeast Asia are completely unified!

【Bright Entertainment】!
This matter did not have much impression on the fans, but the impact in the circles of various countries is not small.

For a while, [Bright Entertainment] even had the tendency to become a public enemy in the industry!
Some local media companies began to unite, intending to hunt down and block 【Bright Entertainment】!
But they underestimated [Bright Entertainment] after the alliance.

You are chasing and intercepting, then let you see what a giant is!

They want to compete with [Bright Entertainment] in movies, TV dramas, and variety shows.

As a result, the companies that were besieged directly asked for help, and companies from other countries immediately sent artists to resources.

Want to contain?That also has to have a big appetite!

Even if their domestic companies unite, can they compare to [Bright Entertainment] the union of several countries?

If you want to contain it, you have to contact other companies that are hostile to 【Bright Entertainment】to join forces.

But if their alliance is successful, their respective companies may have been swallowed up by 【Bright Entertainment】!

Now the only way to defeat [Bright Entertainment] is to sanction from above!
But it's a pity, because it's aimed at the jobs created around [Bright Entertainment], and the horrible taxes every year.

In a short while, the higher-ups will definitely not sanction.

If you want to defeat Chu Qing, you can, rely on your ability!
The time has leisurely arrived in June, after filming the last scene, "Let the Bullets Fly" is completely announced!
The crew of the entire film crew was actually a little bit reluctant to part with it. Is this the end of filming?In fact, we can shoot for another month, we are not in a hurry!
Chu Qing is in a hurry!The old leader calls more than a dozen times a day to urge him to become a film producer, and he has to give face.

After wrapping up, he didn't even go to the wrapping banquet, and went directly to the shooting scene.

As for the editing of "Let the Bullets Fly", it has to be handed over to the later stage and Han Jie.

Chu Qing believed in Han Jie's vision.

On June [-]rd, Chu Qing came to Hengdian.

The drama filmed above was filmed during the period of the Republic of China.

It tells the story of the underground party of our army risking their lives to send out information.

It's too difficult to shoot this kind of spy war drama well!
Because the audience itself is small, whether it is anti-Japanese or anti-American, the number of audiences is larger than him.

The reason why the higher-ups insist on it can only explain one point, good book!

But when Chu Qing went to the place and read the book, he found that the book was just like that.

It's not bad, but it's not great either.

And all of this, the moment Chu Qing saw the editor's name, she understood it all.

Gilded drama!

This is to use his Chu Qing's enthusiasm to praise his newcomers.

Chu Qing directly called the old leader.

"Hey, leader, I'm afraid I won't be able to do this part-time job."

"What's wrong? Who picked on you in the crew? You tell me, I'll deal with him!"

"No, no one picks on me. The main reason is that my ability is limited, and there are many things at home, so I can't get away from it."

"Chu Qing, you also know that it's not easy to invest in a movie, and I can feel at ease with you as the producer."

"Leader, with all due respect, it doesn't matter whoever is the producer of this kind of book! And this time, I hope you don't bring me along when signing the book"

Chu Qing's words immediately made the other party a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help it.

After all, he is the leader, but he is not the biggest leader after all!

Chu Qing is clearly telling him, I can see it, and I don't intend to get involved!
The leader hurriedly persuaded him, but Chu Qing naturally would not agree.

Now, he is not someone who can be manipulated by others.

Chu Qing also knows the difficulties of leadership, but it doesn't mean that I have to sacrifice my own interests to help you!
Chu Qing left the crew directly and returned to the company.

This made everyone in the crew look confused. They knew that Chu Qing was here, and some people wanted to visit.

In the end, before I saw the person, I heard that the person had left.

Is this to supervise the production or to visit the class?
Only the director and the screenwriter knew the reason in their hearts.

The director can only sigh, he has such high expectations in his heart, if the box office is poor, he is afraid that he will have no hope of promotion.

The screenwriter had already hated Chu Qing.

Some people are like this, born to feel that other people are his stepping stones.

If you don't let him, he will hate you.

But coincidentally, Chu Qing was not afraid of his hatred.

When Chu Qing had nothing before, she was not afraid of being threatened by others. Now that her status is high, is she afraid?
There are still so many points in the system, if no one comes to provoke him, he doesn't know how to spend them!
Chu Qing, who returned to the company, also joined in the post-editing work.

With the addition of Chu Qing, the editing speed was significantly faster.

There is no need for Han Jie and others to worry about post-production and soundtrack.

Chu Qing can take care of these tasks by himself, and even the soundtrack is made by him alone.

This stunned the other staff members, and they couldn't help feeling that if time allowed, Chu Qing could support a movie by himself.

At the same time, the publicity about "Let the Bullets Fly" also followed.

It is already the hottest topic on the Internet!

Not to mention the movies in August, even the movies in July and September are still under consideration, whether to change the schedule or not.

Judging from the current popularity, as long as the quality of this movie is decent, it can squeeze out the summer box office!

By then they might not even be able to drink soup!
This kind of thing, before it's too late!
Besides, the schedule has already been adjusted anyway, so it's no shame for them to adjust again!
As a result, some movies in July and September have also announced that their schedules will be adjusted and their releases will be delayed!

Those who were released on May Day before were all happy.

Although there are many movies released on May Day, so what?

You were still mocking us before, look, move them away!Isn't it time to grab the schedule?
The crow laughed at Pig Hei, bah!
After a few trailers, Chu Qing's fans were a little confused.

It's actually a movie about the Republic of China?

Looking at the picture is pretty good, but what's so good about the theme of the Republic of China?Falling in love or espionage?

[Bright Entertainment] has been keeping this secret, and the promotional video they released is also avoiding the important ones.

The first is to post a news on the official Weibo.

During the dynamic, Chu Qing gave a thumbs up and said: "It must be beautiful!"

This was quickly screenshotted by countless netizens, and then made into various emoticons.

Because of the emoji package, the popularity of "Let the Bullets Fly" has actually increased a bit, and it has become the most anticipated movie in China now!
(End of this chapter)

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