Chapter 458
At the beginning of July, "Let the Bullets Fly" was edited and sent for review.

It took only a week before and after, and the review was passed, the broadcast license was obtained, and the broadcast standard was met.

Other theater chains in China also came to the door one after another.

It's fun to say, after other companies finish shooting a movie, they always take the movie to the theater.

I beg my grandpa to tell my grandma to let them give more films.

As a result, when they arrived at Chu Qing's place, the theater dealers came to the door on their own initiative, begging for Chu Qing.

"Show it here with us, we will arrange more films for you!"

This is the difference!
Who let Chu Qing have his own theater chain?
If people eat alone, they will lose money this summer.

Besides, because "Let the Bullets Fly" was released in the summer file, no one else dared to participate in this summer file!

If they don't have a good relationship with Chu Qing, what movies will they show in the past two months?
There is no movie in such a big cinema, so why not let the audience laugh to death?

So this time, the film schedule of "Let the Bullets Fly" is extremely terrifying, even surpassing the original "Shawshank Redemption"!
This made the envious eyes of many insiders turn blue!I don't know when I will be treated like this.

But more people are curious about whether the box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" can surpass "The Shawshank Redemption" this time!
If it can exceed [-] billion again, then [Bright Entertainment] will become a god!
The current total box office of the company alone is not comparable to that of other companies. Another work that exceeds [-] billion is terrifying to think about!
All kinds of online big Vs have also embarked on a journey to gain popularity, especially those video bloggers and film critics.

Before the movie was released, they had already started various analysis.

As a result, after this explanation, I discovered that the promotional film is slowly full of details!

All kinds of detailed easter eggs, it can be said that they can take out any one at random, enough for them to study for a while.

As soon as the news came out, the popularity of these big Vs became even higher, and they even started to compare with each other.

How many details did you find?three?Hehe, I'm five!

Five is a fart, I have seven!
In the midst of all the attention, the time finally came to August [-]st, and "Let the Bullets Fly" was officially released!
A magical scene appeared, all the movie tickets of the day were almost sold out!

There are even cases of scalpers!

Movie ticket scalpers sound crazy!

But some people really bought it, just to see this amazing movie that was popular before it aired at night!

The movie theater was also crazy busy, and the person in charge of the theater couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It would be great if this scale could be achieved every day!

And most of the people who are willing to pay a high price for the first show tickets are film critics or internet celebrities!

After all, watching movies and interpreting movies is their job.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if someone snatched the traffic first?
Wu Gang is one of the film critics.

The only difference is that he used to be a young street director.

Unexpectedly, her career as a film critic exploded in the second spring. She has tens of millions of fans on Weibo, and she is an out-and-out film critic.

As early as after watching the promotional video, he was full of expectations for Chu Qing's movie. Isn't it just a movie ticket of 300 yuan?

"Let the Bullets Fly" commentary No. 1, I will be sure!

After queuing up to enter the screening hall, the audience around were a little excited.

This is not to say how much I look forward to the movie, but the excitement of watching the movie for the first time ahead of others!
It's like when fruit fans release a new phone, someone will always buy it at a higher price for more than a week.

After everyone found their seats and sat down, the projection hall gradually darkened, and the movie started.

The movie begins with an eagle flying and circling over the railway.

As soon as the scene changed, County Magistrate Ma, the county magistrate's wife, and Mr. Tang took the train to Goose City to take office.

They sang songs while eating hot pot, and there was a small team of guards.

The next moment, a gun suddenly appeared on the screen.

Zhang Mazi, played by Chu Qing, fired several shots, but the carriage continued to drive normally, as if it was empty.

"Brother, didn't you hit it?"

"Let the bullets fly for a while!"

Following Chu Qing's words, the reins of the horses pulling the train broke, and the speed of the train gradually decreased.

The gangsters put on mahjong masks, smashed their axes on the rails, and overturned the train.

The train fell into a ditch on the side, and the master and the guards were all drowned, leaving only the county magistrate and the magistrate's wife.

The gangsters searched the train and found no goods or money, so they took out a countdown alarm clock and asked the county magistrate if he had any money. If they couldn't answer before the alarm clock rang, they would kill him.

However, the county magistrate of Ma was pretending to be dumb, claiming that he was just a master, not the county magistrate, and then told the bandit after Zhang Guanli put on the official who bought the official.

He claimed that as long as he took office, he would get money!
Thus, Zhang Mazi transformed himself into a county magistrate and decided to take up the post in Goose City!

And the real Magistrate Ma has become his master, Master Tang!
Zhang Mazi's arrest warrants are pasted all over the gate of Goose City, but it looks like it has nothing to do with him, it's so ugly!
But in Goose City, there is an overlord, Huang Silang!No one dares to mess with the business of human trafficking and reselling tobacco.

Hu Wan, the steward of the Huang Mansion, and Wu Zhichong, the coach, came to meet the new county magistrate with an empty sedan chair.

There was only a hat in Huang Silang's sedan chair!This is Huang Silang's prestige!

And his real body was hiding on a tall building, watching the new county magistrate enter the city with a telescope.

But at this moment, his subordinates found him a substitute who was exactly the same. No matter what Huang Silang said, the substitute was well-behaved, but it lacked a certain momentum.

In the end, Huang Silang kicked off his teeth and asked someone to inlay a row of gold teeth on him so that he could look like himself.

At night, Zhang Mazi sat on the same bed with the county magistrate's wife. Zhang Mazi said, brother, I only rob money, not sex.

But when everyone saw where his hands were placed, the audience burst out laughing.

After dawn, the master told Zhang Mazi that they were late.

The previous county magistrate has taxed it after 90 years!The common people have become poor ghosts, and there is no oil and water at all.

Zhang Mazi said slowly.

"I never thought of taking the poor man's money! I want whoever has money!"

The master was a little scared when he heard this, but Zhang Mazi directly slapped his pistol on the table!
Zhang Mazi has a godson, the son of Zhang Mazi's brother, named Xiaoliu.

On this day, Zhang Mazi asked Xiao Liu to clean up the vine-covered drum at the door.

Who would have thought that Wu Zhichong would directly kick a commoner on the drum as soon as it came out, until the surface of the drum was cracked.

Zhang Mazi seized this opportunity to raise his prestige, and immediately went to court.

But who would have thought that the civilians in the court would not dare to say that they were wronged, but apologized to Wu Zhi irresistibly.

(End of this chapter)

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